Street Fighter 6 features many different types of characters for players to learn and fight against. Veterans of the series are very familiar will these varied play styles, but newcomers may be confused when jumping from character to character. Charge characters are unique in the way they play and can be very powerful in the right hands.

These characters use "charge" inputs to unleash charge moves. These are moves that would be too powerful if they had simpler inputs. Charge inputs can be tricky for first-time fans, and players should always check command lists to see if there are any left-right or up-down movements with highlighted arrows to denote charge moves. Street Fighter 6 players looking to learn how to do charge moves and which characters use them can follow this helpful guide.

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Charge Characters

guile-1 street fighter 6



Dee Jay

E. Honda


Charge Inputs

sonic-boom street fighter 6

In classic controls, charge moves require the player to hold a direction for up to two seconds before pressing the opposite direction and a button. For example, Guile's Sonic Boom in Street Fighter 6 requires the joystick to be held away from the opponent and then back toward them with a punch. The timing will come to players with lots of practice. Just know that if the character starts walking forward the charge will be gone.

The trick is to time the forward move along with the button press. Left-Right charge moves can also be done without constantly moving backward. Holding the stick diagonally to crouch and charge in place can be a good way to learn charge timing. Keep in mind that fighting on the Player 2 side of the screen will reverse every input including charge moves. It's better to remember that charging will always be away from the opponent.

spinning-bird-kick street fighter 6 chun-li

Certain moves like Chun-Li's Spinning Bird Kick require charging downward and then unleashing the move upward. Hold down for 2 seconds then flick up and press the kick button. If the character jumps, the charge move will not happen; however, there are still charge moves that can be used in midair.

Any time that the joystick is not in the neutral position it can be used for charging. The best charge players will use this to their advantage and constantly charge moves in the middle of the action. Street Fighter 6's modern controls still require some charge inputs, although they are made easier. Simply hold in the correct charge direction for two seconds then press the assigned Special Attack button to complete the move. Don't be afraid to spend time in the training room to fully master SF6's mechanics.

Street Fighter 6 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Street Fighter 6: How to Apply Control Types to All Characters