Silent Street is the first subarea of Stellar Blade's Eidos 7, and there are many collectibles scattered across it. Among those collectibles are Naytiba entries, passcodes, memorysticks, and chests, and some players will undoubtedly be interested in finding them all. This guide is here to assist with that endeavor, and details on the location of every collectible on Stellar Blade's Silent Street can be found in what follows.

Players cannot obtain every Silent Street collectible during their first visit to Stellar Blade 's Eidos 7 . For instance, there is a chest in the "Bar 99" building that is intended to be opened during a return trip to the area. Fans that have just started the game are thus advised to focus on the collectibles detailed in the "Visit 1" section and then return to this guide when they revisit the area.

Stellar Blade: Every Trophy (& How to Unlock Them)

This Stellar Blade trophy guide will give you all the details to add that Platinum trophy to your collection.

Stellar Blade: All Silent Street Collectible Locations (Visit 1)

1. Creeper Naytiba Entry

stellar blade silent street collectibles

Players will encounter this Naytiba variant, and obtain its associated entry, almost immediately after they gain control of Stellar Blade's Eve.

2. Silent Street Gateway Passcode

This passcode is collected from a body in the "Caliente" building next to the aforementioned Creeper encounter, and it is required to continue progressing through Silent Street.

3. Legionnaire 451's Resolution Memorystick

After using the Gateway Passcode, Stellar Blade players should climb up the ledge on their right and follow the path to a body that holds Legionnaire 451's Resolution.

4. Tumbler Expansion Module

Players should continue forward after collecting Legionnaire 451's Resolution to access a path that leads to a small enemy that awards a Tumbler Expansion Module when slain.

5. Chest

There is a chest at the bottom of the pool that is below the ledge where Legionnaire 451's Resolution is obtained.

6. Camp

stellar blade silent street collectibles

Players who continue down Silent Street will find a camp on their left not long after opening the aforementioned underwater chest.

7. Cricket Slasher Naytiba Entry

stellar blade silent street collectibles

Players will encounter their first Cricket Slasher, and obtain its associated entry, just after the first Silent Street camp.

8. Chest

There is a chest in the open building next to where the Cricket Slasher encounter occurs.

9. Chest

Players should now cross the broken bridge that is just beyond the Cricket Slasher encounter and jump onto the roof of the building near the end. Fans of PS5 exclusives should then use the slanted metal grate to access a higher section of the roof, and they will find a chest in that location.

10. Hydra Naytiba Entry

stellar blade silent street collectibles

Players should go left after jumping off the broken bridge, and they will encounter a Hydra as they approach Gate 09.

11. Chest

stellar blade silent street collectibles

After dispatching the Hydra, players can open a chest that is on the ground near Gate 09.

12. Chest

Players should now return to the broken bridge and continue advancing down Silent Street. A tutorial about scanning will appear after traveling in that direction for a short distance, and fans can use the feature to identify several handholds next to some scaffolding on the right side of the street. Those handholds can be used to climb to an area with a chest.

13 & 14. Mutated Creeper & Heavy Guardian Naytiba Entries

stellar blade silent street collectibles

Players who continue down Silent Street will eventually be directed to collect a Fusion Core from a car. The combat encounters that immediately follow that action feature a Mutated Creeper and a Heavy Guardian.

15. Guardian Naytiba Entry

Once the Heavy Guardian has been defeated, players should follow the narrow corridor on the left to access an area with a graffitied wall. There is a Guardian near the lamppost in the far-left corner of that area, and fans should engage it in combat to claim the associated entry.

16. Beta Core

stellar blade silent street collectibles

Players can collect a Beta Core from the body that is leaning against the lamppost where the Guardian was found.

17. Chest

Players should now backtrack to the location where they fought the Mutated Creeper and Heavy Guardian and climb the wall that is across from the narrow corridor. Fans should then follow the wall to the left and climb up the building to access a chest.

18 & 19. Silent Street Pharmacy Passcode & The Last Words of the Hopeless Memorystick

After opening the chest, players should drop back down to the wall, walk to its right side, and use the bars to swing across the gap. Fans of single-player video games can then use several metal grates to ascend, and they will find a body with the Silent Street Pharmacy passcode and the Last Words of the Hopeless Memorystick just before a second swinging section.

20. Louis's Testimony Memorystick

Players who continue to advance through this section will ultimately find that they are forced to jump into a pool of water. There is a platform on the right side of the pool that fans can immediately climb onto with the help of a ladder. Players can then use the handholds on the building from which the platform extends to climb to a body with Louis's Testimony.

21. Chest

Players should now return to the pool and look for a corner that is blocked by chain link fencing. There is a hole in the fencing, which fans of sci-fi video games can access by diving, and there is a chest beyond that opening.

22. Camp

stellar blade silent street collectibles

With the contents of the underwater chest collected, players will use a plank to reach a ladder that leads directly to a second Stellar Blade camp.

23. Barnacle Naytiba Entry

stellar blade silent street collectibles

After resting at the camp, players should descend the ladder near the record player and walk forward to approach a large statue. There is a Barnacle near that statue, and fans will earn its entry as soon as it has been defeated.

24. Pharmacy Chest

There is a path to the right of the statue that leads to the Pharmacy, and fans of action-adventure video games can open it with the Silent Street Pharmacy Passcode that they collected previously (βθακθγ).

25. Lament of Despair Memorystick

stellar blade silent street collectibles

There is a body inside the Pharmacy that awards the Lament of Despair Memorystick when investigated.

26. Plastic Hearts, Vol 3. Document

stellar blade silent street collectibles

After using a Fusion Core to open the library, players should check the shelf on the left wall to secure this document.

Stellar Blade: All Silent Street Collectible Locations (Visit 2)

27. Bar 99 Chest

Bar 99 is found just before the location where the encounter with the Mutated Creeper and Heavy Guardian occurs, and there is a chest within it. That chest can be opened after accepting Legion's Secret Stash, a request that comes from the billboard in Xion, and its code is 1228.

28. The Words of the Devout Felix Document

After accepting the Words of Mother Sphere quest from Francis in Xion, players should return to the library near the end of Silent Street and collect this document from a bookshelf on the left.

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Stellar Blade

April 26, 2024
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Sony Interactive Entertainment