
  • A.K.I., the latest competitor for Street Fighter 6, will be released as DLC on September 27, offering players a new character with a unique fighting style and poison attacks.
  • Capcom continues to release new content for Street Fighter 6, with A.K.I. being the next addition after the recent introduction of Rashid.
  • The release of A.K.I. is accompanied by a new fighting pass that includes cosmetic items, and players will have the opportunity to try out the new character before deciding to unlock her.

Capcom has just announced that the latest competitor for Street Fighter 6, known as A.K.I., will be releasing as DLC on September 27. The new entry in the venerable series launched back in June and quickly earned a spot among the best fighting games for the PS5. The title has received praise for its blending of classic style and modern updates along with a great roster of characters. Capcom hasn't stopped there, however, and is continuing to roll out more content for the game.

Recently, fans got to start playing as Rashid, a character first introduced in the last game. Further, Capcom has confirmed that three more characters are on the way, with A.K.I next in line. A brand-new fighter for the franchise, gamers got their first look at A.K.I for Street Fighter 6 earlier this month. Now, after a long wait, players are learning when they can expect to get their hands on this fearsome new warrior.

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In a tweet from the game's official account, Capcom has announced that A.K.I. will be released for Street Fighter 6 on September 27. This was followed up by a post on PlayStation Blog from Capcom Social Media and Community Manager Andy Wong, which offered further details about the character. This includes lots of information about A.K.I.'s fighting style and unique set of moves.

A.K.I. is a poison specialist with a snake-theme, and her style and attacks reflect this. She will have the ability to poison enemies with attacks that deal damage gradually, making her a good choice for players that like to wear down their opponents over time. This should make for an interesting and challenging strategy that should be fun for fans looking for something new. It will probably mean that A.K.I. won't be getting a spot on the list of the best Street Fighter 6 characters for beginners, however.

When she does release at the end of September, A.K.I. will immediately be available for fans bought the Year 1 Character Pass or the Deluxe or Ultimate editions of the game. For everyone else, she'll be available for purchase as a separate DLC. Further, gamers that are considering picking up the new fighter will get to try her out through Rental Fighter Ticket before they decide whether to unlock her.

Capcom has also announced that, in honor of the new character, a new fighting pass will be launched on September 1, ahead of the A.K.I.'s arrival. This pass will offer a host of cosmetic items, including an outfit that reflects her style. There are already lots of great outfits in Street Fighter 6, and fans that like collecting them will want to check out this pass when it releases shortly. Whether they purchase this pass or not, most fans will want to check out the deadly master of poison when she joins the fray.

Street Fighter 6 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Street Fighter 6: How to Play Rashid (Move List, Combos, Tips & More)

Source: PlayStation Blog