The following contains major spoilers for Stellar Blade .

Stellar Blade's story sees EVE, its protagonist, being sent to Earth to rid it of the Naytiba threat and bring life and prosperity back to the planet. Along the way, the humble EVE uncovers the real truth behind the Naytibas' presence on Earth, as well as the unfortunate intentions of the one who sent her there.

There are three endings in Stellar Blade: the Return to the Colony ending, the Cost of Lost Memories ending, and the Making New Memories ending. Achieving each of these endings requires different decisions by the player leading up to the game's conclusion, as well as one major decision during it. Additionally, the Making New Memories ending could be considered the "true" ending, as it is the most fulfilling and even results in a post-credits scene.

Stellar Blade’s Greatest Strength is Also its Greatest Weakness

Stellar Blade is an impressive game from a visual perspective, but this visual fidelity comes at a cost that players will have to reckon with in-game.

Stellar Blade's Three Endings Explained

Each of the three endings in Stellar Blade begins the same. EVE and Lily arrive at the Nest to confront the Elder Naytiba. Upon entering the main room, they discover that the Elder Naytiba is, in fact, Adam. He then proceeds to give them a speech about the history of the Naytibas and how they now desire to preserve the human race. Once his monologue begins reaching its end, he asks EVE to fuse with him to become the "seeds of a new human race." When he offers his hand to EVE, players then must choose whether to fuse with him, and this is ultimately where one of three endings is decided.

The Return to the Colony Ending

If EVE refuses Adam's hand, it triggers the Return to the Colony ending. Here, EVE battles Adam until he eventually transforms into a monster, the Elder Naytiba. Once the Elder Naytiba is defeated, Adam dies in EVE's arms, telling her that the history of humanity is over due to her actions. Soon after, the Nest begins to collapse, and EVE and Lily must make their escape.

When EVE and Lily exit the Nest, they are confronted by Mother Sphere, who tells the two that their mission is over. Mother Sphere's ship then lands on the ground in front of them, then they board it and fly into space toward the Colony.

The Cost of Lost Memories Ending

Stellar Blade's Cost of Lost Memories ending is triggered when EVE takes Adam's hand, but her affinity with Lily hasn't reached 100% — which is largely accomplished by completing side quests. After Adam and EVE fuse, Lily's exosuit comes under the control of the Colony and begins attacking EVE. EVE is then forced to fight Providence, the exosuit housing Lily, until it nearly kills her and EVE finishes off the armor.

Once the fight is over, Lily dies in EVE's arms and EVE carries her outside where she is confronted by Mother Sphere. Mother Sphere gives a brief monologue, commends EVE for her decision, and concludes the EVE Protocol. She then sends her Angels to attack EVE, and EVE fights them off until the credits roll.

The Making New Memories Ending

The Making New Memories ending is also triggered by EVE taking Adam's hand, but her affinity with Lily needs to be 100%. The fight with Providence takes place just as it does in the Cost of Lost Memories ending, but Lily hacks her way out of the exosuit and EVE then destroys it.

After the battle, the two head outside and are greeted by Mother Sphere. After a short monologue, she ends the EVE Protocol and sends her Angels to fight EVE, just as she does in the Cost of Lost Memories ending. EVE fights the Angels until the credits roll, but then another scene begins showing EVE on a battlefield full of deceased Angels. She looks toward the sunrise and Lily is then shown installing the Hyper Cell in the Cradle, bringing prosperity back to the city of Xion.