The Beginning After the End is a high fantasy webcomic set in a world of magic and mages. The protagonist of the webcomic, Arthur Leywin, is reincarnated into the continent of Dicathen to the Leywin family, where he decides to live differently from his previous life. Based on the webnovel series, The Beginning After the End is lined with powerful characters ranging from mages to lances and asuras.

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Initially, the power scaling in the webcomic series tilted towards the lances, who were White Core Mages. However, since the debut and reveal of the Asuras' immeasurable powers, the list of the top strongest characters changed remarkably. Following the recent events in the webcomic, this list will present the most powerful characters in The Beginning After The End.

This ranking will be based on the main developments and characters in The Beginning After The End webcomic, not the webnovel. However, it will slightly touch on some details present only in the webnovel.

12 Arthur Leywin

arthur and regis

Typical of protagonists in most fantasy series, they tend to be among the strongest characters; Arthur fits this mold perfectly. Rising through the mage ranks using his talents and experience as a ki expert in his previous world, Arthur purified his mana core at a faster-than-normal rate. Presently, Arthur is a quadra-elemental mage at light yellow core stage in the comic, meaning he can use the four default magical attributes: Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water.

He can also use the deviant elements of fire and water, which are lightning and ice, respectively. But, above all, Arthur's strongest power is his Realmheart ability, which he obtained from Sylvia, the mother dragon of Sylvie. With this ability, Arthur can freeze time for a limited period and boost his magical skills.

11 Cynthia Goodsky

cynthia goodsky and avier

Cynthia Goodsky was the director of the now defunct Xyrus Academy. Being a talented mage herself, Cynthia is a silver-core mage that specializes in sound and wind magical attributes. Cynthia is an expert at manipulating these elements; however, that's not all she has. Her bond, Avier, a descendant of the dragons, assists her in combat increasing the skills in her offensive arsenal.

Unfortunately, despite Cynthia's grand position as the Xyrus’s Academy director, it turned out that she was once an Alacryan spy sent to observe Dicathen. Cynthia is bound by a curse that prevents her from revealing the details of her spy dealings, despite her now siding with the Dicathens.

10 Aya Grephin

aya grephin

Aya Grephin is one of the six lances elected to protect the continent of Dicathen. Every lance belongs to a faction: humans, elves, or dwarves. Consequently, Aya represents the Elves by representing the Elven Kingdom of Elenoir. Typical of a White Core Mage, Aya is powerful, and her magical attributes involve wind and illusion magic.

She is adept at concealing her presence completely, allowing her to sneak past even other lances who are just as powerful. Aya's illusion magic is perfect for long-range attacks such as creating hallucinations and close-range attacks like assassination.

9 Bairon Wykes

bairon wykes

Bearing the code name, Thunderlord, Bairon Wykes is a member of the six-lance group. He represents the Kingdom of Sapin, the abode for humans in Dicathen. Bairon Wykes was introduced properly after the death of his brother, Lucas Wykes, at the hands of Arthur Leywin. Although he acted callously, trying to blame Arthur for everything that happened, the occasion allowed readers to take a good look at his powers.

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Bairon is a lightning deviant, meaning he can wield lightning, a powerful mana attribute, effortlessly. Using this ability, he attacked one of Olfred's huge golems and destroyed it completely. He would have done to same to Arthur if he wasn't stopped by Varay. Typical of a White Core Mage, Bairon can also fly.

8 Mica Earthborn

mica earthborn

Mica Earthborn is another member of the six-lance group, the protectors of Dicathen. Bearing the code name, Ohmwrecker, Mica Earthborn represents Darv, the Kingdom of the Dwarves. Despite having the look and disposition of a young child, Mica is easily among the more powerful lances.

Mica is a gravity deviant, capability of manipulating gravity, allowing her to increase the weight of things she targets. Although her attacks were useless on the Asura, Aldir, she was able to increase his weight to more than 4 tons. In the webnovel, Mica also has another powerful ability that allows her to create mini black holes that will instantly crush anyone that gets sucked in.

7 Olfred Warend

olfred warend coated surrounded by flames

Alongside Mica Earthborn, Olfred Warend is another member of the six-lance group representing the Kingdom of Dwarves, Darv. One noticeable characteristic of Olfred after his debut after the fall of Xyrus is his sound disposition. He tried stopping Bairon from acting rashly by attacking Arthur. Olfred bears the codename Balrog, which he uses for his missions.

