
  • Strategy games vary in gameplay styles, offering different experiences like grand strategy or real-time tactical battles.
  • Not all strategy games offer the same value; some provide more replayability and depth than others, making them worth the investment.
  • Games like Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War 2 and Stellaris offer multiple factions and unique gameplay, making them endlessly engaging.

Strategy comes in different flavors. There are 4X or grand strategy games that focus on strategic gameplay on the main map. Then there are real-time strategy games that focus on tactical gameplay in real-time battles, and then there are games that combine both of these playing styles into a unified experience.

The 10 Best Grand Strategy Games Of All Time

Strategy games test a player's planning and insight skills, and there is a bountiful number of games to put players' critical thinking to the test.

Not all strategy games are created equal when it comes to the value they offer. Some are only good for a single playthrough, before being left on the shelf never to be played again. And there are yet others, that for some reason or another, offer fantastic value. Either due to the length of the playthrough, or the overall replayability of the game.

7 Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War 2

6 Factions To Play Through

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2
February 19, 2009
Relic Entertainment
Real-Time Strategy

Leveraging the lore of the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop role-playing game, Dawn of War 2 is a fantastic real-time strategy game with a twist. Instead of building large armies to throw at the enemy, players are forced to train troops and build vehicles that support specific hero units in achieving a specific goal.

6 Tactical Strategy Games With The Best Mercenary Systems, Ranked

Mercenary systems often play a big role in tactical strategy games, and there are so many great games out there that use this mechanic effectively.

What makes Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War 2 fantastic value is that there are 6 playable factions, and each is different from the others in abilities, troop types, and combat tactics. In effect, this is 6 games in one. Unlike some RTS games, it is well worth playing through every faction in Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War 2.

6 Endless Space 2

Over 100 Hours To Complete

Endless Space 2
October 6, 2016
Amplitude Studios
Grand Strategy , 4X

As 4X strategy games go, Endless Space 2 is somewhat unique in the way it plays. Firstly, this is an entirely turn-based game, with nothing automated for the player. Within each turn, the player has to visit every planet, sector, and fleet to set up their next move. The player also has to manage the resource production of every colony and the local research trees, meaning this is a game that is heavy on micromanagement.

Because of the complexity of the game, a 100% playthrough will take more than 100 hours. And, of course, there is plenty of scope for replays by changing the starting parameters for the map or creating a unique faction. Overall, Endless Space 2 is a great value.

5 XCOM 2

Increasingly Hard Challenges


PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC , Android , iOS
February 5, 2016
Firaxis Games
Strategy , RPG

XCOM 2 combines a strategic layer via the world map and tactical turn-based combat during missions. Players are tasked with overthrowing an occupying alien force by building and operating a resistance network across the globe.

8 Best Hardcore Strategy Games For The PC

For all you Hardcore Strategy game enthusiasts out there, this list breaks down the best in the genre for PC.

A single playthrough in XCOM 2 takes around 30 hours. However, there is a good reason why XCOM 2 gets a place on this list, even though a playthrough is quite short. The game offers an increasing difficulty for players to overcome. From easy, with save and reload enabled, to Ironman mode, with save and reload disabled. Completing the game in the hardest setting with Ironman enabled is very difficult indeed, and it will likely take hundreds of hours due to many failed attempts.

4 Manor Lords

Spend Endless Hours Admiring The Land

Manor Lords

April 26, 2024
Slavic Magic
Strategy , City Builder

Manor Lords combines strategy with crafting and settlement-building mechanics. A visually stunning game, that has surprisingly deep gameplay. It is hard to describe what Manor Lords is. An attempt would be to say that it is a strategy game that allows the player to switch to a first-person perspective and explore the fruits of their efforts.

Because of this spectator-like feature, Manor Lords offers great value. Players can spend many hours simply watching the population of villages, farms, and settlements going about their daily business.

3 Stellaris

Infinitely Replayable


PC , PS4 , Xbox One
May 9, 2016
4X , Grand Strategy

Combining grand strategy on a galactic scale with real-time fleet combat, Stellaris is renowned as a game that helped define the genre. With a strikingly simple UI, the game makes managing a complex empire across a large map very simple.

Stellaris is infinitely replayable. Players can choose from a long list of unique empires to play or create a custom one. The map options are deep, allowing for almost every scenario to be set up for a new game. For example, players can choose how many A.I.operated empires they wish to play against and how strong they should be. Some players have thousands of hours recorded playing the base game alone, and when the abundance of DLC is added, the replayability is further extended.

2 Crusader Kings 3

Be Prepared To Spend Hours Just Planning

Crusader Kings 3

PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
September 1, 2020
Paradox Interactive
RPG , Grand Strategy

As 4X games go, few are as complex and offer such deep gameplay as Crusader Kings 3. This is one of the most well-thought-out strategy games of all time. The gameplay revolves around the standard strategy game trope of sustaining and expanding an empire. But where Crusader Kings 3 stands out is in the sheer number of different gameplay mechanics that can be used to reach different goals.

Crusader Kings 3: 25 Tips For Newcomers To Grand Strategy Games

Crusader Kings 3 can be an intimidating title for newcomers. Here are some things to know for gamers who don't usually play grand strategy games.

The main story playthrough will take around 40 hours on its own, and then there are all the extra campaign options and scenarios to complete as well. The game is almost infinitely replayable, as the player can choose to create custom empires and specific starting scenarios. Overall, Crusader Kings 3 offers outstanding value for strategy game fans.

1 OpenRA

There Is No Better Value Than Free

  • Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS
  • Released: October, 2023
  • Developer: Community project
  • Genre: Real-time strategy

First place on this list goes to a free game because what can be better valued than free? OpenRA is a community project that aims to recreate the original Command & Conquer: Red Alert game. One of the most widely acclaimed RTS of all time.

The gameplay has been recreated accurately, with both campaigns playable. For some years, it was impossible to buy the original Red Alert game, and OpenRA was the only way to experience this cult classic. In 2020, a remastered version of the game was released, but by this stage, OpenRA was complete and could be downloaded for free.

Indie Strategy Games With The Most Replay Value

If you're looking for some indie strategy games that you can play on repeat, look no further!