Storyteller features a decent number of easter eggs and hidden interactions that can be easily missed when playing the game normally. After completing all of the standard stages players will unlock the Secret Stamp menu, which is filled with additional challenges and acts as a way to help players track down these secrets.

Acquiring every Secret Stamp in Storyteller can be rather tricky, often requiring players to make use of interactions that served no purpose in the main game. From upsetting the Devil to forcing the Duchess to take a Martini on pain of death, these challenges are a true test of a player's storytelling skills.

Storyteller: How To Solve Every Puzzle 

This guide assists players in navigating the puzzles across all 14 chapters in Storyteller.

Romeo & Juliet

Storyteller_Romeo and Juliet

To get the first Secret Stamp, players will need to recreate the final moments of Shakespeare's classic: Romeo & Juliet. The place to do this is Chapter 4 Part 2: Tragedy. Begin by having Edgar and Lenora together in the Wedding Scene. Have Lenora Die with Edgar mourning, then put Edgar in the Poison Scene. Revive Lenora and have her mourn Edgar in a Death Scene, then put her in the Poison Scene too.



This next Secret Stamp is loosely inspired by the Opera of the same name, in turn a loose adaptation of Goethe's novel "The Sorrows of Young Werther." It's also one of the easier Secret Stamps once players know what's being asked of them. Players should head for Chapter 4 Part 4: Jealousy. Have Lenora and Isobel get married, then place another Wedding Scene to have Lenora reject Edgar. Finally, put Edgar in the Poison Scene to conclude the story on a somber note.



Next on the list is a simple case of getting Isobel to do something mean. The place for this is Chapter 2 Part 4: Grief. The goal here is to make Isobel laugh at someone's grave, which means getting Edgar and Lenora married, having Edgar reject Isobel, and then putting Isobel on the left of the Death Scene with Lenora on the right.



For the next Secret Stamp, players will need to head for Chapter 4 Part 4. Simply have Edgar Marry Isobel, then have Edgar reject Lenora, and finally put Lenora in the Wine Scene to have her drink the whole bottle and pass out.

Age Difference

Storyteller_Age Difference

The Age Difference Stamp requires players to orchestrate a sequence of events so that an old man with a young dog becomes a young man with an old dog. To accomplish this, players should head for Chapter 3 Part 4: Calamity. Put Edgar alone in the Love Scene, then place the Time Scene, then place another Love Scene and put Edgar and the Dog in it. Place another Time Scene, then a Revive Scene to bring Edgar back, and finally place a Love Scene with Edgar and the (now old) Dog.



The Persistence Stamp is a simple one, once again requiring Chapter 3 Part 4: Calamity. Simply fill the entire story with Time Scenes to cause the hourglass to drain and break.

Storyteller Puzzle Game Rewards Players Trying 'Weird Stuff'

Game ZXC spoke to Storyteller's developer about simplifying experimentations in the game and leaning into its 'weird' corners.

Batrachian Affair

Storyteller_Batrachian Affair

This Stamp requires players to transfigure both the Prince and Snowy into frogs, and then have them kiss. This can be done in Chapter 5 Part 4: Deceit. Players should start by having the Witch in the Magic Mirror Scene, then put the Witch in the Forest with Snowy to turn Snowy into a frog. Put the Witch and Prince into the Kiss Scene to have the Prince Reject her, then put them together in the Forest Scene to have the Witch turn the Prince into a Frog. Put both Prince and Snowy into the Forest Scene so they learn what happened to each other, and then put them both in the Kiss Scene to earn the stamp.

Second Chance

Storyteller_Second Chance

This Stamp can be earned in Chapter 5 Part 3: Duplicity. Begin by putting the Witch and Prince in the Kiss Scene, then put them together in the Forest Scene to get the Prince cursed. Now that the Witch has enacted her vengeance on the Prince, put her in the Cauldron Scene to transform her. Put her in the Forest Scene with the Prince so he can tell her what that awful Witch did, and then put them together in the Kiss Scene again to change him back.



In the same chapter as Second Chance, players can earn the Titanic Stamp. To do this, have the Witch transform with the Cauldron, then have the Devil sabotage the Cauldron. Have the Witch and Prince Meet in the Forest, then have the Witch use the sabotaged Cauldron and put the Devil in the Kiss Scene to sabotage the boat. Finally, put the Witch and the Prince in the Kiss Scene to have her watch the Prince drown.

