Eve is the main character of Stellar Blade and the sole playable protagonist of this latest action RPG. She is a human-cyborg hybrid who was built to withstand the harsh climates of both space and Earth. For example, Eve can dive underwater without succumbing to most poisons or even having to breathe.

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This makes the water portions of Stellar Blade’s levels a breeze compared to other action games. While stoic most of the time, Eve does have her moments in the game wherein she says some hilarious or thoughtful things. From funny jokes to genuinely moving speeches, let's celebrate this heroine’s words with spoilers on.

8 “A Can…I…Like It.”

Location: Wasteland

Eve with Cryo Original soda in Stellar Blade

There are a lot of collectibles in the game and one of them comes in the form of soda cans. Players can find their first in the Wasteland and Eve will be star-stricken by it. Lily will explain that cans came in all types of varieties before the post-apocalypse from soda to juice to coffee.

Finding more cans while exploring will upgrade inventory allotments for Eve such as being able to carry more healing potions. The best part about this long side is how excited Eve gets upon finding a new can.

7 “I Don’t Need Any Kind Of Incentive To Save Someone.”

Location: Xion

Enya in Stellar Blade

Eve was a dutiful soldier who was programmed to always do the right thing. She’s not a robot though even though she may come across as one. Part of her humanity creeps out whenever she helps someone in need.

One great example in Stellar Blade is with the Looking at You side quest wherein she will help a local bar patron, Su, repair his friend Enya. Even though Su can’t compensate much for her time, Eve replies with this line which goes against all RPG norms.

6 “Ta…chy?”

Location: Matrix 11

Tachy in Stellar Blade

Tachy is like Eve’s mentor who helps her several times in the opening tutorial mission. During a boss fight, Tachy seemingly dies and Eve gets taken away by Adam. About halfway through the game, Eve discovers a horrifying fact that Tachy is still alive except that she was been turned into an Alpha Naytiba.

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Tachy looks like a cross between Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7 thanks to her black wing and a character from Death Stranding due to her skull mask. It’s a cool design admittedly, but Eve is at a loss for words when she sees her friend again.

5 “Then Those We’ve Killed So Far…They Were Humans?”

Location: Great Desert

Eve from the side in Stellar Blade

Tachy’s fate was shocking enough but Eve and the others were in for a rude awakening later. In several of the game’s dungeons, Eve will discover recorded messages from Raven, another member of the Airborne Squad whom Eve belongs.

Raven explains that the Naytiba used to be humans but were transformed after experiments. The idea makes Eve sick to her stomach although she keeps her composure rather well after learning all of this in the Great Desert’s main dungeon. This horrifying revelation makes sense given that this dungeon resembles something out of a Resident Evil game.

4 “On Earth, When The Sun Is Shining, Space Looks Blue Too, But When You’re Up Here, It’s Darkness In All Directions. ”

Location: Orbital Elevator

Looking at Earth from space in Stellar Blade

This is just a brilliant observation by Eve in one of the more uplifting scenes in the game. To put an end to all of this mayhem, Eve goes to space using a gigantic elevator. On the ride up, Eve will make this comment to Lily who joined her through the drone.

It’s wild to imagine that space isn’t as blue as one would think down on Earth. Science and the nature of the universe are wondrous things that Stellar Blade tries to remind players of through Eve.

3 “No, It Was You Lily…Thank You.”

Location: Wasteland

Lily in Stellar Blade

On the space station, Eve has one of her most harrowing boss fights in Stellar Blade. After the battle, she will be sucked out into space to discover the Alpha Naytiba morphed, grew, and took over the space station. It’s like when the moon became an enemy in Dead Space 3 which took a lot of weapons to take down.

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Stellar Blade is packed with riveting action that will keep players on their toes. Here's how to master the game's intricate combat system.

Eve can defeat it by using all of her body’s battery life. Unable to cope with Eve possibly dying, Lily begs and pleads with the Colony to send reinforcements which it does in the form of a mech. On Earth, Lily thinks Eve should thank the Colony but Eve reminds Lily that it was her that saved the day and should thus be thanked.

2 “You’ve Taken So Much From Me, In Exchange, I’ll Allow You To Witness The End…In That State.”

Location: Wasteland

Raven in Stellar Blade

This has to be one of the most poisonous things Eve says in the game and it rules. One of the biggest revelations in Stellar Blade is that Raven is still alive and she was the Alpha Naytiba from the start of the game. In a boss fight outside the game’s final dungeon, Eve will sever Raven’s spine and chop off her arms.

Even though Eve wants Raven to die for what she did to Tachy, she lets her live so that she may suffer and watch Eve takedown her precious Elder Naytiba. The only thing missing from this moment is “Bad Blood” by Taylor Swift which would have been great to play as Eve strutted away.

1 “Now Come, My Comrades…”

Location: Wasteland

Eve’s final form in Stellar Blade

Stellar Blade has a lot of moments or uses design choices that callback to other games. For example, during the final playable scene of Stellar Blade’s true ending, Eve will take on hundreds of soldiers from the colony and age will say this line before doing so.

It’s like the final scene in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 wherein Zack has to fend off Shinra soldiers to save Cloud. Zack dies in that game but Eve comes out on top, thankfully, thus leading to a triumphant ending. It would be interesting to see who would win in a real fight between Zack and Eve.

stellar blade box art
Stellar Blade

April 26, 2024
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