Streets of Rage 4 came out on April 30th of 2020, bringing with it all the glorious beat 'em up action that Sega's legendary franchise is known and loved for. Given the twenty-six year gap between the third and fourth games, many older gamers will be excited to see this title while younger folks may be wondering if it is worth their time.

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Five positive and negative aspects of the game are detailed below, which will hopefully help indecisive gamers make a decision. While the brawler certainly has some faults, it is an ultimately enjoyable experience, even if it is a little light on content.

10 Don't Love: Difficulty Curve

streets of rage 4 co-op action axel blaze adam lizardcube dotemu

The campaign, consisting of twelve stages, has a curious difficulty curve. The first two stages are relatively easy to get through. However, the middle portion of the game is suddenly the hardest section. The stages are longer and the bosses are more difficult. Then, the game suddenly becomes more manageable. Part of it is definitely the player better understanding the combat's subtleties, but the final few stages are also notably shorter.

9 Love: Art

Thankfully, Streets of Rage 4 does not try to make its graphics some sort of 16-bit retro mashup. Instead, the characters and world look more like they were ripped from a comic book. The characters simply look stunning, as if one were playing a cartoon. For veteran fans, seeing favorite characters like Axel and Blaze rendered in this new style is a real treat.

8 Don't Love: Story

Streets of rage 4 cinematic

Every level is separated by small cinematics detailing where the story is taking the characters. The narrative is not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but it feels inconsequential. Other than giving the players and the characters reasons for beating people up, it doesn't elevate the game to any new heights. The cutscenes also lack voice acting, which one would expect from almost any game these days.

7 Love: Accessibility

Streets of rage 4 combat axel punching

One does not have to be a hardcore gamer to feel at home with Streets of Rage 4. With its four difficulty modes, there are options for every level of gamer. Newbies looking to breeze through should go with easy, and normal provides a sufficient enough challenge for anybody going it alone who wants some resistance. Additionally, the gameplay is simple enough to understand, with only a few buttons to remember and throws being activated by simply walking close to enemies.

6 Don't Love: Post-Game Content

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The twelve stages only take a few hours to run through on the first go, and bonus content afterward is slim. There is a Boss Rush mode and Arcade Mode, the latter of which tasks the player with beating the game on one life, but besides those, little reason exists to revisit the game once the credits roll.

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Put simply, only those interested in tackling higher difficulties and unlocking classic characters will engage with it after the first playthrough.

5 Love: No RPG Mechanics

streets of rage 4 logo lizardcube dotemu

Streets of Rage 4 does not try to muddy the purity of the genre with RPG mechanics or a currency used to purchase upgrades. This makes it easier to simply jump in and do a stage or two for some quick fun instead of worrying about a character build. Additionally, one feels a progression as a player as their skills improve through a deeper understanding of the combat rather than numbers going up.

4 Don't Love: Repetitive

Streets of rage 4 blaze and axel combat prison

This one all comes down to perspective. Some gamers will find the action highly repetitive due to the nature of the genre, but it is all a trade-off for how easy it is to pick up and play.

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Anybody who feels this way should play on a higher difficulty. The tougher levels on the harder modes require the best reflexes and knowledge of enemy movements. Button mashing won't help surpass the most challenging levels.

3 Love: Four Player Local Co-Op

streets of rage 4 retro sprites

Anybody looking for a good game to enjoy with three other friends should look no further than Streets of Rage 4. Four people can play on the same screen for satisfyingly hectic cooperative mayhem. It is also perfect for a group mixing up non-gamers and experienced players since it is easy to help each other out.

2 Don't Love: Online Is Only Two Player

Streets of rage four Blaze and Adam combat

For some reason, online play is relegated to only two players. Perhaps it is due to technical limitations, but it would have been nice to tackle the game online with three other friends. Maybe an update will come in the future enabling this feature. Until that day, the only way to play with three other friends is local multiplayer.

1 Love: Surprising Depth Of Combat

Streets of rage 4 floyd attacking

Despite its apparent simplicity, a surprising amount of depth is hidden away in the combat. It is not about memorizing combos, but instead recognizing enemy attack patterns and being aware of one's surroundings. Combatants often try and circle around the player, so one has to know when to turn their attention to a different attacker. This becomes essential to victory on the higher difficulties.

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