In every iteration of galaxies in a new game of Stellaris, there will be a mix of unique systems that empires can colonize to advance their domination. Some of these systems might have unique resources to offer, strong planets to colonize, or even a unique archaeological site with powerful bonuses.

However, these unique systems will be highly contested by other empires. As such, it is necessary for players to know which unique systems to prioritize over others. Moreover, some of these unique systems might have a hostile surprise waiting as well when colonized. Here's what every Stellaris player should know about the game's best unique systems.

7 Wenkwort

Optimal System for Research-Focus Planets

An image of Stellaris: Wenkwort system
  • Contains a Gaia World with unique modifiers:
    • +40% Bureaucrat output
    • +20% Researcher output
    • -30% Artisan output
    • -70% Miner and Strategic Resource Gatherer output

As one of the guaranteed unique systems in every iteration of Stellaris' galaxy, Wenkwort is a worthy system to colonize due to its Gaia World, which is called Wenkwort Artem. When colonized, a custodian robot will contact the colonizer and politely ask them not to exploit the resources of the planet too much.

Stellaris: 10 Best Relics, Ranked

Relics in Stellaris provide empires with incredible power. These are the best ones to have in the game.

Accepting the request will add huge bonus modifiers to Bureaucrats and Researchers, making it easier for players to research powerful technologies. However, refusing the request will invite a hostile fleet. They will politely ask the empire to accept its condition a second time, or turn on the player.

6 Dacha

Heaven of Gaia Worlds with a Hyperlane Twist

An image of Stellaris: Dacha
  • Contains six Gaia Worlds.
  • May not tolerate any colonization or observation during the first visit.

Alongside Wenkwort, Dacha is also guaranteed to spawn in every game of Stellaris. The system itself is unique, as it is isolated from the galaxy. It requires the colonization of a system called Helito first, and completion of the subsequent anomaly that spawns inside the system.

The Dacha System houses a unique civilization called the Habinte Unified Worlds, who can manipulate hyperlanes with its technology. When antagonized, they will drive out any foreign ships and armies before destroying the connecting hyperlane. This makes it necessary for other empires to research Jump Drive or other means of travel if they want to visit the system again.

5 Zanaam

A Huge Gaia World and Hostile Fleet

An image of Stellaris: Zanaam
  • Contains a large (25) Gaia World.
  • Guarded by a strong fleet called Guardians of Zanaam.

A large planet is always beneficial to settle on, as it will grant the empire the highest possible potential growth and resource production in the process. A mix of large planets and the most ideal planet type, Gaia, is located deep inside the system of Zanaam.

Stellaris: 10 Funniest Anomalies

Anomalies are story-like events that spice up Stellaris' gameplay. Here are some of the more hilarious anomalies players might encounter.

However, empires that wish to settle these planets will need to bypass a strong fleet guarding the system: the Guardians of Zanaam. The guards of the system will have 19k fleet power, making it a challenge. An empire must have a strong fleet before paying the system a visit.

4 Sanctuary

Abandoned Ring World Available for Revitalization

An image of Stellaris: Sanctuary
  • Contain an abandoned Ring World with most of its segments intact.
  • Guarded by multiple powerful defense platforms.

Ring World has always been one of the most powerful megastructures in Stellaris due to its flexibility in placement and resource production. Moreover, it can accommodate large populations without struggling for space due to its size. An empire that comes across Sanctuary will be able to settle in a Ring World without having to construct it themselves.

Unfortunately, they will have to bypass a collection of powerful defense platforms before settling and colonizing the system. Each defense platform has approximately 42k fleet power, making it a huge challenge for anyone who wishes to have free real estate in the form of a Ring World.

3 Sol

Learn the Ultimate Fate of Humans

An image of Stellaris: Sol
  • Earth will be in one of four random states when visited:
    • Late Medieval Age with primitive armies
    • Machine Age during World War II
    • Early Space Age, on the verge of discovering FTL travel
    • A nuclear wasteland

Even in the vast galaxy, humans will always wonder what happened to their homeworld. If gamers are not playing as the United Nations of Earth or Commonwealth of Man, Sol will have a 50% chance to spawn in a brand-new galaxy. When it does, the planet Earth will be in one of the four random states listed above.

Stellaris: Best Precursors, Ranked

Although it can often be difficult, solving a precursor's mystery in Stellaris can lead to some neat benefits.

Some of the Earth states have the player finding them in the past, either in medieval times or the machine age of World War II. A human civilization on the verge of its first-ever faster-than-light travel can also be found. This society can grow into the United Nations of Earth should they be allowed to ascend into the galactic civilization. However, Earth can also be found in a horrible state of nuclear wasteland, with only adaptive pre-sapient cockroaches surviving in the harsh conditions.

2 L-Clusters

Unique Clusters of Systems Outside the Galaxy

An image of Stellaris: L-Clusters
  • When visited, players will find either:
    • A unique Nanite leader named Gray
    • A friendly yet suspicious empire, Dessanu Consonance
    • Roaming dragons named L-Drakes
    • Deadly invasive Nanites fleet called the Gray Tempest

Veterans of Stellaris will not be surprised when they see an abandoned L-Gate sprawling in the galaxies. Beginners, however, may rush too much into unlocking the unique clusters of the system. This can destroy the early game due to one of the potential outcomes in unlocking all the L-Gates.

Of the four possible outcomes, three are relatively peaceful, with a huge reward for the first player that managed to unlock the L-Gates first. Unfortunately, the chance of unlocking a mid-game crisis called the Gray Tempest is higher than the others, making it quite risky to unlock the L-Gates even in mid-game.

1 Ultima Vigilis

Dedicated to Surveillance with Its Owner Observing

An image of Stellaris: Ultima Vigilis
  • Houses a mysterious planet called Observation Terminal.
  • Might result in a deadly consequence if colonized.

The mere presence of the system outside the galaxy without any hyperlane routes should be alarming, as it could cause deadly consequences further down the line. However, players who are brave enough to do so can try researching the Jump Drive to travel into the system.

Stellaris: 10 Leviathans With Best Rewards, Ranked

The following leviathans provide tremendous rewards in Paradox's Stellaris.

After being surveyed and colonized, a curious archaeological site will spawn in a unique AI world called the Observation Terminal. After the archaeological site is fully finished, the player will have five options to choose from. Only one of these options will have a relatively safe reward. The other four options will cause an impending end-game crisis, even if the game is still in its early stages.


Stellaris is a deep, extensive, and nuanced sci-fi strategy game that was developed and published by Paradox Development Studio/Interactive. Players in Stellaris will explore the farthest reaches of space encountering new species and alien life. The game features procedurally generated content, space warfare, space diplomacy, and much more.

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
May 9, 2016
4X , Grand Strategy