Leather is a material in Stranded Deep that is used in the creation of a variety of items, and it can be obtained in several ways. The most-consistent way to obtain leather is to craft it, though that is not something that can be done straightaway. Indeed, players must make some preparations before they can craft leather in Stranded Deep, and full details on those preparations can be found in this guide.

Before getting into the specifics of the leather-making process, it is worth mentioning that this material can be found in shipwrecks and abandoned structures. While players should not expect to get all the leather that they need from these sources, it is still worth putting some amount of effort toward checking them thoroughly.

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Stranded Deep: How to Make Leather

The first step toward creating leather is to reach Craftsmanship Level 3. For the uninitiated, players gain Craftsmanship XP every time that they create an item, which means that their Craftsmanship Level will increase through standard gameplay. That said, survival video game fans can take may a more targeted approach to raising their Craftsmanship by repeatedly crafting crude spears, which are made from just a single stick and become available at Level 1.

Upon reaching Craftsmanship Level 3, players should set up a Tanning Rack. This crafting station is made from four sticks and four lashings, Stranded Deep materials with which players should already be well acquainted, and it is found within the structures tab of the crafting menu.

stranded deep leather

With a Tanning Rack established, players should focus their efforts on collecting some rawhide, a material that is obtained by using a refined knife to skin a boar or shark. Of these Stranded Deep creatures, it is the passive boars that are the easiest to kill, and they can be found on any large island. That said, boars do not provide as much rawhide as aggressive hogs and great white sharks, and well-equipped players may instead want to target those more-difficult creatures.

After securing some rawhide, players should return to their Tanning Racks and access the quick craft radial menu. For those players that are using a controller, that menu is opened by holding RB, and they should simply select leather from within it. Indeed, this action will cause a piece of leather to instantly be added to the player's backpack in Stranded Deep, and they can repeat this process until they run out of rawhide.

Stranded Deep is available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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