Table of contents

Cammy is a highly skilled Delta Red agent who uses the organization's combat style to take down her opponents. Her quick jabs and kicks make her a formidable rival in the ring, and she has consistently been ranked as one of the top-tier fighters in Street Fighter 6.

While many pro players consider her to be one of the best-balanced characters in the game, her fast-paced gameplay and high-risk strategy can make it difficult for beginners to master her. But fear not; this guide will provide tips on how to play Cammy like a seasoned fighter, including information on her moves, combos, and ways to counter her opponents.

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Strategies for Cammy

image showing cammy in the middle of the battle ground in street fighter 6.

Ideally, Cammy should get in, check, execute, and leave. Therefore, she should devise a rapid strategy that relies on combinations with brief startups ending in knockdowns, granting her sufficient time and room to readjust and plan her next action. The worst strategy for Cammy, however, would be a risky, all-out game plan that gives the opponent a punishment advantage.

Leverage Cammy's Agility

Cammy is all about movement and speed. Use her dash instead of Drive Rush to save up Drive Gauge for pushback combos. Treat her fast walks as footwork to keep the opponent guessing.

Avoid Punishment Traps

Despite her speed archetype, Cammy is prone to heavy punishments. To avoid traps, check the enemy with light and medium normals and get in with moves that have an on-block frame advantage. Cammy’s three moves with on-block plus are Crouching Heavy Punch, Heavy Quick Spin Knuckle, and Razor's Edge Slicer.

Reduce the Risk with Feints

Silent Step is a Special Move that acts as Cammy’s primary feint. Cancel a Hooligan into a quick drop to test the enemy’s reaction, and follow up with a long-reaching punishment like the Spiral Arrow if they make mistakes.

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Cammy’s Move List

image showing cammy's super arts in street fighter 6.

In Street Fighter 6, Cammy’s Command List has 22 moves, including ten Specials, five Unique Moves, four Super Arts, and three Throws.

Cammy’s Move



Lift Uppercut


Unique Attack

Delayed Ripper


Unique Attack

Assault Blade


Unique Attack

Lift Combination

4MK + HK

Unique Attack

Swing Combination


Unique Attack

Spiral Arrow

QCF + K (or HK)

Special Move

Cannon Spike

623 + K (or HK)

Special Move

Quick Spin Knuckle


Special Move

Cannon Strike


Special Move

Hooligan Combination

QCF + P (or HP)

Special Move

Razor's Edge Slicer


Special Move

Hooligan Cannon Strike

QCF + P + K

Special Move

Reverse Edge

QCF + P + Down K

Special Move

Fatal Leg Twister

QCF + P + LP + LK

Special Move

Silent Step

QCF + P + P

Special Mov

Spin Drive Smasher

Double-QCF + K

Super Art Lv. 1

Killer Bee Spin

Double-QCB + K

Super Art Lv. 2

Aerial Killer Bee Spin

Double-QCB + K (Aerial)

Super Art Lv. 2

Delta Red Assault

Double-QCF + P

Super Art Lv. 3

Rough Landing

LP + LK (forward or neutral)


Delta Throw

Back LP + LK


Leg Scissors Choke

Jumping LP + LK


Best Combos for Cammy

image showing cammy performing a combo in street fighter 6.

The perfect order for Cammy’s combination is poke, break, pound. Identify the opening in the enemy’s guard, disrupt their stance, and bully them with chained attacks.After using combos, Cammy should retreat quickly in case the enemy is preparing to counter with a punishment.

Beginner: Back HK + QCF K

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Back heavy kick + quarter-circle forward kick

Back heavy + neutral Special

A back-heavy kick into the Spiral Arrow is Cammy’s easiest and most effective combo. Use this to push the opponent back and trap them in the corner for follow-up attacks. However, note that the initial part, the back HK, is -7 on the block. So, it’s best to poke in advance and go for it only if there’s an opening.

