Table of contents

Juri, a skilled Taekwondo martial artist, is known for her close-range kicking combat. In Street Fighter 6, she has evolved into a versatile fighter who can handle intense aerials and even excel in zoning. With a well-rounded arsenal of ground-to-air and air-to-ground combos, Juri is a top-tier character who fearlessly takes on the toughest opponents. However, her invincible moveset comes at a cost: She is difficult to control.

This guide, however, is a comprehensive resource for players aspiring to main Juri. It covers all her moves, combos, and strengths, along with useful tips to help Street Fighter 6 players transform her into a Master-level character.

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Juri’s Fuha Stock, Explained

image showing juri's fuha in street fighter 6.

In Street Fighter 6, Juri’s Fuha stocks are temporary buffs that enhance her reach, damage, and moveset. Juri can gather up to three Fuha charges simultaneously, which grants her a projectile and some linking moves. Unlike Manon's Medal Level, Fuha is not carried over to the next round. Instead, it is consumed per move.

Strategies for Juri

image showing juri fighting in street fighter 6.

Based on Juri's archetype (close-range speed), it's best for her to employ an assassination strategy. As an assassin, Juri's goal should be to swiftly execute her opponent and retreat for the next combo, making her most effective against whiffing enemies.

Juri’s three linkable Specials are Saihasho, Ankensatsu, and Go Ohsatsu. By consuming a Fuha stock, she can chain one attack with the other two, thereby maintaining her offense and keeping her opponent under constant pressure. Master the art of connecting these moves to unleash deadly combos.

Exploit Juri’s Landing Advantage

Because of her short startup, active, and recovery frames, Juri lands faster than an airborne enemy. Use this advantage to continue aerial combos on the ground or launch the opponent into the air again. Juri's Tensenrin (also known as her Dragon Punch) is the perfect move to initiate a ground-to-air sequence.

Zone with Poke, Projectile, and Anti-Air

Despite being a close-range attacker, Juri has a good ring generalship. Rely on her heavy punch, medium kick, and crouching medium kick to dominate the neutral combat. Bully zoners with her Ki-induced projectile or spinning anti-air Dragon Punch.

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Juri’s Move List

image showing super arts of juri in street fighter 6.

Juri has 18 moves in Street Fighter 6: seven Special Moves, five Unique Attacks, three Throws, and three Super Arts. However, her Fuha mechanic adds new effects to her Specials and allows for additional links that extend her move list.

Juri’s Moves




Forward MP

Unique Attacks

Senkai Kick

Forward MK

Unique Attacks

Renko Kicks

Forward HP

Unique Attacks


Back HK

Unique Attacks

Death Crest

MP, Back HP, HP

Unique Attacks



Special Move



Special Move



Special Move

Go Ohsatsu


Special Move


Dragon Punch

Special Move



Special Move



Special Move

Sakkai Fuhazan


Super Art Lv. 1

Feng Shui Engine


Super Art Lv. 2

Kaisen Dankai Raku


Super Art Lv. 3

Spider Fang Throw



Shadow Kick Throw

Back LP, LK



Jumping LP, LK


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Best Combos for Juri

image showing juri doing a combo in street fighter 6.

To execute successful combos with Juri, players should follow the sequence of poke, pound, and pressure. First, check for vulnerabilities and then proceed with a series of chained attacks. Finally, deliver a knockdown blow that creates an Okizeme opportunity.

Beginner: DR + F. MK + C. MP + QCF MK

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Drive Rush + Forward Medium Kick + Crouching Medium Kick + Quarter-Circle Forward Medium Kick

Drive Rush + Forward Medium + Down Medium + Down Special

For those new to playing Juri, a useful combo is initiating with a Drive Rush followed by a medium forward kick, then concluding with a crouching medium punch and Ankensatsu. The added benefit of this sequence is that it keeps the opponent within range for potential follow-up attacks.

Intermediate: J. HK + C. HP + QCF HK + FQCF HP

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Jumping Heavy Kick + Crouching Heavy Punch + Quarter-Circle Forward Heavy Kick + Forward-Quarter-Circle Forward Heavy Punch


With a heavy jumping kick into a heavy crouching punch, players can create an opening for a Go Ohsatsu and Tensenrin combination. This sequence is particularly effective when the opponent crouches or plays defensively in the corners.

Advanced: C. MP + DR + C. HP + MP + C. MP + QCB MK + Super Art Lv. 3

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Crouching Medium Punch + Drive Rush + Crouching Heavy Punch + Medium Punch + Crouching Medium Punch + Quarter-Circle Back Medium Kick + Double Quarter-Circle Back Kick

Down Medium + Drive Rush + Down Heavy + Medium + Down Medium + Special + Down Special Heavy

To execute a devastating combo with Juri, begin with a crouching medium punch followed by a Drive Rush. Then, follow up with a crouching heavy punch, medium punch, and another crouching medium punch. This sequence sets the stage for a quarter-circle back medium kick, which leads to Juri's Level 3 Super Art.

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Pros and Cons of Playing as Juri

image showing juri in street fighter 6.

As one of the top fighters in Street Fighter 6’s tier list, Juri has no significant flaws. She is an all-round character with excellent pokes, consistent close-range links, and effective aerial combat skills. What makes Juri a rather complicated pick for beginners is her Fuha mechanic and her on-block disadvantages.


  • Safe pokes and checks
  • Linkable Special Moves
  • Deadly anti-air Special
  • Landing advantage in aerial combat
  • Effective air-to-ground and ground-to-air combos


  • Buff reliance
  • Grapple vulnerability

Tips for Winning with Juri

image showing juri in street fighter 6.

Juri is a highly agile and deadly character, making her a reliable choice for any match. To win with her, players simply need to poke their opponent and capitalize on their mistakes. For those seeking more specific advice, here are three expert tips to elevate Juri's gameplay strategy.

Deflect Projectiles with Fuhajin

With Fuhajin (QCB-K), players can deflect enemy projectiles and earn a Fuha stock along the process. This a crucial defensive strategy, especially when Juri is facing off against long-range zoners like JP or Dhalsim.

Stock One Fuha for the Level 1 Super Art

Juri's initial Super Art, Sakkai Fuhazan, is a potent combination of kicks. However, combined with a Fuha, it acquires more pushback influence, making it likelier to wall-slam the opponent. Try mixing this Super Art with Fuhajin to unleash its potential.

Turn Normals into Specials with Level 2 Super Art

As one of the best Super Arts in Street Fighter 6, Juri’s Feng Shui Engine is crucial to her gameplay. With this move, Juri gains a temporary buff that allows for canceling normal moves into other normal moves or even unique attacks. Take advantage of this buff to confuse the opponent and hit them with unpredictable combos they didn’t see coming.

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How to Counter Juri

Dhalsim in the character roster in Street Fighter 6

There are two types of counters for Juri: long-range zoners and close-range grapplers. The former group, which includes fighters such as JP and Dhalsim, can keep Juri's pressure at bay. Meanwhile, the latter group, including characters like Guile and Marisa, can take advantage of Juri's risky gameplay and break her stance with meaty command grabs.

Alternatively, standard or mid-range characters like Ryu and Manon can also be used to counter Juri, although this may be a slightly more challenging strategy.

Street Fighter 6 is available now for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.