It's been another bumpy launch for DICE and its long running Battlefield franchise, something the series has unfortunately been known for with its past few releases. Dating back to Battlefield 3 but really brought to light by the disasterous launch of Battlefield 4, these games would typically have major issues at launch such as connectivity and server related problems, to smaller but no less frustrating bugs and glitches. DICE would then respond with multiple updates and patches, eventually stabilizing things about a month or two later.

Unfortunately, the same can be said for Battlefield 2042 which has already experienced a tumultuous month. Since the game's beta, Battlefield 2042 has had a number of issues that left players frustrated with the current state of the title. This included the overly aggressive weapon bloom and bullet spread, weird visual glitches, the controversial specialist system, as well as bigger server and connectivity issues. While DICE has issued a number of updates already, fans are still running into odd and sometimes unique problems while playing.

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The latest strange bug comes from the Battlefield 2042 community where a user known as Canari02 posted a video to Reddit showing another very strange issue they ran into. At the start of each match, Battlefield 2042 features a few sweeping shots of the map before showing the players flying in to start the match. While fans have seen plenty of weirdness related to these intro moments, like players spawning into the shot to clipping problems, Canari02's footage is both hilarious and sad at the same time.

During the initial spawn into the large Discarded map, Canari02 and their team start their decent to begin the match. However, for some unknown reason during the cutscene, their Osprey starts the match by flying in upside down, as evidenced by the properly flying Helicopters in the background. Unfortunately for everyone on board, the aircraft never corrects itself and proceeds to fly straight into the ground, exploding, and giving everyone on board their first death before the match even began.

Something may be up with the game's aircraft as Battlefield 2042 players have recently been posting footage of odd behaviors relating to these vehicles. Just days earlier, another player posted a short clip themselves getting stuck in a rocking Osprey, unable to leave the aircraft until it rapidly starts spinning and ejecting the player on the ground. Another player video shows an exploding Helicopter land at the perfect time, appearing in the best squad section at the end of a match instead of normal operators.

Battlefield 2042 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: What Battlefield 2042 Gets Right