Fan expectations for the Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin demo were all over the place when it was first revealed. On the one hand, a soulslike Final Fantasy game is something that fans of the franchise have been wanting for quite some time now, but the trailer turned into something of a meme and many weren't sure to expect. After a rocky launch in which the demo was corrupted for the first day and half, expectations were set even lower. Despite all this, the demo is actually really well made and enjoyable, but many are finding themselves stuck on the final boss of the demo, Garland.

Those that played the original Final Fantasy will recognize Garland as one of the main antagonists of the game. He was something of a pushover in Final Fantasy, but that is definitely not the case in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. This fight will put all of the player's skills to the test.

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Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Demo - Preparing for Garland

How to prepare for garland boss fight

There are a few things players should do before they go into the Garland boss fight. It really helps to go fight other enemies until Jack's maximum mana is full, as this will make the boss fight itself much easier. There is also a cube players can use right outside the boss door to fill their health and potions to full. Finally, it never hurts to do a little bit of level grinding. Take some time to upgrade the player's favorite class and be sure to put the most optimal gear on as well.

Players that find themselves struggling could also farm potions for the fight. If they are able to defeat other monsters in the level without losing too much health or dying, they sometimes drop potions that will allow the player to have more than five when they enter Garland's boss arena. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any way to upgrade Jed or Ash in the demo, but this may end up changing when the full game releases.

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Demo - Garland Basic Attacks

All of Garland's basic attacks

Many of Garland's basic attacks are hard to differentiate from one another, but they all have about the same amount of wind up time. There are a few attacks in particular that players will want to keep track of. If Garland reels backwards and points his sword at the player, he is preparing to leap across the battlefield and perform a powerful attack. Timing is everything here, as players will need to block or dodge right before he strikes or he will track the player and hit them anyways.

He also has a move where he leaps backwards into the air and fires ice spikes at the player. These can be difficult to dodge at first, but players simply need to dash towards it in order to avoid damage. Aside from these, his most common attack is a three hit combo. Finally, when Garland does a roundhouse kick attack, he will immediately follow it up with a bolt of lightning (phase 2 only). More on this later, but these basic attacks can be enhanced with special named attacks that alter Garland's sword.

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Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Demo - Garland Phase 1

Inferno attack Garland Final Fantasy Origin

The first phase of the Garland boss fight is relatively simple. Aside from basic attacks, Garland has three named moves that players will need to keep track of

  • Blaze - Garland shoots a fireball at the player. If players block this attack with Soul Guard, they can learn it. This is a great way to deal damage to Garland and lower his Break Gauge.
  • Inferno - Garland performs a large AoE fire attack around himself.
  • Firebringer - This technique wreaths Garland's blade in fire. All of his standard attacks will now deal more damage, cause shave damage through regular blocks, and have an AoE.

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Demo - Garland Phase 2

All new moves Garland phase 2 Stranger of Paradise

The second phase is essentially a mimic of the first phase but with everything turned up to 11. Most notably, Garland is relentless after the player gets him down to half HP, so he won't leave a lot of openings for the player to exploit. Garland also gains access to a few new techniques this phase, and his existing ones change a bit.

  • Blaze - Garland now fires two shots at the player.
  • Blizzaga - Inferno is now Blizzaga, dealing more damage in a larger area of effect.
  • Ice Sword- Firebringer is now Icebringer, causing all of his attacks to hit multiple times with longer reach.
  • Fiery Hold - Phase two Garland will hop back and charge up fiery energy in his hand. He then rushes the player with an unblockable attack, grabbing them and dealing high damage. Roll to dodge this.
  • Chaosbringer - Garland charges dark energy, buffing himself and dealing damage in an AoE around him.

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Demo - How to Beat Garland

Garland boss fight guide

There are a few things that players need to keep in mind when trying to "kill Chaos" if they want to have any chance of winning. For starters, the player cannot stagger him with any attacks, even powerful Black Magic will not break through his defenses. As such, only attack when there is an opening in his attack pattern, otherwise he will punish the player.

What's more, players will likely notice that Garland also has a Break Gauge like most other enemies. If the player depletes this all the way, they can use the Soul Crush finisher move to completely deplete the remaining hit points on the phase. The same exact thing happens if the player reduces all of his HP in a phase, so either way is a good way of taking him on. Breaking his guard only works if players are able to stay aggressive and prevent him from regenerating stamina.

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin releases in 2022 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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