Stray is an adventure game that forces players to take the form of an unusual protagonist: a cat. The title focuses on exploration, interactions with the environment, and a simple but profound story. In the short time that gamers have had their hands on Stray, a number of mods have been released that allow players to change up a few aspects of the gameplay. On such mod, a recently released addition, lets fans play through Stray in the form of Spyro the Dragon.

The Spyro the Dragon series is a beloved collection of video games featuring the iconic dragon Spyro. The platforming franchise has been capturing the hearts of fans for many years, and as such it should come as no surprise that a few enterprising members of the Spyro the Dragon community created a mod that places Spyro in Stray.

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The mod that adds Spyro to Stray seems to be relatively simple. There isn't much information about the abilities that Spyro posses in the title, though, if the mod is in keeping with the rest of the game, it is likely that Spyro won't be able to do much more than interact with the environment in a few basic ways. The mod does, however, allow the Stray version of Spyro to make little noises and movements that appear in some Spyro games.


The Spyro addition to Stray is hardly the first of its kind. One of the earliest mods for Stray turned the cat into Garfield. But the Spyro the Dragon mod seems to be one of the most ambitious yet, turning the Stray protagonist not only into a different animal, but into a new creature entirely. Of course, the Spyro mod does not change the outcome of the Stray campaign, nor does it alter the setting. Its sole use is to provide fans with a smile.

Hopefully, Stray fans can look forward to more interesting mods in the future. And, fortunately, fans will have another game to play as well. The publisher of Stray announced a new game that is sure to thrill those who are currently enjoying the one-of-a-kind adventure game. Indeed, though Stray is a simple title with a simple goal, it has already spawned a fun community in a short period of time. While the future of the game is unclear, it is interesting to see that a small story about a cat has been able to generate such intrigue among gamers.

Stray is available now on PC, PS4, and PS5.

MORE: Stray Continues The Trend of Strong, Small-Scale PlayStation Exclusives

Source: Nexus Mods, GFinity