Living in the picturesque place called Olive Town, players will not only be looking to make the most of the land through farming, but may also be hoping to settle down with the woman of their dreams. In Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town, players will be able to do exactly that, as there is plenty of single and ready to mingle bachelorettes to get to know.

Related: All Stardew Valley Bachelorettes, Ranked

In recent titles, players don't need to worry about what character they choose, as both genders are able to marry the female options available. However, with this freedom, many players may struggle to pick the best partner that suits them.

8 Super-Star Blaire

Blaire telling the player about the movie studio she had been to in the city in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Blaire is nothing new to the Story of Seasons franchise, she is a girl that hopes to one day be famous and move away from her small town to make it big in the even bigger city. She currently works as a waitress at Misaki's bistro, where players can listen to her talk about her hopes and dreams.

Besides her unimaginative backstory, Blaire is still a brilliant marriage option and besides her yearning for fame, she is an incredibly thoughtful person. It is down to the player to show her the importance of what she already has here in Olive Town, one of those things being the player themselves.

7 Lisette The Florist

Lisette makes a sigh of relief as she stands in-between the player and their son in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Originally a marriage option from the 3DS game Trio of Towns, players may remember Lisette as being the florist of Westown. However, during the release of the expansion pack Twilight Isle, Lisette has gone with her friend Moriya exploring, being inspired by tales of a princess that found her true love while adventuring.

Perhaps the player is Lisette's true love as they bond together during her heart events where she hopes to become more like the strong and powerful heroines in her stories. Her innocence, cheerfulness, and slight clumsy tendencies are sure to win over any new players that had not yet met Lisette, especially as a simple woman to please.

6 Food-Critic Felicia

Felicia cheering about trying new foods in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Another DLC released character who came with the Windswept Falls expansion pack, Felicia, was originally a marriage candidate for those playing A New Beginning on the 3DS. Since then, she has decided to travel with the others in a hope to discover new foods to try. Felicia has progressed since past games as she has gone from a waitress like Blaire into further widening her pallet as a food-critic.

Related: Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Story Of Seasons: Pioneers Of Olive Town

In many of her heart events, the players swill interact with her while she attempts to make ancient recipes that haven't been made for years. Many times, these meals go wrong, and it is up to the player to help her through them.

5 Gentle Linh

Linh and the player having a picnic on the grass in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

With all the excitement of the other bachelorettes, some players may be looking for a more down-to-earth and relaxing option. Linh helps run the florist shop in Olive Town with her grandfather, and she has been known to escape into the forest occasionally for a nap or to have some quiet time to read.

Although not native to Olive Town and coming from the city, she still loves nature and one of the most heartfelt moments a player can have with her is sitting down for a lovely picnic amongst the trees. She can be incredibly shy, but once warming up to the player, there isn't a gentler girl in town to marry.

4 Head-Strong LauraLaura talking to a green haired woman calling herself cool in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Laura lives to serve not only the people of Olive Town when she helps her father in the grocery shop, but also the tourists that come and go she's a full-time tour guide. Any players that are expecting to have visitors are sure to spend time with Laura at some point while playing Story of Seasons: Olive Town.

Besides her hard-working nature and confident mindset, during the heart events between her and the player it really shows that Laura is interested in getting to know more about them as well as asking the farmer what they think of her. Not to mention how excited she is to tell her entire family about their relationship until eventual marriage.

3 Animal Lover Bridget

Bridget surrounded by both farm and woodland animals in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Similar to her little brother Damon, Bridget has an immense love for farm animals and is the woman to go to when hoping to purchase new mounts and pets, as she works inside her family's animal shop. She's incredibly hard-working, which many players can respect, and they too are frequently pushing themselves to tend to their land.

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Bonding with Bridget consists of not only helping her look after her animals but talking with her about her family, especially Damon, who she constantly worries about. Out of all the candidates, she is surely the one to put a smile on the player's face with her constant uplifting personality.

2 Elegant Iris

Iris talking to a man in a green shirt in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Many fans of the franchise agree that Iris is by far one of the best DLC bachelorette marriage candidates due to her maturity and elegance. She was once a character in Story of Seasons, though she was added to Olive Town during the Terracotta Oasis expansion pack.

As a novelist, Iris has decided she needs a well-earned break from her fans, as well as new inspiration for her writing. The relationship between the two grows well as long as the player respects Iris for herself and not her popularity though the player must overcome this barrier of fame in a hope to live a happy and peaceful life with Iris.

1 Archeology Expert Reina

Reina standing in the museum talking to the player in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Players tend to be quite surprised when they meet Reina, she has an incredibly laid-back personality but takes her job working at the museum very seriously. Players that have artifacts to spare should surely gift them to Reina, as she loves to learn new things, especially stuff the player has dug up.

She isn't all about dusty relics, though, as underneath all that is a woman that just wants to have some fun. When the player has got closer to her through her heart events, she will eventually invite them on a night out to party, which can shock many players that may have not expected her personality to be so complex.

Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is available on PC, Switch, PlayStation, Xbox

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