Street Fighter 6 not only allows players to create their own character in the compelling fighting game but also has the vast options of customizing their characters' special moves. Moves are, arguably, the most important aspect of Street Fighter 6.

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Making use of the best moves in Street Fighter 6 will help players achieve victory, as a match can even boil down to the complications of frame data. In World Tour mode and avatar battles, players will use their custom characters rather than a fighter from Street Fighter 6's roster. With this in mind, players will want to build their character the best that they can, and that means selecting the best special moves.

10 Luke's Flash Knuckle

Luke just loves punching

Luke has a wide variety of simple moves that players can make use of in easy combos, and two of those moves are given to players at the beginning of World Tour, making them a great asset for beginners. Luke's Flash Knuckle is one of the best moves for avatars to make use of for multiple reasons. Luke's Flash Knuckle has three variations with each punch button (assuming Classic controls).

To perform the Flash Knuckle, players simply need to pull off a quarter-stick back and press a punch button. Players can also hold the button and let go of it when their character's fist flashes, meaning the properties of the attack will change and the opponent will be launched.

9 E. Honda's Hundred Hand Slap

e. honda using hundred hand slap on ryu

Edmond Honda is famously known for his sumo fighting style, where he uses his weight to his advantage in his large-scale attacks. When players tutor under E. Honda, they will learn the Hundred Hand Slap immediately after becoming E. Honda's student. This move's input is quarter-circle back and a punch button.

This will allow for players' characters to attack at close range with the onslaught of hand slaps. As supported by the in-game guide, the Hundred Hand Slap is a wonderful move to throw on top of a combo, especially with normal moves.

8 Blanka's Rolling Attack

A screenshot of Blanka greeting the player in Street Fighter 6.

'Hold' moves are some of the best actions to take when looking to disrupt or surprise an enemy in combat. Blanka has one of the best 'hold' moves in Street Fighter 6. Blanka's Rolling Attack is acquirable for a player's avatar instantly after asking Blanka to mentor them.

The input for the Rolling Attack is to hold the back button, and then press forward and a punch button. This will send the player's custom fighter rolling through the air for a short period. To hit the Rolling Attack full-screen, players can charge the Rolling Attack with two punch buttons instead of one, which will turn the move into Overdrive.

7 Manon's Manège Dorè


Manon is another newer character to enter the ring in Street Fighter 6. Manon, who has been hailed as one of the best characters, is an aggressive grappler, focusing on grabs to take victory from the opponent. When studying under Manon, players will soon learn the Manège Dorè move. This is an excellent command grab that players can pull off by using the input, half-circle back and punch button.

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Manège Dorè will then allow gamers to grab the opponent and dance them through the air before slamming them to the ground. With excellent damage and coverage, Manè​​​​​​​ge Dorè is one of the best moves in Street Fighter 6.

6 Marisa's Scutum

image showing marisa in the middle of the arena in street fighter 6.

Marisa has been praised by the Street Fighter community as an incredible powerhouse when it comes to pummeling and punishing an enemy fighter. Players can take advantage of some of those punishing-type moves that Marisa makes use of. One such move is Scutum.

Scutum allows players to assume a defensive stance by inputting a quarter-circle back and a kick button. Players can even hold this move. After an opponent hits the player using Scutum, players have a good selection of moves that they can use to counter-attack, such as the Tonitrus punch and Procella kick.

5 Dee Jay's Jus Cool

dee jay using jus cool

​​​​​​​Evasive maneuvers in Street Fighter 6 are more structural within individual characters such as Dee Jay. Dee Jay has a unique move called Jus Cool. Jus Cool allows Dee Jay to evade backwards, and then also has a selection of moves that Dee Jay can use afterward to punish an opponent.

That said, Jus Cool is one of the most strategic special moves that players can make use of for their custom avatars. After learning Jus Cool from Dee Jay by being his apprentice and using his other moves, players can equip Jus Cool.

4 Ryu's Hadoken

Ryu releases Hadoken to hit Chun-Li from mid-range

Hadoken has the title of being the most iconic move from the Street Fighter franchise. Just like Ryu, a great standard-type character himself, the attack has become a household name in the world of video games. After being able to travel to Japan on the World Map in World Tour mode, gamers will be able to persuade Ryu to be their character's master.

Right after becoming their master, Ryu will teach the Hadoken to players. Players will then be able to equip the Hadoken with the input, quarter-circle forward + punch. This will send out a blue projectile that fans can use to clear distance, punish, or even pressure the enemy.

3 Kimberly's Sprint

Kimberly kicks Luke from mid-range

Kimberly is one of the newest characters to make their debut in Street Fighter 6. Essentially, Kimberly is a master at punishing and keeping devastating pressure on an enemy fighter. In World Tour mode, players will be able to learn her moves and fighting style in Metro City at nighttime.

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Players will eventually be able to learn the Sprint special move that Kimberly has in her move set. This, as the name suggests, allows players to sprint all the way to the opponent. Like Marisa's Scutum and Dee Jay's Jus Cool, Sprint has a selection of moves that can be used after its initial input.

2 Juri's Tensenrin

Street Fighter 6 Juri

Juri is the best fighter when it comes to focusing on kicks to gain an advantage. With that, players who prefer a kick-heavy fighting style will want to train under the master Juri in World Tour mode. Juri will teach players a variety of kick-based moves, with one of the best special moves being her Tensenrin.

Tensenrin's input is forward, down, forward-down, and a punch button. In a match, using Tensenrin will send the player flying diagonally upwards in a flurry of windmill-like kicks. This move also comes out very quickly, making it a great anti-air, wakeup, and punishing move.

1 Dhalsim's Yoga Teleport

sf6 - dhalsim - yoga float
Dodge enemy attacks with Dhalsim's Yoga Float ability

Teleport moves in fighting games are some of the most strategic (yet infamous) moves to pull off when taking on an aggressive opponent. In Street Fighter 6, Dhalsim is able to teach players' avatars the Yoga Teleport special move.

Once learned by Dhalsim, players can use the input, back or forward + all punch buttons or all kick buttons, to perform a variety of teleport actions. The Yoga Teleport move also has invincibility on its startup, meaning that opponents' attacks won't stagger a player using Yoga Teleport, allowing that player to counter.

Street Fighter 6 is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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