Despite just having two difficulty options, Stellar Blade can be extremely challenging for players, especially if they are not careful. There is a huge variety of enemies in the game, and dealing with them requires a different approach.

This is why it is important to adjust gear and loadout before going into a fight. Another crucial thing that players shouldn't overlook is EVE's Exospine. The Exospine affects EVE's combat abilities drastically. Naturally, players will want to choose the Exospine that suits their style the most, as there is only one open slot. However, it is actually possible to unlock the second Exospine slot in Stellar Blade.

Stellar Blade: What To Do With Damaged Weapon Cores

Damaged Weapon Cores seem useless at first glance, but Stellar Blade players can use them to buy a crucial item.

How To Unlock Second Exospine In Stellar Blade

Stellar Blade: How To Unlock Second Exospine

The second Exospine is unlocked towards the end of the game. So, for the majority of their playthrough, players will actually have to use just one Exospine. While it is understandable that some players may not be happy with waiting for so long, it makes sense to leave the biggest upgrade for EVE to the last.

To unlock the second Exospine, players need to progress through the main story. To be more precise, they need to complete their outing in Abyss Levoire and then talk to Lily in Xion. She will add another Exospine slot, enhancing EVE's overall combat prowess.

How To Upgrade Exospines In Stellar Blade

Stellar Blade: Second Exospine

If players have unlocked the second Exospine, it is very likely that they are familiar with the upgrade process. But for the unitiated, Exospines can be upgraded by either talking to Lily or going to a Supply Camp and using the Repair Console feature.

Exospines can only be upgraded if players have enough Nano Materials. There are three types in total:

All three materials can be found throughout the game. They can be found inside chests, or they can be bought from shopkeepers. Given the fact that there are more than seven Exospines in the game, one can't have materials.

​​​​​​Some players might have trouble deciding which Exospines to equip. A good choice for beginners is the Reflex-type Exospine, as it increases shield regeneration and also makes it easier to perfect dodge and parry. Furthermore, there are two trophies linked to perfect parry and dodge, so it is a great idea to have the Reflex-type Exospine equipped. Once players get the hang of things, it is better to go with the Exospine that complements their fighting style.

stellar blade box art
Stellar Blade

April 26, 2024
Shift Up
Sony Interactive Entertainment
Action RPG