Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin is a game with a mixed reputation among Square Enix fans. It's an over-the-top violent soulslike and a dark re-imagining of the first Final Fantasy with some strange narrative choices throughout. That said, Jack himself has been embraced by the fan base as one of the Final Fantasy franchise's more unique protagonists, with the story itself still managing to elicit some somber reactions by the end of it.

This mixed reception hasn't stopped any future plans for the game, as Stranger of Paradise is getting a seasonal set of DLC. The first expansion set is known as "Trials of the Dragon King," which take place after the main game's story. There are a set of brand-new missions for players to tackle in it, along with a storyline involving the titular Dragon King, Bahamut. A set of new jobs, classes, and weapon types are also coming to the game, such as staves. In a recent interview with Destructoid, Stranger of Paradise director Daisuke Inoue discuss some plans for the future with the game, as well as addressing fan requests.

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When Inoue was asked about the most requested fix for Stranger of Paradise, he notes that there were three topics that ended up being at the top. There was feedback from fans that asked for more "Final Fantasy elements" and "content worthy of a challenge." He notes that these two things are being addressed by the additions of the Warrior of Light, Bahamut, and Gilgamesh in the expansion, which he notes saw positive reactions.

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin

The biggest element that he sees from fans that wish to be included in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin was character customization. He notes that fans are gravitating towards certain character builds, which are used far more often than other jobs that are in the game. Inoue states that he's working with the dev team at Team Ninja in order to address these issues. He also states that Team Ninja itself has seen these same requests, and is looking to add more Final Fantasy and RPG elements into the action gameplay.

Regarding the story of Final Fantasy Origin and the direction the DLC will take, Inoue notes there was criticism at the game's overly dramatic and abrupt story changes. He states that those who did play through the latter half did come to appreciate Jack and his journey, with some wanting to play the original FF again to boot. As for the other DLC, it will take on a more expansive narrative direction, which he states will be similar to the groundwork that Final Fantasy Origin has laid out.

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: 7 Easter Eggs Only True Fans Caught In Stranger Of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

Source: Destructoid