Street Fighter 2 may not be the most popular fighting game out there, but it is one of the most famous fighting games, as well as the most important one. It essentially established the fighting game genre as a whole, and released a flood of copycats and successors.

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Its legendary status extends to its cast, which have all become classic characters. The original eight-character roster has appeared throughout the Street Fighter games, and they have all reunited once again in Street Fighter 5, the newest entry in the flagship fighting game series. While the characters' appearances haven't changed much, their move lists and viability in are quite different.

8 Zangief

Zangief scowling at the opponent with his arms up

Zangief is the godfather of the grappler archetype, a type of fighter that focuses on landing deadly command grabs. His iconic Spinning Piledriver is one of his most recognized moves, and the amount of damage he can do in an instant can make him a threat if he's allowed to be aggressive.

In Street Fighter 5, however, Zangief has been having a bit of trouble. Nerfs have made his usual pokes more risky than usual, and the removal of throw invincibility on his Spinning Piledriver has removed one of his few defensive options. While it's still possible to play Zangief at a high level, it is also much harder to do so.

7 Blanka

Blanka growling at his opponent

As a green-skinned, feral man who grew up in the jungle, Blanka is one of Street Fighter's most bizarre characters. His ability to control lightning and propel himself in his iconic Rolling Attack make him a frustrating opponent to deal with.

Blanka has a reputation of being a very unpopular character to play, and things are no different in Street Fighter 5. However, his expanded move list, which includes multiple Rolling Attacks and command jumps, allows. him to confuse and frustrate his opponent. He can thus overwhelm players who aren't well-versed in the matchup. While Blanka may not be particularly strong, he does have his own unique strengths.

6 Ken

Ken pointing at his opponent with a smug smile

Ryu's eternal friend and rival Ken Masters has appeared in every mainline Street Fighter game, and Street Fighter 5 is no exception. He's known for having a similar move list to Ryu as a "Shoto" archetype, but puts his own spin on things.

In Street Fighter 5, Ken is even more differentiated from Ryu, having a more aggressive playstyle indicative of a rushdown character. However, his stubby normals and limited move list make it hard for him to be as consistent as other characters. Still, Ken is more than viable, and occupies a comfortable mid-tier spot on most tier lists.

5 E. Honda

E. Honda in the middle of his kabuki dance

Sumo master Edmond Honda is one of the more overbearing characters in Street Fighter 2. Although his walk speed is slow, he can close the distance quickly with Sumo Headbutt, then bully his opponent with Hundred Hand Slaps.

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E. Honda in Street Fighter 5 is very similar to his Street Fighter 2 counterpart, although he has some new moves and options thanks to Street Fighter 5's V-System. E. Honda can mount a considerable offense using his extremely safe Hundred Hand Slaps, chipping away at opponents' health while threatening them with a possible command grab. He can also use Sumo Headbutt and Sumo Smash to close the distance in an instant, making him a palpable threat.

4 Dhalsim

Dhalsim spreading out his arms

The Yoga master Dhalsim is one of the most recognizable characters in the Street Fighter roster. His ability to breathe fire and stretch his limbs to inhuman lengths make him a major representative of the zoner archetype, with his strategy centering around keeping himself out of the opponent's reach.

In Street Fighter 5, Dhalsim's strategy remains unchanged. However, his fighting style now has room for offense, especially thanks to his Float, which allows him to create distance between him and his opponent. His limbs are as long-reaching as ever, making him deadly against foes that struggle with getting in on him.

3 Ryu

Ryu staring at his fist

As the poster child of Street Fighter, Ryu is a recognizable character that transcends his own game series. As a representative of the "shoto" archetype, Ryu is able to use the fireball technique Hadoken as well as the invincible uppercut Shoryuken to great effect.

Ryu's strength in Street Fighter 5 has fluctuated constantly throughout the years, but recently he has managed a decent place in the mid-tier. Recent buffs have given him new uses for his V-System, allowing him to mount a stronger offense. Nevertheless, his stubby normals and overly standard move list prevent him from making it into the top tier.

2 Chun-li

Chun-Li getting into stance for battle

One of the most famous women in fighting games, Chun-li has become an icon on the level of Ken and Ryu, and has appeared in every mainline Street Fighter since her first appearance in Street Fighter 2. She's the obligatory kung-fu character, and she batters opponents with her long pokes and her multi-hitting Hyakuretsukyaku.

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In Street Fighter 5, Chun-li retains many of those same strengths. Her long reach and powerful V-Trigger made her one of the most terrifying characters in early Street Fighter 5. Nerfs brought her down to normal, but recent buffs have brought her close to her former glory.

1 Guile

Guile getting into battle stance

Guile is one of the most defensive characters in the history of Street Fighter, and his zoning ability is one of the most powerful in the game. He is known for only ever having two special moves: the swift projectile Sonic Boom and the invincible uppercut Somersault Kick.

In Street Fighter 5, Guile's defensive playstyle is augmented by a variety of useful command normals and a versatile V-System. He can zone from a distance, but also put up a fight when close to an opponent. While Guile is no longer the oppressive threat he was in previous seasons, he is still one of the strongest characters in Street Fighter 5 right now.

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