During the Xyrus saga, Olfred was revealed to be a magma deviant capable of manipulating Erath to become lava. Olfred can create giant stone golems comprised of magma rocks. The ability is a multi-faceted one, allowing him to even craft flying golems for fight transportation. Also, like every other lance, Olfred can fly.

6 Varay Aurae

varay aurae ice abilties

Varay Aurae is one of the six lances that protects the continent of Dicathen. She bears the codename, Zero, and is most likely the strongest of all the lances. Varay represents the human Kingdom of Sapin, alongside Bairon Wykes. Her powers were revealed properly when Bairon tried to attack Arthur thoughtlessly.

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Varay is an ice deviant capable of manipulating ice flawlessly. In the webcomic, she restrained Bairon and also encased the dragon, Sylvie, in a split second. In the webnovel, one of Varay’s biggest feats is freezing an ocean so it can be used as a battleground for war. Even Arthur Leywin holds Varay in high regard for her ice manipulation ability.

5 Kordri

kordri and his king force

Kordri debuted in chapter 151 of the webcomic of The Beginning After The End. As a member of the Asuras – powerful deities, Kordri is a formidable force to be reckoned with. Kordri is a member of the Thysetes clan of the Pantheon Asura race. Presently, Kordri's goal is to train Arthur so he can be a powerful pawn in the clash against Agrona of Vitria.

Apart from possessing extraordinary reflexes, Kordri's physical combat abilities are so incredible that even Arthur, with his impressive martial arts skills, is unable to lay a scratch on him. In addition, Kordri can use the ability King's Force, which allows him to cripple his opponent's mental defenses by releasing a malevolent aura.

4 Windsom


Windsom was the first Asura that was introduced in The Beginning After The End. First debuting as a cat, when he met Arthur, he soon shapeshifted into his humanoid form. Windsom is a member of the Indrath Clan, a member of the Asura Dragon race. Although he hasn’t revealed any potent ability yet, Windsom is undoubtedly among the strongest characters in the webcomic.

During the elimination of the Greysunders, Windsom was able to nullify Bairon’s powerful attacks by manipulating mana. Common to all members of the Indrath Clan, Windsom's true form is probably that of a dragon.

3 Aldir

aldir defeating mica

Aldir is a three-eyed member of the Pantheon Asura race. Officially debuting to stop the Greysunders from hatching their evil plan, Aldir is an extremely powerful Asura who stopped all the lances that attacked him effortlessly. First, Olfred's attacks were useless against him. Second, Mica Earthborn's intense gravity attack did not affect the Asura.

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Using the third eye on his forehead, Aldir can create powerful beam attacks capable of incinerating his opponents. Although his most powerful ability, the World Eater Technique, hasn't debuted in the webcomic, it places him above most characters in the series in terms of strength.

2 Agrona Vritra

arthur using different forms of magic

Agrona Vritra is the main antagonist of The Beginning After The End series. Although he hasn't debuted officially in the webcomic, he has been the center of critical decisions, which hints at his true power. Agrona is the head of the Vritra clan and is a member of the Basilisk Asura race.

Although he once lived alongside the Asuras, Agrona was exiled and then decided to study humans, also known as the "lesser beings." Agrona is driven mainly by revenge and his fascination for aether, a phenomenon only few can harness.

1 Kezess Indrath

lord indrath on his throne

Kezess Indrath or Lord Indrath is the leader of the Indrath Clan. Also, he is the father of the Dragon, Sylvia, and the grandfather of Sylvie. Kezess Indrath officially debuted in Chapter 151 of The Beginning After The End’s webcomic. He was first introduced as a character with a bored look on his face; however, there was nothing boring about his mana abilities. Lord Indrath was able to cloak his mana perfectly that Arthur wasn’t able to detect it.

Later on, when he did, he manifested a telekinetic-like ability allowing him to move Sylvie towards him smoothly. In order to prepare for the war, Kezess vowed to train Sylvie while Arthur embarked on his training. As the leader of the Indrath clan, it's only natural that Kezess will be one of the strongest characters in The Beginning After The End.

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