More often than not, autumn will be a farmer's final chance to utilize crop-growing until after Winter in Story of Season: Pioneers of Olive Town. So in a stretch to make the most of farming while cashing in on the last season, it’s integral for any player to ensure their crops are making as much money as possible. But, if this is a player's first-year autumn may be another season bearing uncertainty and concern.

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But several crops guarantee a positive return before the nights get longer and snow covers the ground. Cultivating only the best crops autumn offers in Story of Season: Pioneers of Olive Town ensures no player is left struggling for cash before it's too late.

10 Melon

Melon and Jewel Melon icon as it would be seen in players inventory over blurred background of player and cows in game

Although it’s not typically an autumnal crop, melons are worth any effort due to their rich rewards. After a seven-day cultivation period, a single melon will return 525G, 656G for a 5-Star, or 788G for a 10-star. So although one plant will produce one harvest, and one crop will produce one yield, it’s undeniably worth the wait.

Melons also open the opportunity to mutate, producing a jewel melon rather than its standard crop. The rewards of a jewel melon are 1050G per standard crop, 1313G for a 5-Star, or 1575G for a 10-Star, which is enough to settle the stress of any uneasy farmer.

9 Carrot

Carrot icon as it would be seen in players inventory over blurred background of player and cows in game

When considering which crops would be beneficial to harvest in autumn, their availability in winter is a vital factor in deciding what to plant. Carrots are a prime example of the ideal crop since they are valiant enough to resist the cold while also returning a hefty sum of money. Additionally, their cultivation time of five days makes them incredibly beneficial to farmers in a pinch.

A single plant will only yield one carrot, and the crop will not grow again once harvested, but the return is worth the effort. 300G is paid for one base quality carrot, which increases to 375G if the quality is 5-Stars, and then again to 450G for a 10-Star vegetable.

8 Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato and Giant Sweet Potato Icon as it would be seen in players inventory over blurred background of player and cows in game

Sweet potatoes are among the few autumnal vegetables to produce several harvests with one plant. Despite one plant only yielding one piece, a single seed can grow three crops before needing to be replanted. A single sweet potato will return 384G, 480G for a 5-star quality crop, or 576G per 10-star. So it’s definitely worthwhile.

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Like its beige counterpart, the sweet potato takes six days to produce a harvest and presents the opportunity for mutation. If a giant sweet potato is harvested, the gold yield increases to 768G, 960G per 5-Star plant, or an insane 1152G for a 10-Star crop. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, a giant sweet potato would be the showstopper of any dinner.

7 Eggplant

Eggplant and Round Eggplant icon as it would be seen in players inventory over blurred background of player and cows in game

It’s hard to imagine the colder seasons without eggplants, so any avid farmers should reap their benefits before it's too late. Luckily, eggplants can be grown throughout summer and autumn to utilize their hefty gold return. Eggplants are essential for any autumnal farm, taking only seven days to produce, yielding three pieces per plant, and hosting the ability to regenerate a harvest three times per seed.

A regular eggplant will return 110G for a standard crop, 138G for a 5-star yield, and 165G for a 10-Star crop. But, if the crop produces a round eggplant as opposed to its standard design, the gold return will double its original cost.

6 Tomato

Tomato and Giant Tomato icon as it would be seen in players inventory over blurred background of player and cows in game

Although tomatoes don’t look like much from the get-go, their return mostly comes in the form of higher quality crops, potential mutations, and three vegetable yields per plant. In addition, they can be grown throughout summer and autumn and are a fantastic crop to keep growing in the background since they take only six days to mature before harvest. Additionally, tomato plants can re-grow from the same seed three times before the seed will need to be replanted.

A standard tomato will reward a hardworking farmer with 91G, increasing to 114G per 5-Star crop and 137G per 10-Star Crop. But, should a crop mutate into a giant tomato, this crop will return 182G for standard quality, 228G for a 5-Star quality, and 273G for a 10-Star piece, which makes mutated crops always worth the risk.

5 Spinach

Spinach and Heart Spinach icon as it would be seen in players inventory over blurred background of player and cows in game

If any farmer is looking for something to make quick money throughout the season, all while reaping some financial stability along the way, spinach may settle the decision. Since it takes four days to cultivate and returns at least 240G per shipment, it’s hard to wrong with these leafy greens.

Alongside its base gold return, spinach only increases in value given its quality. A 5-Star piece will return 300G, and a 10-Star is worth 360G. But alongside its standard crop, the opportunity for mutation presents itself. If a farmer is fortunate to stumble across a crop of heart spinach, this crop will return 480G per standard quality, 600G for 5-Star, and an incredible 720G per 10-Star. It might also be a sweet gift to give a lover.

4 Bok Choy

Bok Choy icon as it would be seen in players inventory over blurred background of player and cows in game

Bok Choy may look like a napa cabbage from the top, but its return isn’t quite as fruitful. But, with a nine-day cultivation period and two crop yields per plant, Bok Choy still has its perks. Bringing in 252G for a base quality crop and yielding two pieces per plant, there are a lot of opportunities to get some serious bank for one's Bok.

With a 5-star crop, a single piece will return 315G, and a 10-Star crop raises this figure to an incredible 378G. Additionally, this is one of the only vegetables that can be grown through winter as well.

3 Chili Pepper

Chili Pepper icon as it would be seen in players inventory over blurred background of player and cows in game

As the weather begins to turn and the days become colder, every farmer desperately needs to warm up. Which is something a few chili peppers can help out with. Taking nine days to grow and yielding three pieces per plant, these crops are a fantastic addition to anyone searching for a passive income.

A single pepper will return 240G at base quality, 300G for 5-Star, or 360G for 10-Star. To make matters even better, Chili Peppers will grow in Area Two of the farm every autumn, so seeds don’t necessarily need to be planted to benefit from their generosity.

2 Radish

Radish icon as it would be seen in players inventory over blurred background of player and cows in game

Although radish may seem like an inferior option to cultivate, especially with their 30G return per piece, they are more than meets the eye. A single radish crop will yield four profitable pieces, producing at least 120G per plant. If a crop produces a 5-Star quality harvest, a single radish will return 38G or 45G per piece for a 10-Star quality.

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Additionally, radish plants have a minimal growth time of only four days, which makes them easy to maintain and consistently produce throughout the season. A field of radishes would be a guaranteed money-maker.

1 Rice

Rice icon as it would be seen in players inventory over blurred background of player and cows in game

Taking an incredible fourteen days to grow, a field of rice may be a waste of time to any desperate farmer strapped for cash. But, given that this crop can be cultivated from spring through autumn if seeds are planted towards the end of summer, a rice yield can be incredibly beneficial.

A single crop yields six pieces, each returning at least 83G. So even with minimal effort, a single rice plant can return 498G. If the crop produces a higher quality yield, the base rate of 83G will increase to 104G for every 5-Star piece and 125G for every 10-Star. It’s just a shame that a single rice plant will only grow once.

Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is available now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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