Storyteller encourages players to use all the tools at their disposal to create the story required on each page, but once all the stories have been completed and the ending has been reached, new and more sinister challenges will appear. Scribbled into the book in red ink, the Devil levels are darker stories that often require the player to guide characters to miserable endings.

Storyteller's Devil levels all introduce a new usable character, the Devil, whose trickeries and deceptions can allow for new outcomes. Players will need to position the Devil carefully in their story to achieve the new endings these levels require, so this guide will explain how he works and how to complete each of the Devil levels.

Storyteller: How to Solve Vindictive Wife Unfaithful Husband Punished

Vindictive Wife Unfaithful Husband Punished in Storyteller confuses even the smartest players. This guide provides steps to solve this mystery.

The Devil - Overview

The Devil is a new character usable in these levels, who can interact with several scenes in unconventional ways. Here is a list of interactions observed while creating this guide:

  • Death: The Devil will draw the face of the observer's loved one on the grave if placed on the right, tricking them into believing they are dead. The devil will draw a person's own face if they aren't married and will laugh if placed on the left with a dead person on the right.
  • Kiss: The Devil will poke a hole in the boat, causing the next characters to appear in this scene to sink into the water.
  • Cauldron: The Devil will rig the Cauldron to turn the Witch into a frog when she next uses it.
  • Witness: The Devil will leer and taunt people in the Ballroom through the painting the next time the ballroom scene is used.
  • Gun: The Devil will swap the gun with a fake, foiling any murder attempt by the next user of the gun.
  • Tempt: The Devil will Paint the Apple a different color, allowing Adam or Eve to be tempted a second time.
  • Wait: The Devil will chop the tree, causing it to fall and kill the next person to wait under it. The Devil will water the stump to grow a new tree if placed in the scene again. After watering the stump twice, it will be ready to chop again.

Devil Makes Everyone Miserable

Storyteller_Devil Makes Everyone Miserable

The goal here is simple, everyone has to be sad, and the Devil has to cause it. To start, players should place the Love Scene and put Adam and Eve in it. Then place two Death Scenes with the Devil on the right side of both and put Adam on the left of one, then Eve on the left of the other. This will cause both of them to think the other is dead and thus make everyone miserable.

Spouses Reject Each Other

Storyteller_Spouses Reject Each Other

The goal for this level is slightly trickier, but players will be iterating on the fake death trick from earlier. First, players should use the Wedding Scene to get Edgar and Lenora married. Then players can use the Devil in the Death Scene to make both of them think the other is dead. Then players can marry Edgar to Bernard and Lenora to Isobel, then use a final Wedding Scene to have Edgar and Lenora reject each other due to remarrying.

Everyone Dies Sad

Storyteller_Everyone Dies Sad

Even trickier than before, this requires players to make every character sad and also have every character die. For this to happen, players will need to do the following:

Get Edgar and Lenora Married, then place a second Wedding Scene to have Edgar reject Bernard. Use a Death Scene to fake Lenora's death to Edgar using the Devil, then place another Death Scene and have Edgar die with Lenora grieving. Finish by placing two more Death Scenes and using them to kill Lenora and Bernard.

Haunted For Murder

Storyteller_Haunted For Murder

This one requires unconventional use of poison via the Devil. Players will want to place the Poison Scene with the Devil on the left, causing them to mess with the poison. Next, a Wedding Scene to marry Edgar and Lenora. Next, players should use the Devil to fake one of their deaths and put the "surviving" spouse in another Poison Scene. They'll drink the altered poison, so put them in a Wedding Scene with the other spouse to make them breathe fire and incinerate them. Finish with one more Wedding Scene that leaves the surviving spouse with the ghost of the other.

Heartbroken Frog

Storyteller_Heartbroken Frog

Next on the list, it's time to mess with the Witch. Players should begin by having the Witch use the Cauldron Scene, then use the Kiss Scene to put her and the Prince together. Now it's time to use the Devil with the Cauldron to sabotage it. Have the Witch use the Cauldron again, turning her into a frog. Put her in the Kiss Scene with the Prince again to break her heart.

Butler Gets Shot

Storyteller_Butler Gets Shot

Getting someone to shoot the Butler isn't that hard once you notice how the Devil affects the Gun Scene. Place the Devil in the Gun Scene to swap the gun for a fake, then put the Butler in another Gun Scene to have him collect the fake gun. Put the Butler in the Ballroom Scene with the Duke to get the Duke angry with him for trying to kill him, then put the Devil in another Gun Scene to put the original gun back. Put the Duke in the Gun Scene to collect the real gun, then put him in the Ballroom Scene with the Butler to get the Butler shot.

Duke Shoots His Wife

Storyteller_Duke Shoots His Wife

To get the Duke to shoot his wife, players will need to start by putting the Devil into the Witness Scene. Then put the Duke and Duchess in the Ballroom to have them see the painting pulling faces. Put the Duke in the Gun Scene and the Duchess in another Witness Scene, then put the Duke in another Ballroom Scene to have him shoot the painting, accidentally killing the Duchess in the process.

Adam Dies Twice

Storyteller_Adam Dies Twice

For Adam to die twice, you'll need to get him to eat the apple twice. Normally, this would be impossible, but the Devil can make it happen if you put him in the right part of the scene. Players should start with Adam in the Tempt Scene, followed by putting Adam in the Judgment Scene. One death down, so put Adam in the Revive Scene to line him up for another. Adam won't fall for the same trick twice, so you need to put the Devil in the Tempt Scene to repaint the apple, then put Adam in the Tempt Scene to trick him into eating it again. Finish this story by putting Adam into another Judgment Scene to get him killed again.

They All Die

Storyteller_They All Die

Turning this simple story about waiting into a twin tragedy will require some patience. Begin by putting the Devil in the Wait Scene to have them chop the tree, then put Tiny in another Wait Scene to have the tree fall on him. Place three more Wait Scenes with the Devil in them to regrow and re-chop the tree, then put Hatey in a final Wait Scene to drop the new tree on him.

Knight Imprisons Queen

Storyteller_Knight Imprisons Queen

To pull off this scene, players will need to jump through quite a few hoops. First, players will need to trick the Knight into thinking the Queen is dead by using the Death Scene with the Knight on the left and the Devil on the right. Then put the Queen in the Kidnap Scene with the Devil to free up the crown. Put the Knight in the Throne Scene to give him the crown and put the Devil in the Execute Scene to rig the guillotine for later. Put the Knight in the Kidnap Scene to rescue the Queen, then put both of them in a Wedding Scene. Follow up by putting the Queen on the left in an Execute Scene with the Knight on the right, which will fail thanks to the Devil's earlier interference. Finally, put the Knight on the left of the Imprison Scene with the Queen on the right to imprison her again and complete the objective.


Android , iOS , PC , Switch
March 23, 2023
Daniel Benmergui
Annapurna Interactive