Fright Battle

Storyteller_Fright Battle

To get the Fright Battle stamp, players will need to head over to Chapter 7 Part 1: Rivals. Have the Baron push the Knight off the Cliff, then use the Knight's ghost to scare the Baron off the Cliff. To finish the story, put both ghosts in a Cliff Scene together, so they can scream at each other.

Unlikely Match

Storyteller_Unlikely Match

This stamp requires players to get the Baron to marry the Knight. For this to happen, players must head over to Chapter 9 Part 4: Matriarch. Have the Baron kill the Queen on the Cliff, then put the Knight in the Coronation Scene. Finally, put the Knight and the Baron in the Wedding Scene together.

Storyteller Interview: Dev Talks 15-Year Journey For Its Twisted Classic Stories

Game ZXC talks to Daniel Benmergui on his journey of expanding a simple concept into a new weird and unconventional puzzle game in Storyteller.



In Chapter 8 Part 3, players can get the Duchess to take the Martini with a bit of trickery. First, have the Butler take the Gun, then put the Duchess in the Witness Scene. Put the Butler alone in the Ballroom, then have him put the Gun back and put him in the Ballroom Scene with the Duchess. She'll finally accept the drink.

Afterlife Love

Storyteller_Afterlife Love

To earn Afterlife Love players will need access to the final Devil level, Chapter 14, Part 666. Players should begin by having the Devil imprison the Queen, then have the Knight Rescue the Queen. Have both die and then place a Wedding Scene and put both ghosts into it to earn this stamp.



For this one, players need to get the Queen to marry the Maid. This can be achieved in Chapter 11 Part 5: Machiavelli. Have the Baron kill the King at the Cliff and Imprison the Queen, then have the Maid rescue the Queen and put them together in the Marriage Scene.

Crown Secrets

Storyteller_Crown Secrets

Crown Secrets requires both the King and the Queen to discover each other having an affair. To do this players should head for Chapter 14 Part 4: Love Revolution. Begin with the King and Maid in the Affair Scene, with the Queen watching. Have the Queen imprison the Maid, then have the King rescue the Maid and Imprison the Queen. Finally, players should have the Knight rescue the Queen and put the Knight and Queen into the Affair Scene with the King watching.

Dragon King

Storyteller_Dragon King

Getting the Queen to marry the "Dragon" isn't nearly as difficult as it seems. Players should pick Chapter 7 Part 5: Suitor. Players need to have the Baron Kidnap the Queen, then put on the Dragon Costume and rescue the Queen as the Dragon. After that, put the Queen and the Dragon in the Wedding Scene to earn the stamp.

How Storyteller Went From Pixel Art To Old Children's Storybook With Dark Humor

Developer Daniel Benmergui discusses how the once saturated and pixelated puzzle game turned into a dark and old-school storybook with Game ZXC.



One stamp that is rather easy to earn is Gluttony. Head for Chapter 10 Part 3 and have either Adam or Eve take the apple from the Snake. After that, keep placing Tempt Scenes and alternate which of the two is getting the apple each time. Both will get indigestion and players will receive the stamp.

William Tell

Storyteller_William Tell

To get the William Tell Stamp players will need to use Chapter 10 Part 4: Vengeance, have Friedrich and Eve fall in Love, and then Tempt Eve. Use the Judgment Scene to have Friedrich see Eve die, then put him in the Gun Scene to grab the Gun. Finally, put Friedrich in the Tempt Scene to get him to shoot the apple.

Evil Triumphs

Storyteller_Evil Triumphs

This one can be accomplished in Chapter 10 Part 3 by having both Adam and Eve eat an apple, getting both of them judged, and then putting Adam and Eve into the Tempt Scene again after dying, causing the snake to laugh at them.

Dust to Dust

Storyteller_Dust to Dust

Immediately after doing "Evil Triumphs," put Adam and Eve into another Judgment Scene as the final panel to earn this stamp too.



This stamp requires a Werewolf to howl at the Moon. Fortunately, there's an easy way to accomplish this. In Chapter 12 Part 1 players can place the Moon Scene with Bernard, then a Moon Scene without Bernard, and then another Moon Scene with Bernard, allowing him to howl at the Moon and earn the stamp.

