Stellar Blade is a lot like other games out there but it has its own identity. It’s not quite a Soulslike akin to Dark Souls and it’s not quite an action RPG like NieR: Automata. Players can upgrade their character, Eve, in a few unique ways which is important because the game is tough from increasing health to getting new gear.

Stellar Blade: Complete Mission List

In addition to the game's main story, players will be able to partake in a number of side quests and missions in Stellar Blade.

One of the most basic ways players can make Eve stronger is by literally playing on the easiest difficulty setting aka Story. It’s an artificial way to power up but it is still a sound strategy worth advising. What else can players do in Stellar Blade? Here are a few handy tips.

6 Leveling Up

Finding Rest Spots Near High Naytiba Locations

Fighting enemies in Stellar Blade

This is not a typical RPG wherein players can defeat enemies, gain EXP, and then level up to gain better stats. Enemies in this game, called Naytiba who look like the angelic enemies in the Bayonetta series, will always drop two things when defeated in Stellar Blade. They will give Eve SP EXP in Stellar Blade and she can collect money too with the bonus of items on occasion. SP EXP, once enough is gained, will unlock a skill point rather than leveling Eve up.

There are no stat-boosting skills within the early trees either. However, certain skills can make the game easier. Also, a good flow of cash and items is always useful in an RPG too. So, finding a good checkpoint, which is called Camps in Stellar Blade, around large hives of Naytiba and grinding for the various currencies can help Eve in a few ways.

5 Collecting Stat Cores

Using Fallen Comrades

Gathering a beta core in Stellar Blade

There is a way to increase some stats in Stellar Blade beyond collecting gear. There are two types of stat-boosting cores in Stellar Blade. One will boost HP while the other will increase the Beta meter which is like MP in other RPGs.

Stellar Blade: How To Increase Shop's Affinity (& What Does it Do)

Increasing affinity level with the available merchants will reward players with extra items in Stellar Blade.

Both of these cores can be gained from fallen comrades in the environments and typically they look female. Collect three of either one and that respective stat will be increased sort of like how players can gain more health in The Legend of Zelda series if they collect four Heart Pieces. Other fallen comrades in Stellar Blade typically give Eve notes like passwords to open chests or doors with.

4 There Are Other Cores Too

Three Ways To Make Eve Stronger

Attack Power Enhancement screen in Stellar Blade

Players can scout the wastes to find other cores and items to increase Eve’s gear permanently too. For example, Weapon Cores will be used to increase her blade’s attack power. The blade is foldable, sort of like Lightning’s weapon in Final Fantasy 13, but Eve can wear her sword like a hair ribbon.

The other two items of note are called Tumbler Expansion Modules and Omnibolts. These can increase how many healing salves Eve can carry between rests, like Estus Flasks in Dark Souls, and they can unlock more slots to equip gear into. The overall tip is to explore areas thoroughly before moving on toward the main mission goals.

3 Further Strengthening Your Beta

Become A Blademancer

Beta Energy Recharge 1 skill in Stellar Blade

Besides collecting cores to increase the Beta meter, players can make the most out of Beta energy in Stellar Blade’s skill trees. For example, there are two slots under the name Beta Energy Recharge. Buying both will increase how much the Beta meter will charge upon landing normal attacks on enemies.

Virtually every type of attack players can do in Stellar Blade can increase Beta acquisition via the skill tree from normal attacks to counters. Both Beta Energy Recharge slots are recommended to purchase first though since players will use standard attacks the most during combat. The more times players can use Beta attacks during battle like Triplet or Slash, the faster enemies will fall and their power can be increased via the skill tree too.

2 Upgrading Gear

Get Your Exospine Aligned

Protection-Type Exospine in Stellar Blade

Exospines in Stellar Blade are like typical pieces of body armor players can find in other action RPGs. The big difference is that this equipment lodges itself into Eve’s spine which can give her abilities or increase stats. One of the best ones to get early on is called the Protection-Type Exospine which can be located in the construction site around the elevator generator to the east.

Stellar Blade: Every Trophy (& How to Unlock Them)

This Stellar Blade trophy guide will give you all the details to add that Platinum trophy to your collection.

At certain rest areas, players can use parts to increase gear. Upgrading the Protection-Type Exospine fully will increase Eve’s damage resistance, heal a bit of HP in dire situations, and recharge her shield better. It’s a great piece of gear for defensive-type players, so be sure to save all equipment upgrade materials until this Exospine is unlocked in Stellar Blade.

1 Using Disposable Items

These Grenades Will Save You

A Shock Grenade in the store in Stellar Blade

Players should not discredit disposable items in the game either. There is always a vending machine located in the various types of Stellar Blade’s rest areas. The aforementioned money is not good for much, so players should be able to gain a huge amount if they grind in the starting areas.

Two great offensive items are the Shock Grenades and the Pulse Grenades. From stunning enemies to damaging enemies ever so slightly, both items can give Eve the edge in battle that she needs to succeed. Players should be reminded not to go too hog wild on buying these grenades every time they run out though.

stellar blade box art
Stellar Blade

April 26, 2024
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