
  • Strange Brigade encourages teamwork and coordination in order to survive the hordes of monsters.
  • Players should research and choose the best characters for their playstyle to have an easier time in the game.
  • Each character in Strange Brigade has unique abilities and weapons that make them suitable for different roles on the battlefield.

While players can jump into the story of Strange Brigade on their own as a solo act, the game very much encourages multiple people to band together as part of a team. Just like other co-op games, the characters in Strange Brigade all have their abilities and personal quirks that make them suitable for a specific role and playstyle which will go a long way in keeping them and their team alive when facing down the relentless hordes of monsters.

13 Best Co-Op Open-World Games, Ranked

Here are a variety of options for the best co-op games that can be experienced in an open world setting.

There are four characters that the player can choose from in the base game, but there are also a handful of downloadable characters who all come with their special attributes and weapons to help out their teammates. Strange Brigade can be an incredibly difficult game if players choose a random character rather than taking the time to research them, but these are the very best ones that players should look into trying out due to their reliability on the battlefield.

7 Winston Bey

Amulet Ability: Let Out A Blast To Poison All Nearby Enemies

Winston Equipment In Strange Brigade

Passive Abilities:

  • More Health Than Other Characters
  • Can Gather Souls From Further Away

Starting Weapons:

  • Kingsley Special Repeater
  • Marley .45 Automatic

Winston is a unique character, and this is primarily down to his Piercing Pestilence Amulet which is able to summon an ancient plague that poisons all nearby enemies. This compliments his passive which allows him to collect Souls from a much further distance. He's therefore all about keeping enemies at a distance and picking them off from afar with his lightning-fast Kingsley Special Repeater.

He can also be a valuable ally when dealing with tanky bosses like Ammit who's health bars Winston will be able to melt by using his poison. His biggest drawback is that, while he deals good sustainable damage through poison, he's not great at keeping enemies away with his other tools, but he's nonetheless still decent to play with a bit of practice.

6 Nalangu Rushida

Amulet Ability: Jump Forward And Create A Giant AOE Blast

Nalangu Equipment

Passive Abilities:

  • Drain Health From Enemies When Using Melee
  • Move Faster Than Other Characters

Starting Weapons:

  • Chamberlain Automatic Rifle
  • Marley .45 Automatic

Rushida is very much the all-rounder of the bunch who's capable of holding her own extremely well. She's great at applying pressure and taking the war to the enemy since she can heal every time she kills with melee, so just weaken the enemy with the automatic rifle, and finish them off afterward to get back up to full speed. She also comes with a movement buff which just makes exploration in general much less time-consuming.

While Rushida doesn't really have anything in her kit that makes her a true standout, she's still devastating when coming up against hordes, and will be especially helpful in the later areas of the game where the number of enemies on screen rises drastically.

5 Patrick Conaghan

Amulet Ability: Electrocute All Nearby Enemies With Lightning Strikes

Patrick Equipement in Strange Brigade

Passive Abilities:

  • Headshots Cause Enemies To Explode
  • Explosives Will Recharge At A Faster Rate

Starting Weapons:

  • Audley A40 Exemplar
  • Wesley Revolver

Crowd control becomes incredibly important once players are a few hours in as the Ghouls and Skeleton Warriors will begin bunching up a lot more often to overcome the party. Patrick excels in this area since he's all about blowing things up, and he has many ways he can go about doing this. His headshots will already cause a small explosion, but there's also his dynamite which has a much larger radius and is great for whittling down bosses.

7 Open-World Games With The Most Rewarding Exploration

Open-world games are meant to be explored and enjoyed over a long duration, and these games succeeded in creating a rewarding experience.

His Amulet, which allows him to electrocute everyone around him, is good for protection and can create some breathing room for the rest of the team, and if his guns were just a little faster, he would be more or less unstoppable.

4 Hachiro Shimizu

Amulet Ability: Set An Area Ablaze With Explosions While Poisoning Any Enemies Who Survive

Hachiro Equipment In Strange Brigade

Passive Abilities:

  • Increased Max Health
  • Move Faster Than Other Characters

Starting Weapons:

  • Mikhailov-38
  • Marchador TT

Hachiro has the unique combination of faster movement and added health due to his passives which makes him a real threat on the battlefield, especially when equipped with a shotgun or close-range SMG. If he manages to line up his enemies, he also has the Decaying Demon Blast which deals a massive splash of damage while melting foes away with a lingering poison.

Anyone looking to play the assassin archetype role in Strange Brigade needs to try out Hachiro, but it's also very important to customize his equipment since without efficient firepower, he's more or less useless. Still, with a few Gems and a high DPS gun, Hachiro is one of the best characters in the game.

3 Archimedes de Quincey

Amulet Ability: Summon A Swarm Of Scarabs To Eat Away At Enemies

Archimedes Equipment

Passive Abilities:

  • Gather Souls From Further Away
  • Seek Out Secrets Easier And Unlock Hidden Entries To Secret Areas

Starting Weapons:

  • Kingsley Special Repeater
  • Laine P12

The true "explorer" of the game, and a character who's perfect for anyone who enjoys searching the open areas and finding secrets, Archimedes is a ton of fun to play. He's incredibly important to a team since his passive allows Archie to open up secret areas that can contain high-grade weapons and tons of coins, so he's more or less a must-have for a well-coordinated party.

Similar to Winston, Archimedes can collect Souls from a much greater distance which means he doesn't need to even get into the thick of things, and that's very much how he's designed to play. His Kingsley Special Repeater is still fast enough to dish out some good damage, but he's all about supporting his teammates and finding special loot, and no one in the game is better at doing that than him.

2 Frank Fairburne

Amulet Ability: Charge Into Enemies Knocking Them Over Upon Impact

Frank Equipment

Passive Abilities:

  • Increased Max Health
  • Headshots Deal Extra Damage

Starting Weapons:

  • Westminster 1895
  • Marley .45 Automatic

Frank is a tank archetype in every sense, but while he's great for soaking up damage and causing a distraction, he's still more than capable of taking down any foes who get near, even if it's just with his deadly haymaker punch. His Westminster rifle is deceivingly fast and can become a devastating gun when buffed with a few powerful Gems.

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His Chariot Charge is an incredible ability that makes it very hard for Frank to get overwhelmed by enemies, but it also allows him to clear the way and save a team from an early game over. Frank's a versatile solo expert, and a team player at the same time, and his powerful loadout makes him virtually unstoppable in the right hands.

1 Tessie Caldwell

Amulet Ability: Drop Down A Firestorm To Incinerate Any Enemies Caught In The Blast

Tessie caldwell Equipment in Strange Brigade

Passive Abilities:

  • Increased Maximum Health
  • Faster Explosive Recharge Rate

Starting Weapons:

  • AB Woolf Slamfire
  • Beretta M1934

The reason Tessie is so amazing as a character is that she is essentially made up of all the best personal attributes of other characters. Not only does she have more health just like Frank, but her explosives will also come back in no time at all thanks to the boosted recharge which is similar to Patrick. Her Glacier Bombs are perfect for keeping enemies at bay, and once everyone's in range, her Infernal Firestorm can easily wipe out an entire swarm of enemies in a single sweep, and it's one of the most damaging abilities against bosses too.

On top of all that, she also comes with a fantastic set of weapons that can make quick work of any enemies who dare get close, especially if they're upgraded. However Tessie decides to use her abilities and weapons, whether it's for clearing space for her teammates or just saving her skin, she's incredibly good at both and is the strongest character to play as.

Strange Brigade

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Switch
August 28, 2018
Third-Person Shooter