Best 9 Werewolf Games, Ranked

Some games allow players to play as a werewolf, and here are some great examples of that.

Logical Explanation

Storyteller_Logical Explanation

To get the Dragon arrested, players will need to go to Chapter 12 Part 3, and have the Baron put on the outfit to frighten the Detective. Have the Baron put the Disguise back and then put the Detective in the Disguise Scene to have him discover the Baron's fingerprints. Have the Baron put the Disguise back on and try to scare the Detective again to get him arrested.

Hard on the Outside

Storyteller_Hard on the Outside

To make the Professor cry, players will need to set up a rather specific sequence of events in Chapter 12 Part 4: Vampire. Players will need to get either Mina or Jon bitten by Dracula in panel 1, then have the one who wasn't bitten discover the victim in the Crypt. Use the Professor Scene to have them tell the Professor and receive a Stake, then have them encounter the victim in the Crypt again to stake them. Finish by putting the dead character in the Professor Scene, causing him to cry.

Low Bar

Storyteller_Low Bar

To get the Mirror to Praise Tiny players will need to use Chapter 5 Part 4: Deceit. Players need to have the Witch consult the Mirror and then meet Snowy in the Forest. After that, have the Witch attempt to Kiss the Prince, then meet the Prince in the Forest. With both Snowy and the Prince turned into frogs, have Tiny consult the Mirror to receive a compliment.

Family Bonds

Storyteller_Family Bonds

This one requires players to begin with an Affair and then carefully structure a family tree so that the lovers are cousins. This can be done in Chapter 13 Part 4: Salome, by beginning with Peachy and Bluey having an affair. Next, have Tiny tell Peachy "I am your father", do the same with Hatey to Greeny, and then again with Hatey to Tiny. To complete the family tree and earn the stamp, have Greeny say "I am your father" to Bluey.


Storyteller Backstabber

To get the Maid to murder the Knight, players will need to set things up perfectly in Chapter 14 Part 4: Love Revolution. Begin by having the King and Maid have an Affair with the Knight watching, then have the Knight Kidnap the King. Have the Maid rescue the King and then put her on the Cliff with the Knight to get her to push him off.

Storyteller: How to Solve Vindictive Wife Unfaithful Husband Punished

Vindictive Wife Unfaithful Husband Punished in Storyteller confuses even the smartest players. This guide provides steps to solve this mystery.



Refreshingly simple after some of the other stamps, Spookier requires players to scare a ghost by using the Devil. To accomplish this, pick any Devil Level with a Death Scene, kill someone, and then put their ghost in the same scene as the Devil to have him frighten them.



To make the Devil angry, players will need access to the final Devil Level: Chapter 14 Part 666. Simply have the Devil Kidnap the Queen, have the Knight rescue the Queen, and then put the Devil in another Kidnap Scene to make them realize the Queen was rescued.

Original Fight

Storyteller_Original Fight

To get the Original Fight stamp players will need to get Adam and Eve to argue. To do this in Chapter 10 Part 3, players just need to Tempt Adam with the apple, then have him Tempt Eve with the apple. After that, put Eve alone in the Judgment Scene and then Revive her, before putting her and Adam in the Love scene.

Ghost Buster

Storyteller_Ghost Buster

Players will need to head for Chapter 4 Part 2 after unlocking the Devil Levels to do this one. Players should get Edgar and Lenora married, then have Edgar die with Lenora mourning his Death. Next, players should put the Devil in the Poison Scene to mess with it, before putting Lenora in the Poison Scene. Finally, players should put Lenora and Edgar's ghost in the Wedding Scene together, so she can blow him away.

5 Best Dark Fantasy Puzzle Games

These puzzle games go beyond their fantasy settings and include some frightening dark fantasy themes.

Shocked Wives

Storyteller_Shocked Wives

Finally, to get the Shocked Wives stamp, players will need to go to Chapter 2 Part 2: Dismay. Have Edgar marry Lenora, then put Edgar in the Amnesia Scene, then put Edgar in the Wedding Scene with Isobel. Finally, put Isobel and Lenora together in the Wedding Scene.


Android , iOS , PC , Switch
March 23, 2023
Daniel Benmergui
Annapurna Interactive