Stray Gods is a small title that has some interesting ambitions. Developer Summerfall Studios describes the game as an "adventure musical," which is a "one part narrative-driven adventure and one part interactive musical." Musical games, especially in the sense that Stray Gods is attempting to achieve, have not really been seen before, which has resulted in many seeing the game as a unique effort. However, since the game first landed on Kickstarter back in 2019, it has since had a change of title and picked up Humble Games as its publisher.

Humble Games is the publisher behind the popular Humble Bundle, and is often linked to unique indie games such as Stray Gods. Stray Gods was also previously known as Chorus back when it first launched, but has since changed its name likely to better fit the direction of the game as it stands. Currently, the story focuses on Grace, a girl who finds herself mixed in with some of the gods of the Greek pantheon after the Last Muse of Greek mythology dies in her arms.

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Humble Games explained the game in some more detail, stating "Grace finds herself thrust into a hidden world of gods and monsters who live secretly among mortals in a tangled web of loyalties and betrayals." The player's role then is to "unravel the mystery of the Last Muse's death." Though Stray Gods focuses on a musical element, Dragon Age creator David Gaider has assured fans the team is putting an equal amount of detail into dialogue choices and narrative branches in the game.

With Greek gods live hidden among humans, it's clear that Stray Gods has taken some influence from Neil Gaiman's American Gods novel and TV show. Though the idea of gods living among us is where the similarities between the two end, as Stray Gods' musical element promises to bring differences between itself and games that may have similar ideas. Greek gods have proven to be popular with recent gaming titles too, shown by 2020's roguelike Hades. Again though, the inclusion of Greek mythology appears to be the only similarity between Stray Gods and Hades.

Despite Stray Gods being an indie title with a smaller budget, some well-known voices from the gaming industry are lending their talents to the game. Famous and award-winning voice actress Laura Bailey takes on the role of protagonist Grace, and The Last of Us voice actor Troy Baker also features in the game.

Stray Gods is currently in development for PC.

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