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Unlike most other great modern indie platformers, Stray doesn't really feature combat in the traditional sense. Granted, it is possible to crush Zurks using barrels, and, for a brief period, destroy them with the Defluxor. Generally, however, players are encouraged to avoid the robotic rodents rather than take them on head-on. As a result, much of the game's challenge instead comes from good old-fashioned puzzle solving.

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The first such puzzle comes during the opening stages of the game and can be a little tricky for those who are still getting used to the basic mechanics in Stray. Not long after arriving in the Dead City, players will come across a large spinning fan that's blocking their way forward. Thankfully, halting its deadly blades is relatively straightforward, as too is stopping another fan later on in Chapter 4.

How to Stop the Fan in Chapter 2 of Stray


Tempting though it may be to attempt to slip through the giant fan's spinning blades, players should instead drop back down to the level below them. Near a locked door on a strip of old carpet, they'll find a metal bucket that can be picked up by pressing the triangle button. With the bucket now in hand (well, technically, mouth), players can then head back up to the area with the giant fan, being sure not to accidentally press the Triangle button as they climb.


Once they're back at the fan, players will need to head to the concrete slope that leads down to it and press the Triangle button to release the bucket. If done correctly, the bucket will slide down the slope and get lodged in the fan, halting its blades so that the adorable little feline can continue onward toward the game's main area, the slums. If not, players can simply pick the bucket back up and drop it a little further down the slope so that it's taken by the incline as intended.

How to Stop the Fan in Chapter 4 of Stray


During Chapter 4 of Stray players will again find their progress halted by the spinning blades of a fan. This one can be found during the section of the game where players are trying to find the four Outsider Notebooks on a rooftop not far from Momo's flat. To stop this one, players simply need to remove the energy cell from the nearby ventilation power supply, which will enable them to safely drop down the nearby shaft and into the flat below.

Stray is available now on PS4, PS5, and PC.