
  • Total War: Rome 2 offers players three classic, varied winning conditions to try in the game.
  • Civilization 6 has six win conditions, allowing players to focus on their preferred aspect.
  • Hearts of Iron 3 provides unique victory conditions based on factions, offering a tailored experience.

Since the genre first started picking up in popularity, strategy games have been some of the most popular available for players. Gamers of all experience levels and interests can find something to enjoy in the genre, and the feeling of satisfaction when a player finally cracks a winning strategy is nearly unmatched in the gaming world. However, for players looking for something different in terms of how to win, it can be tricky to find a game that suits them.

13 Best Grand Strategy Games For Building Fictional Empires

These grand strategy games provide the ultimate power fantasy for players who wish to build their very own fictional empires.

So many strategy games have no real victory conditions, or if they do, there is only one way to win the game. This can become boring for players over time. So, with this in mind, what are the best strategy games with varied victory conditions?

1 Total War: Warhammer 3

Although There Are Only Two Distinct Conditions Here, They Will Take A While

Total War Warhammer 3
Total War: Warhammer 3

February 17, 2022
Creative Assembly

Total War: Warhammer 3 has just two distinct victory conditions for players to try to complete, but both are different enough that players' approaches to them will vary. The two conditions are Forge of Souls and total domination, with the former being easier than the latter. For Forge Of Souls, players need to obtain Daemon Prince souls, which should be a priority as all of the nations will be trying to complete this alongside the player. Total domination requires outliving everyone else and having 50 provinces under either direct or indirect control.

Players looking for long-winded yet simple victory conditions will love Total War: Warhammer 3 because the conditions themselves are straightforward. However, players looking for more involved victory conditions might have a better time with another game, as these conditions can be put on the back burner.

2 Hearts of Iron 3

Factions Have Their Own Unique Win Conditions

The map in Hearts Of Iron 3
  • Platforms: Windows, MacOS
  • Released: 2009-08-07
  • Developers: Paradox, 1C Development Company

In Hearts of Iron 3, players get to choose their own victory conditions, which are unique to each faction. The three factions are the Allies, the Axis, and Comintern, and a lot of these victory conditions are about controlling certain areas of the map. Fifteen can be chosen for a full campaign, meaning players can tailor how they want to win from the very beginning and check off objectives as the game progresses. With so many objectives for victory, the game can get complicated quickly.

The Best Grand Strategy Games Of All Time, Ranked

The best grand strategy games are often played out over several centuries, with some leaning into the immersion and role-play aspects of these eras.

3 RimWorld

Players Have Four Ways To Win

A player's colony in RimWorld

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
October 17, 2018
Ludeon Studios

The base game of RimWorld has two victory conditions, both of which involve a spaceship. In the first one, players have to build their own ship to take their colony away from the planet, while in the second one, players have to cavern across the planet to find an already constructed spaceship. With the Royalty and Ideology DLCs, this expands to four as players can befriend the royalty to get a free ride off the planet or sell the colony and move on to a different section of the planet.

While all four available victory conditions essentially work towards the same goal of leaving the planet/colony, players approach these goals in very different ways. Players can be diplomatic and peaceful for the royalty-based victory, or they can just try and do things their own way, which adds some variety to RimWorld.

4 Victoria 3

This Economy-Focused Strategy Game Has Three Objectives

Victoria 3 Collective Ownership
Victoria 3

October 25, 2022

Victoria 3 is a great option for grand strategy fans who want an economy-focused experience. Like most Paradox games, Victoria 3 is very much a sandbox-style game, although it does have three distinct victory conditions, referred to as "Objectives". Players will work towards these goals for their entire playthrough and, in true Paradox fashion, can continue on even after these have been completed unless the year hits 1936 when the game naturally ends after the Victorian era.

Victoria 3: 5 Best Economic Systems

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each Economic System can make or break a playthrough in Paradox's Victoria 3.

Victoria 3 allows players to run their society however they want, and the victory conditions are varied enough to allow for anything. The three conditions are Economic Domination, Hegemon, and Egalitarian Society. Choosing to prioritize the people is an easy way to the Egalitarian Society victory condition, whereas focusing on the military will lead players to the hegemonic victory condition.

5 Total War: Rome 2

The Game Has Three Classic Winning Conditions For Players To Try

Total War Rome 2
Total War: Rome 2

September 2, 2013
Creative Assembly

Total War: Rome 2 offers players three classic victory conditions to try in the game, with these being common across the grand strategy genre. Players can either get a military, cultural, or economic victory throughout the course of the game, and the way players will need to play to achieve each one is varied. Playing peacefully is the best way to achieve cultural victory, as players, for the most part, need to focus on buildings and technology, whereas a military victory requires total focus on building as many units as possible.

Total War: Rome 2 offers players three paths to winning the game, none of which require the same things to achieve. Players can pick a path to victory early, as all of the victory conditions will take a long time to complete, and they won't get bogged down by trying to do too much at once.

6 Civilization 6

The Latest Edition Of The Franchise Has Six Varied Win Conditions

A large coastal city in the tundra in Civilization 6
Sid Meier's Civilization 6

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC , Android , iOS
October 21, 2016
Firaxis Games

With five paths to victory in the base game and one from the Gathering Storm expansion, Civilization 6 players can choose to focus on one early and develop their strategy across the entire length of the game. The six paths are Domination, Science, Culture, Religion, Score, and Diplomacy for those with Gathering Storm. This great variety lets players focus on the aspects of the game they enjoy the most. In the early game, players can gain points toward all of these, but in the late game, specialization is key.

The openness of the game can be overwhelming for new players, but the system is explained so well that players of all experience levels can at least try to win and understand how to get to victory. Plus, there are several difficult levels available.

13 Grand Strategy Games With The Best Economy Systems

Players who enjoy managing the economic aspects of their nations in grand strategy titles can't go wrong with this selection.