Intermediate: QCB KK + Back MP, HK + J. MP + FJ. QCB K

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Quarter-circle back kick, kick + back medium punch, heavy kick + jumping medium punch + forward jump quarter-circle back kick

Aerial Special + back medium, heavy + jumping medium + aerial Special

For an unpredictable combo, start with Cammy’s Overdrive Cannon Strike, followed by the Lift Combination, and conclude with a medium jumping punch into a forward jump Cannon Strike. This combination is tricky to land, as it requires precise timing and has no canceling window.

Advanced: J. HK + HP + HK + QCB KK + DR HP + QCF HK (Charged) + QCF-QCF P

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Jumping heavy kick + heavy punch + heavy kick + quarter-circle back kick, kick + Drive Rush heavy punch + quarter-circle-forward heavy kick + double quarter-circle forward punch

Jumping heavy + heavy + heavy + aerial Special + drive rush heavy + neutral special + down Special heavy

Players can land a 5,000-damage Cammy combo utilizing her Level 3 Super Art. To pull it off, start with a heavy jumping kick followed by a heavy standing punch and kick, leading into an Overdrive Cannon Strike. Then, narrow the distance with a Drive Rush heavy punch and a charged Spiral Arrow that ends in Cammy's Level 3 Super.

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Pros and Cons of Playing Cammy

Cammy Backshot Street Fighter 6

As a speedy fighter, Cammy’s biggest advantage is her movement. She can close a full-screen gap in seconds, making her less reliant on Drive Rush. Thanks to her quick in-and-out combos, Cammy is also a reliable executioner. Her major flaws, however, are her low damage and risky game plan.


  • Fast movement
  • Offensive playstyle
  • Cost-effective mix-ups
  • Speedy punishment moves


  • Punishable moves
  • Grapple vulnerability
  • Low-damage basic combo

Tips for Winning with Cammy

image showing cammy in street fighter 6.

Sitting in the higher ranks of Street Fighter 6’s tier list, Cammy is a capable and consistent character. To win with her, players will need to master her pokes, understand her frame advantages/disadvantages, and exploit her linking strikes.

Escape Corners with OD Spiral Arrow

Cammy's Spiral Arrow (QCF-K) in Overdrive mode allows her to switch positions with her opponent. This move can be used strategically to avoid being trapped in the ring and to corner the opponent instead. The OD Spiral Arrow is also an excellent confusion move, as it forces the opponent to change their guard.

Dodge Projectiles with Quick Spin Knuckle

All versions of Cammy’s Quick Spin Knuckle (QCB-P) have projectile invincibility. If the opponent is zoning, punish them with this Special Move or cancel it into a Super Art to interrupt their strategy. (If spinning through fireballs is too risky, go with Cammy’s aerials, such as Cannon Strike and Hooligan Combinations.)

Gain Ground and Feint with Hooligan

Cut short any Hooligan leaps with a well-timed punch to deceive opponents during Cammy's jumps. This allows for preparation to punish any flinching movements. It also exposes the enemy’s reactions, making it easier to read their counters.

Aim Cannon Strike at the Opponent’s Feet

When using the Cannon Strike, be careful, as it can leave Cammy vulnerable to punishment. To avoid this, aim for the farthest part of the enemy's body, usually their right or left foot. This will give Cammy a chance to recover quickly and avoid being punished.

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How to Counter Cammy

Zangief in the character roster in Street Fighter 6

Power-type fighters like Zangief and E. Honda are excellent counters for Cammy. They benefit from her close-range combat and punish her whiffs with grapple. Alternatively, players could also counter Cammy with speed archetypes like Juri and Chun-Li.

To defeat Cammy, it's crucial to avoid falling for her pokes. As she needs to engage in physical combat, Cammy becomes vulnerable to frame-trapping herself and relying on the opponent's mistake. Therefore, it's advisable to respect her pokes and wait for the appropriate opportunity to react.

Street Fighter 6 is available now for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.