Table of contents

The wind-slashing, strong-jawed Guile returns to the series in Street Fighter 6. Joining the series in the second installment in 1992, the Air Force officer is a long-range, normal-type fighter using projectiles and aerial counters to control the battle.

Guile is also one of the few fighters in Street Fighter 6 that use charge inputs, making his play style highly versatile and unique when compared to other fighters. With so much fighting opportunity packed into one character, it can be difficult to pinpoint the best tactics when playing Guile - this guide will outline the best strategies players can use to make Guile an unstoppable slashing force.

RELATED: Street Fighter 6: How to Play Dhalsim (Move List, Combos, Tips & More)

Strategies for Guile

sf6 - guile - pose1

Guile excels in the mid to long ranges, leaning on his fast-recovering projectiles and long-reaching melee strikes to zone and wear down enemies. Since his special moves require charge inputs, Guile can quickly transition from defense to offense to take control of the fight at any moment.

  • Keep charge ready when not attacking. Whether blocking an incoming succession of blows or crouching while enemies are far away, maintain a back or down charge ready to launch into one of Guile's special moves quickly.
  • Master Sonic Boom. Guile's most critical move, Sonic Boom, can be used to launch a devastating combo or as a defensive attack to create space between an enemy getting too close for comfort. Sonic Boom can also be used along with Guile's Sonic Blade and Solid Puncher moves for upgraded effects.
  • Control the movement. Guile has several unique attacks that can move him closer to his opponents while attacking. Use these moves along with Guile's long-range projectiles to manage space to the enemy and close in at the perfect moment. Additionally, Guile's many high strikes and aerial grab counters can prevent enemies from jumping in to close the gap.

Guile Move List

sf6 - guile - superarts

Guile has three super arts, four throws, five special moves, and 12 unique attacks in his arsenal, for a total of 24 individual moves (excluding common attacks). While Guile does not have many special moves in his kit, his wide variety of unique attacks gives players multiple ways to set up combos and take down opponents.




Sonic Hurricane

Send a slashing gust forward. Angle of attack can be changed depending on command input

Super Art 1

Solid Puncher

Surrounds Guile's fists with gusts of energy

Super Art 2

Crossfire Somersault

Launch your opponent into the air and slam them back to the ground with a series of somersault kicks

Super Art 3

Sonic Boom

Fire a rotating slash to the front

Special Move

Somersault Kick

An upwards kick that is invincible against jumping attacks

Special Move

Sonic Blade

Summons a stationary slash to the front

Special Move

Sonic Cross

Combines Sonic Blade with a second slash that moves forward

Special Move

Sonic Break

Fires aerial slashes while Solid Puncher is active. Projectile speed can be adjusted with directional inputs

Special Move

Dragon Sweep

A series of low attacks that cannot be blocked standing. Knocks opponents to the ground.

Unique Attack

Full Bullet Magnum

A downward punch that cannot be blocked crouching

Unique Attack

Burning Straight

A quick punch that can be canceled into special moves

Unique Attack

Spinning Back Knuckle

A backhand strike that moves Guile forward

Unique Attack

Knee Bazooka

A rising knee strike that moves Guile forward

Unique Attack

Rolling Sabat

A jumping kick that can move Guile forward or backward

Unique Attack

Reverse Spin Kick

A long-reaching high kick that can dodge sweep attacks

Unique Attack

Guile High Kick

A strong kick that can counter-jumping attacks

Unique Attack

Recoil Cannon

A punch combination that knocks opponents backward

Unique Attack

Double Shot

A low punching combo that can be canceled into super moves

Unique Attack

Drake Fang

A low kick followed by an overhead strike

Unique Attack

Phantom Cutter

A low kick followed by a high kick that knocks opponents into the air

Unique Attack

Dragon Suplex

Slip behind your opponent while grabbing their arms and head and slam them to the ground


Judo Throw

Grab your opponent's arm and throw them behind you


Flying Mare

An aerial grab that throws your opponent back to the ground


Flying Buster Drop

Grab your opponent midair, smash their back on the descent, and throw them behind


Guile's Best Combos

sf6 - guile - reverse kick

While Guile excels at dealing damage from all ranges, his best combos mix long-range attacks with quick movements and significant close-range damage.

Beginner Combo: Drake Fang + Dragon Sweep

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Down + Medium Kick, Forward + Medium Punch, Down + Heavy Kick

Down + Medium Attack, Forward + Medium Attack, Down-Forward Heavy Attack

A combo that mixes low and mid-attacks for a good burst of damage. Open with a low kick and overhead strike, then follow up with sweeping kicks that knock the enemy down.

Intermediate Combo: Backward Rolling Sabat + Spinning Back Knuckle + Burning Straight + Sonic Blade

sf6 - guile - pose2

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Back + Medium Kick, Forward + Heavy Punch, Back + Heavy Punch, Down, Down-Back, Back + Punch

Back + Medium Attack, Forward + Heavy Attack, Back + Heavy Attack, Special Attack

A powerful mid-range combo that takes advantage of Guile's high mobility unique attacks. Jump back with a kick that is hard to counter, then step back in with a heavy backhand strike. Launch into a quick Burning Straight punch, then cancel into Sonic Blade. Players can use overdrive or followup with a Sonic Boom to enhance the damage of this combo.

Advanced Combo: Knee Bazooka + Sonic Boom + Guile High Kick + Drake Fang + Knee Bazooka + Crossfire Somersault

sf6 - guile - action shot

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Back (Hold) + Light Kick, Back (Release), Forward + Punch, Down-Forward + Heavy Kick, Down + Medium Kick, Forward + Medium Punch, Back (Hold) + Light Kick, Back (Release), Forward, Back, Forward + Kick

Cannot be performed with Modern Controls

A devastating combo that combines all of Guile's strengths to unleash high damage with a series of hard-to-counter strikes. Fly in with a Knee Bazooka, and use the charge to unleash a Sonic Boom. Quickly lock the enemy with a high kick, followed by a low kick and overhead strike. Close the gap with another Knee Bazooka, and transition the charge into the Crossfire Somersault super art.

Tips for Winning with Guile

sf6 - guile - guile wins

With so much versatility, it can be difficult to master every trick up Guile's sleeve. Players looking to master Guile will want to become familiar with every strategy at his disposal and learn how to quickly alternate between a zoning focus, a defensive focus, and closing the gap and unleashing damage.

Here are some advanced tips for playing as Guile:

  • A zoning master is an aerial throw master. When focusing on playing at a distance, players can control all vertical lanes of the fight with Guile's aerial throws. If enemies try to dodge a thrown projectile, jump into them and grab them to slam them back down.
  • Use Overdrive Sonic Blade to control space. Overdrive Sonic Blade lasts longer and deals significantly more damage, creating a variety of uses. Players can use it simply to push enemies away from close range, in combination with an overdrive Sonic Boom for a huge blast of damage, or to taunt and tempt enemies to jump forward into a fight, leaving them vulnerable to one of Guile's many high attacks.
  • Control the sky. In addition to his aerial throws, Guile can counter incoming aerial attacks with a variety of unique attacks, special moves, and super arts. Force enemies to jump in or simply be patient and wait for the proper moment to counter and punish.

How to Counter Guile

sf6 - guile - pose

Guile has a lot of tactics up his sleeve, making him a good match-up against most fighters on the roster. Players looking to defeat Guile will want to abuse close-range power fighters like E. Honda or Marisa that can overpower and out-damage Guile at close range. Preventing Guile from creating space and keeping him locked up with strong grabs and invulnerable attacks will completely nullify his damage output while maintaining control of the pace of the fight.

Street Fighter 6 is available now on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox Series S|X.