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It's often said that there's no honor among thieves, and while some may dispute this notion, it's certainly true of Blazer, one of the many robots that players will encounter as they make their way through Stray. After working with her to steal the atomic battery from the Neco Corp factory in Chapter 10, Blazer ends up selling Clementine out to the Sentinels, with players also incurring the wrath of the law for their part in the robbery.

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Rather than being sentenced to death, the cute little feline is instead taken directly to jail, as too are Clementine and B-12. Upon regaining consciousness, they'll need to find a way to break out of prison, while also rescuing their comrades along the way. This guide will explain how to escape the jail, which serves as the main setting for most of Stray's penultimate chapter.

How to Break Out of the Cage


When players regain control, they'll find themselves locked inside a small cage that's hanging above a pool of toxic liquid. Rather than Meowing about their situation, they should instead begin moving between the left and right sides of the cage. After a moment or two, the cage will start to swing, and, with enough momentum, will crash into the pipe on the left, allowing players to jump out.

How to Rescue Clementine


After feeing themselves from the cage, players will need to follow the pipe along the wall and over to the cell door. They won't be able to open it, however, and so will instead need to double back, this time using the pipe on the left and the nearby beams to reach the upper area in which players can see an eerie red glow.


Passing through the bars here will lead to another cell, in which players should use the beams to make their way down to the hanging cage. From here, they'll be able to reach the barrels down below and can use them to cross over the toxic liquid and get to the open cell door.


In this next area, players will be greeted by a cell containing a robot that's chained down to a chair. Sadly, there's no way to save them from their shocking fate, so players should instead use the air conditioning units next to the door that they just came through to make their way up to the pipes and the floor above. The path ahead is blocked off by a Sentinel, however, so players will need to drop back down a little further along to their left in order to progress.


Once they're back on the ground floor, players should head into the first room on the right and use the tunnel beneath the bed to bypass the security drone. At the end of the corridor are some boxes and a dumpster, which players can use to climb up to the next area, which is where Clementine's cell is located.


Without B-12 to interpret, Clementine and the cat are unable to communicate verbally, so she instead points to the key in the nearby security office. To reach it, players can simply pass through the bars of the door on the opposite side of the corridor and then head out through the window to a balcony area. This will allow them to head into the security office via the window, at which point they can grab the key and return to Clementine's cell, being sure to drop the key in front of the cell door when they arrive.

How to Rescue B-12


After unlocking her cell, Clementine will lead the way for a little while, unlocking doors to other parts of the prison as she does so. After a while, players will be treated to a short cutscene that reveals that B-12 is locked in some sort of containment chamber down below. There's no way to help him from the upper floors, however, so players should keep following Clementine until they arrive down below.


Like earlier parts of the prison, players will need to sneak past security drones to progress here, while also avoiding red laser grids. After arriving at the first set of lasers, players should use the boxes to the right to reach the air conditioning ducts up above, passing between them with the help of an old tube light. In the next area, players will need to use the pipes and air conditioning units to their left in order to avoid the moving laser grids, while also being sure to dodge the solitary Sentinel patrolling the area in the middle.


When they reach the large room at the end of the corridor, players should make their way to the security office and jump on the lever to shut down all of the laser grids surrounding B-12. From there, they'll just need to sneak past the now-alerted Sentinels to reach the containment chamber, pick up B-12 by pressing the Triangle button, and then return to Clementine without being seen or dropping B-12 along the way.

How to Escape the Prison


Once B-12 is fully rebooted, he'll thank the cute little kitty before opening the door to the next section of the prison. Here, players need to press the Triangle button to knock over the pile of bricks on top of the dumpster, which will lead to Clementine picking one up and using it to break the window above the door. She'll then bend down, allowing players to hop onto her head and through the window. Players can then pull the lever on the other side to open the door.


The next section involves passing through the prison courtyard, which doesn't bode well for Clementine. She'll suggest that players try locking the patrolling drones into the empty cells, which is actually fairly easy to do. Players simply need to get seen by a Sentinel and then run into one of the cells and hide. Once the drone follows them inside, players can exit the cell and use B-12 to lock the door behind them.


There's one Sentinel in the first part of the courtyard and two in the second, after which, players will arrive in the prison's final area. Before leaving the courtyard, however, players should be sure to interact with the dead robot in the first section of the courtyard to unlock a memory. Given how long the chapter is, players hoping to find every memory in Stray will probably want to grab this one during their first playthrough.


For whatever reason, Clementine has a tough time opening the next door, so players will need to head through the broken vent to the right and pull the lever on the other side to let her through. They'll then need to head over to the white truck and press the Triangle button near the keys that are sticking out of the door. Scratching at them will alert Clementine to their presence, after which, she'll drive the truck over to a nearby fence so that player can hop over.


Pressing the lever in the security office here will open up the door to the outside, though it will also alert pretty much every guard drone in the prison in the process. As soon as the cutscene ends, players should start running back the way they came and follow the truck through the exit. They may need to zigzag a little here to avoid being shot by the pursuing drones, but, assuming they survive, they'll eventually get close enough to the back of the truck to jump aboard.


Upon arriving back in Midtown, Clementine will stop near the old subway station. Rather than accompanying players to the outside, however, she decides to act as a diversion and lead the sentinels away. Before she does, she hands over the subway key, which players will need if they're going to make it out of Midtown.


At this point, players should take the Atomic Battery down to the lower levels of the subway and plug it into the wall socket there to restore power, assuming, that is, that they didn't already do so earlier on. They can then head to the front of the subway train and use their newly-acquired subway key to turn on the train, which will take them directly to Stray's twelfth and final chapter, Control Room.

Stray is available now on PS4, PS5, and PC.