Table of contents

Seeking to dispel the world of evil, the yoga master Dhalsim returns to Street Fighter 6. A fighter who joined the Street Fighter franchise back in the second installment, Dhalsim is a long-range, tricky-type fighter who can extend his limbs to attack and keep his opponent at bay. Combined with his mystic and highly-flammable yoga arts, Dhalsim is ready to deal some enlightened justice to his foes in Street Fighter 6.

While one of the more difficult fighters to master, proper execution of Dhalsim's abilities can confuse enemies with strikes from all heights and ranges. This guide will cover the best tactics and combos to find inner peace and master Dhalsim's yoga style.

RELATED: Street Fighter 6: Should You Choose Classic or Modern Control Type?

Strategies for Dhalsim

sf6 - dhalsim - yoga float
Dodge enemy attacks with Dhalsim's Yoga Float ability

As a long-range fighter, Dhalsim prefers to keep away from enemies, slowly poking their health down with his fire abilities. If enemies do close in, keep them on their toes alternating between Dhalsim's long-reaching sweep kicks and high attacks.

  • Take control early. Dhalsim's Medium Punch, Heavy Punch, and Heavy Kick can all hit enemies at the start of the fight. Use these attacks to set the momentum of the fight early and deal good damage.
  • Embrace the trickiness. Dhalsim can quickly alternate between low, mid, and high strikes with just his basic punches and kicks which can easily cut throw an opponent's guard and open the window for a devastating special.
  • Zone enemies with range. Dhalsim is one of the few long-range fighters in the game and excels at keeping enemy fighters at a distance while still draining their health. Use his fireballs and long-range punches to prevent enemies from closing in.

Dhalsim's Move List

sf6 - dhalsim - special moves

Dhalsim has one of the longest move lists, with 25 total moves (excluding common moves).




Yoga Inferno

Unleash flames to the front, changing direction based on input

Special Art 1

Yoga Sunburst

Conjure an enormous fireball that travels in an arch. Input can be held for an improved effect

Special Art 2

Merciless Yoga

A devastating flurry of palm strikes followed by a headbutt

Special Art 3

Yoga Fire

Launch a fireball to the front

Special Move

Yoga Arch

Lob a fireball in the air that travels in an arch

Special Move

Yoga Flame

Release a blast of flames directly in front

Special Move

Yoga Blast

An upward blast of flames that can launch enemies into the air

Special Move

Yoga Comet

Launch a downward fireball while midair

Special Move

Yoga Float

Hover in the air for a moment. Can be used to dodge attacks and set up combos

Special Move

Aerial Yoga Float

Transition to floating from jumping

Special Move

Yoga Teleport

Warp a short distance towards or away from the enemy. Can be used to dodge attacks and set up combos

Special Move

Aerial Yoga Teleport

Warp a short distance while midair

Special Move

Yoga Uppercut

A quick aerial counter that can be canceled into special moves

Unique Attack

Yoga Lance

A long, upward punch

Unique Attack

Nirvana Punch

A low punch that can be canceled into special moves

Unique Attack

Agile Kick

A quick low strike that cannot be blocked standing

Unique Attack

Divine Kick

A quick body kick. Can be canceled into special moves

Unique Attack

Thrust Kick

A low kick with a good reach that cannot be blocked standing. Can be canceled into special moves

Unique Attack

Yoga Mountain

An upward kick that knocks the enemy back

Unique Attack

Karma Kick

A sweeping kick that knocks the enemy down. Cannot be blocked standing

Unique Attack

Yoga Mummy

An aerial headbutt that can be canceled into special moves

Unique Attack

Drill Kick

An aerial spinning kick

Unique Attack

Yoga Smash

Grab the enemy, striking them three times in the face


Yoga Throw

Grab the enemy and throw them, switching sides


Yoga Splash

Grab the enemy's legs and slam them to the ground. Then throw them back


Dhalsim's Best Combos

Dhalsim's strongest combo attacks will take advantage of his long reach to poke down enemies, making them vulnerable to a quick aerial dash or teleport followed by a finishing move.

Basic Combo: Medium Punch + Heavy Punch + Heavy Kick + Overdrive Yoga Fire

sf6 - dhalsim - fireball

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Medium Punch, Heavy Punch, Heavy Kick, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + Punch + Punch

Medium Attack, Heavy Attack, Assist + Heavy Attack, Assist + Special Attack

A great combo that can be used at the start of a fight. Use Dhalsim's extendable limbs to unleash a mid-range punch-kick combo, finishing with a powerful fireball.

Intermediate Combo: Yoga Mummy + Yoga Comet + Low Heavy Kick + Yoga Blast

sf6 - dhalsim - mummy
Close the gap with Yoga Mummy

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Jump, Down + Light Punch, Forward, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Back + Punch, Down + Heavy Kick, Forward, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Back + Kick

Cannot be performed with Modern Controls

A combo that charges in to punish enemies can be used to dodge projectiles. Start by jumping (or dodging) in the air, and spiral forward with a headbutt. As the strike connects, cancel into a Yoga Comet. Quickly follow up with a sliding kick, getting in rage to blow a fireball directly in the face of the opponent. If the enemy is in the corner, players can follow this combo with a charged Yoga Sunburst to significantly increase the damage dealt.

Advanced Combo: Yoga Float + Overdrive Yoga Comet + Aerial Yoga Teleport + Aerial Heavy Kick + Merciless Yoga

sf6 - dhalsim - headbutt

Classic Controls

Modern Controls

Jump, Down + Kick + Kick, Forward, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Back + Punch + Punch, Forward + Punch + Punch + Punch, Heavy Kick, Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + Kick

Cannot be performed on Modern Controls

An incredibly tricky and powerful combo utilizing some of Dhalsim's most difficult moves that require expert input precision. This combo can also be used to dodge enemy attacks and projectiles and respond with extreme force. Take to the air with Yoga Float, and send an improved fireball raining down. While Dhalsim is falling, teleport behind the enemy, lock them with an aerial kick, and unleash the palm strike fury of Merciless Yoga.

Tips for Winning With Dhalsim

sf6 - dhalsim - dhalsim wins

Players looking to increase their effectiveness with Dhalsim will want to master controlling space between the enemy. When at mid to long-range, zone enemies with Yoga Fire or Yoga Arch timed in sync with extended punches or kick strikes. When enemies get close, take advantage of Dhalsim's many sweep strikes that can slip through an enemy guard and push them back.

Here are some more advanced tips for playing Dhalsim:

  • Be a time lord. Learning to master the timing between Dhalsim's projectiles and his long-range melee strikes can create combo opportunities that prevent enemies from responding at all.
  • Sweep the leg. Dhalsim has a significant amount of strong low strikes, slipping one or two of these strikes into a combo can be the deciding damage in winning a fight.
  • Direction diversity means domination. Dhalsim's special moves and special arts can be directionally controlled depending on which input is used, giving players total control of all lanes of the fight.

How to Counter Dhalsim

sf6- dhalsim - yoga teleport
Dhalsim can disappear with Yoga Teleport, completing negating any incoming damage, and reappear behind his enemy

With all of Dhalsim's tricks and mobility, he can be a hard fighter to lock down. Players who are looking to beat Dhalsim will have the best success with speed-type fighters that can quickly close the distance to Dhalsim while dodging his various fire attacks. Cammy is one fighter who excels at dealing with Dhalsim's tricks, along with Luke and Marisa who can access armor effects to rush how down.

Street Fighter 6 is available now on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.