Upon reaching Craftsmanship Level 2 in Stranded Deep, players will unlock the ability to create a Loom. While establishing this structure is quite easy, requiring just four lashings and six sticks, some players may be confused about its purpose. This guide is here to alleviate that confusion, and full details on Stranded Deep's Loom can be found in what follows.

Stranded Deep: How to Use Loom

The Loom's primary function is to turn fibrous leaves into cloth. To perform this transformation, players must simply collect four fibrous leaves in Stranded Deep, stand near to the Loom, and select cloth from the quick crafting radial menu. For full clarity, that menu is accessed by holding RB on a controller or C on a keyboard, and the cloth will be added to a player's backpack as soon as they select it.

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While it is true that the Loom has limited functionality, it is still a very important crafting station. Indeed, the cloth that the Loom produces is critical to surviving in the game's harsh world, as it is used in the creation of Stranded Deep's bandages, torches, and more. Players are thus advised to get a Loom up and running early, and they should make sure to reserve some fibrous leaves for cloth production.

To note, the Loom is not the only way to obtain cloth in Stranded Deep, as it can appear in the various containers that players will encounter while they are exploring. Cloth can also be found lying on the ground occasionally, and players should keep an eye out for it when traversing across beaches. These sources do not make the Loom obsolete, though, as it is unlikely that fans will obtain all the cloth that they need from them.

stranded deep loom use

One final thing to say about the Loom is that it is similar to the Tanning Rack, another crafting station that has one primary function. Specifically, the Tanning Rack's function is to create leather in Stranded Deep. Much like cloth, leather is used in the production of some key items, and players should work on their Tanning Racks as soon as it as possible to do so.

With respect to exactly when a Tanning Rack can be established, this Stranded Deep structure is unlocked upon reaching Craftsmanship Level 3. For those players that want to expedite the process of reaching that level, crafting crude spears is a great option. Indeed, that weapon is created from a single stick, and players that craft it repeatedly will move through the Craftsmanship Levels extremely quickly.

Stranded Deep is available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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