Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life is a remake of the classic Harvest Moon title. Players are in charge of their own farm, where they grow crops, care for animals, and sell goods. There are also mines where they can collect gems using tools.

Tools are essential to A Wonderful Life as they are necessary for most activities. Players will be gifted their first set of farm tools, which can be found in a separate inventory from general items. Players can sift through them seamlessly as needed, so here's how to change tools in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

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How to Change Tools in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

A Wonderful Life

pcWhen players first start their game, they are introduced to their new home, the town, and its people. Then they are left to their own devices to explore or get a head start on building the farm. One of the first things players can do is buy more seeds from the crop store and start planting them. The controls to access tools and seeds depend on the platform players use.

Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life was released on PC and Switch, Playstation, and Xbox consoles. The inventory can be viewed on a small display on the bottom left-hand side of the screen. The console controls are basically the same, and to change between the tool bag and the general inventory, players can press the left bumper. To switch between tools, use the trackpad to pick whichever is desired.

A Wonderful Life

Players playing on a PC can switch their inventory bags by clicking "Q." Then, use the mouse pointer to select which tool they want to have on hand. To use their tools, they can approach the object or area they want to interact with until a blue square appears and press "Enter" on PC or "A" on consoles. The tool bag has eight slots that can be sorted anytime from the Bag.

A Wonderful Life

Players start with a Hoe, Sickle, Watering Can, Milker, and Camera. Players can get upgraded versions of each tool with benefits such as a larger use area or less stamina-draining effects. Additionally, players should quickly get their hands on a Fishing Rod, Brush, and Clippers to get more resources. The Brush and Clippers are needed to harvest sheep fur and groom animals to increase their happiness. The Fishing Rod can be used to catch fish for food or to be sold at the shipping zone.

Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life is now available for PC, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Series X/S.

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