Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is an RPG life simulator game where players take on the role of a farmer, growing their crops through the season while getting to know the fellow residents of the town. While spring, summer, and autumn are known as being the busiest seasons for farmers many tend to forget the crops that can be grown throughout the winter also.

Related: Story Of Seasons: Pioneers Of Olive Town – Best Crops For Autumn

Players shouldn't expect the snowy season to be free of work as many crops that grow under the soil can still be cultivated, allowing players to still make a decent living throughout the winter.

10 Star Potato

Star Potato in front of a snowy background in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

The durability of a potato is exactly why it is one of the best crops for players to grow during the winter. Compared to the regular potato players are able to make a better deal from growing its star variation.

After allowing it to grow in the ground for six days players can harvest four Star Potatoes from a single plant and sell them for a decent price of 84G. Cultivating them up to a ten-star value will increase their sell price to 126G each.

9 Broccoli

Broccoli in front of a snowy background in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Some players dislike the taste of broccoli, even some residents in the Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town feel the same way. However, a player can't deny the extra money from growing this simple vegetable.

While also taking only six days to grow, this crop can be sown in both the winter and continued further into the spring if a player desires. Once harvested it will give a farmer three crops and can be sold for a base price of 120G or 180G with a ten-star rating.

8 Burdock

Burdock in front of a snowy background in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Root plants also grow significantly well during the winter months and that is exactly why players should take the time to plant a bunch of Burdock. It is especially important from a crafting point of view to grow as this crop can only be grown during winter.

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Being ready to harvest after seven days means players can have a weekly supply of Burdock which they can either keep or sell. Selling does have its perks as improving its quality till it is at ten stars can be sold for 200G each.

7 Daikon Radish

Daikon Radish in front of a snowy background in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Players that are looking for a root that grows quickly while still earning them a decent amount of gold should look no further than the Daikon Radish. This white root grows easily in not only the season of winter but also in the spring allowing players to grow it even in the late snowy days.

Making cash quickly is easy as the Daikon Radish only takes four days to grow before it can be sold for a whopping 234G minimum with a maximum selling price of 351G.

6 Bok Choy

Bok-Choy in front of a snowy background in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Unlike it's wealthier look-a-like the Napa Cabbage, Bok Choy overall isn't one of the most desired crops players will be growing during the winter months. That doesn't mean that it should be ignored since there are so few available crops during the winter that it is still worthy of a place on the farm.

Bok Choy takes a total of nine days to reach maturity before it can be pulled out of the ground by the player, rewarding them with two Bok Choys from their one seed. At a base price of 252G there is little to complain about.

5 Carrot

Carrot in front of a snowy background in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Returning to the roasts, carrots are a staple of the winter times as well as being used for a variety of other recipes. Players don't have to wait for the snow to fall either as carrots can actually join the farm from autumn and then continue into winter.

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After five days players can harvest these carrots to either store to later create carrot juice or sell them for a moderate 300G, increasing up to 450G at ten stars if the player sees themselves as a carrot connoisseur.

4 Giant Leek

Giant Leek in front of a snowy background in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Players that cross their fingers and pray really hard have a chance to sprout Giant Leeks from the normal leek seeds they have sown. Leeks themselves are a great crop to plant, especially as they are only available in winter, but giant leeks have much more potential.

Once a player has waited the usual four days it takes for a leek to grow, then a player will see if they were lucky enough to sprout a giant leek. This can be sold for 400G at base price making it 200G more expensive than a normal one.

3 Cabbage

Cabbage in front of a snowy background in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Enjoyed by all the cabbage is another staple of winter especially for its mild taste that easily accompanies many foods. Taking seven days to grow, the average cabbage can be sown in winter and spring making it another great choice for growing in bulk.

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Aside from its satisfying taste it can also be sold for a satisfying price, allowing players to sell it for 448G. This can then be improved upon till players can make an even better profit during the winter selling the hefty cabbage for 672G.

2 Fork-Root Daikon

Fork-Root Daikon in front of a snowy background in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Although the Fork-Root Daikon is a slight mutation chance from the average Daikon Radish, it still deserves a place on the list. A player who focuses their efforts on growing this bulbous white root is sure to make a profit.

Just like it lesser sibling the Fork-Root Daikon takes a total of four days to mature before it can be harvested. If a player is lucky enough to get this crop they can sell it for a base price of 468G making it 216G profit from the usual.

1 Golden Napa Cabbage

Golden Nappa Cabbage in front of a snowy background in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Finally, the greatest crop to grow during the winter times is the Napa Cabbage. This crop can only be grown during this chilly season and has the slight chance of mutating into a Golden Napa Cabbage if the player is lucky.

After growing for it for six days a player will know if they were lucky as a golden leafy plant will be in the place of what should be green. After pulling it from the ground a hardworking farmer may sell this discovery for 884G or 1326G if they were lucky enough to grow it at ten stars.

Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is available now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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