Table of contents

Lucky for Street Fighter 6 fans, Dhalsim isn’t going to be the only projectile-based long-range warrior in the roster. JP is a new character that has joined this class to balance the power and offer more counter options for Speed-Type close-range fighters.

The catch, however, is that JP’s ease-of-use is set to Hard, making it challenging for Street Fighter 6 players to master him immediately. Therefore, this guide aims to simplify JP’s move list and combos while giving tips for getting the highest win rate.

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JP Strategies

image showing jp fighting off an opponent with his staff in street fighter 6.

Ideally, JP must be played as a Poke character that feeds off punishing enemy mistakes. Therefore, JP players’ main strategy should be controlling the zone and fighting from a safe distance to minimize unnecessary risks.

  • Avoid Physical Combat. Thanks to his long-range Special Moves and Super Arts, JP doesn’t need to engage in close-range melee. Instead, he should poke the enemy with Psycho Power clones and finish them with heavy attacks.
  • Exploit Long- to Close-Range Combos. Players must master cancelable Unique Attacks like Zilant, Grom Strelka, and Bylina to combine them with Specials like Triglav, Departure, or Stribog.
  • Confuse the Enemy with Faints. By holding the attack button in the Torbalan attack, players can create faints, which are essentially fake jabs to throw the opponent off their game. Using this function strategically is crucial to manipulate the enemy’s movement.

JP’s Move List

image showing super art moves of jp in street fighter 6.

Common combos excluded, JP has 19 exclusive moves in Street Fighter 6. Of these, seven are Unique Attacks, six are Special Moves, three are Throws, and the rest are Super Arts.

However, one of his Special Moves (the Departure) has two separate forms, which technically gives him a 20-move command list:





Two shockwaves of Psycho Power

Super Art 1


Clones that attack the opponent

Super Art 2


Infuse Psycho Power into the enemies

Super Art 3


Create thorns of Psycho Power

Special Move


A barrier of Psycho Power

Special Move

Departure (Shadow & Window)

A teleportation void

Special Move


A sticky bomb of Psycho Power

Special Move


A clone of Psycho Power

Special Move


A clone that grapples with the opponent

Special Move

Zilant Low

A low attack that can’t be blocked while standing

Unique Attack

Zilant Mid

An overhead attack that’s unblockable while crouching

Unique Attack


A two-hit combo (cancelable)

Unique Attack

Grom Strelka

A quick staff combo (cancelable)

Unique Attack


An overhead attack that’s unblockable while crouching

Unique Attack


A long-reach attack that knocks down the enemy

Unique Attack


A launching kick (cancelable)

Unique Attack


Grab the enemy by the arm and hit them with the staff



Grab the enemy by the arm and throw them away



Toss the jumping enemy to the ground


Best Combos for JP

image showing jp performing a mid-range combo in street fighter 6.

The correct order for JP’s combos is pushing, locking, finishing. So, to land the deadliest combinations, players must start with a knockback move like Bylina, stun the opponent with Triglav or Departure, and finish them with high-damage attacks like Interdiction (Super Art 3).

Basic Combo: Malice + Triglav

image showing a basic combo for jp in street fighter 6.

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Down-right, Heavy Punch + Down, Down, Neutral Punch

Down-right, Heavy + Down, Neutral Special

A foolproof combination for JP is a close- to mid-range two-part attack with Malice and Triglav. When the enemy is too close, break their stance by pressing down-right and the heavy punch button and follow up by double tapping the down and neutral punch buttons. This combo will first toss the enemy to the ground and then send them flying—with enough room for follow-up attacks.

This basic combo consumes 2 Drive Gauge bars . So, players are better off without overusing it.

Intermediate Combo: Departure Shadow + Triglav +Torbalan

image showing an intermediate combo for jp in street fighter 6.

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Down, Down-Left, Left, Heavy Punch + Down, Down, Neutral Punch + Down, Down-Right, Right, Neutral Kick

Cannot be performed on the Modern control type

To step up JP’s combos, go with a three-part mid-range combo of projectiles. Starting with Departure Shadow, knock the enemy to the ground, toss them in the air with Triglav, and shoot them back with Torbalan.

Advance Combo: Grom Strelka + Interdiction + OD Departure Window + Stribog + Triglav

image showing an advance combo for jp in street fighter 6.

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Right, Medium Kick + Down, Down-Right, Right, Down, Down-Right, Right, Neutral Kick + Down, Down-Left, Left, Neutral Punch, Neutral Punch + Down, Down-Right, Right, Neutral Punch + Down, Down, Neutral Punch

Cannot be performed on the Modern control type

For a killer combo, players will need to begin with the Grom Strelka Unique Attack to disrupt the enemy stance. Then, push them back using the Interdiction Super Art. Finally, they can create two portals with the OD Departure Shadow, teleport to the enemy, and finish them with a Stribog and Triglav attack.

Tips for Winning With JP

image showing jp the new character in street fighter 6 next to the game's logo.

Considering JP’s long-range archetype and Tricky combat type, the key is to keep the attacker at bay. But JP players will also need to confuse the enemy with fake strikes and unpredictable combos.

Here are advanced tips for players looking to main JP:

  • Use Departure to control enemy movement. The Departure creates up to two portals that teleport Psycho Power projectiles or JP himself. Use these ports to control the zone and lure the enemy into moving forward or push them back.
  • Counter aerials by crouching. A heavy crouching punch is an ideal way of punishing airborne enemies.
  • Medium kick to avoid mid-range melee. When the enemy is pushing, a medium kick followed up by a Stribog or an Overdrive Torbalan is the best punishment.
  • Wear the enemy down with projectiles. When the opponent is defensive, break their block with Embrace and Torbalan projectiles. This will keep them off-balance, pushing them to make more mistakes.

How to Counter JP

image showing jp against ryu in a street fighter 6 match.

Although performing well at range, JP is easily targeted by Speed-Type, Close-Range fighters. To counter him, close the distance, go for heavy low attacks, and exploit quick combos. Effective fighters to implement this strategy would be Cammy, Juri, and Kimberly.

Another viable strategy to counter JP is to use an archetype and range similar to his. Dhalsim or Guile are good options for this approach, as they both possess a long reach that can nullify the advantage.

Street Fighter 6 is available now on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.