Shift Up's first home console title, Stellar Blade, has taken the gaming community by storm. Whether that's down to the game's character design, interesting setting, or its fun and frenetic combat. The game borrows elements from the souls-like genre, but it's primarily an action-RPG and one that can be punishing if players don't learn to master the game's enticing combat system.

26 Best Combat Systems In RPGs, Ranked

More recently, RPGs have incorporated combat systems that are satisfyingly fun to use. These games are the proof.

Whether playing Stellar Blade in 'Story Mode' or 'Normal Mode', understanding the game's combat system will help make those tricky challenges that bit easier, and also allow the game's fluid combat to shine truly, as Eve hacks and cleaves her way through the invasive Naytiba inhabiting Earth.

7 Learn Your Combos

Killer Combos

Stellar Blade Combo Menu

Stellar Blade features eight core combos. Whilst gamers are welcome to go for the classic fighting game tactic of button mashing, the most effective way to deal damage is to learn the combos and execute them effectively.

It can be fairly easy to default to one combo that seems to work well for Eve in the early game, but with a variety of enemies and reaction times, the one combo just won't cut it. Take the time to learn a few combos and get used to implementing them in combat situations. The simple string combos can be good at dealing damage to enemies, but other combos can be used to help close the distance on enemies for a more aggressive playstyle. So, take the time to experiment with the combos and see what type of combos work best.

6 Head To The Training Room

Practice Makes Perfect

Stellar Blade Training Room Eve

Learning on the job can be one avenue for improving, but there's a reason training is a key element to success. There's a reason the X-Men's Danger Room has been so vital in the training of mutants ready for real-life threats. It provides a safe space to develop and hone their skills, much like it can do for any Stellar Blade player.

The training can be accessed fairly easily and offers the chance to experiment and understand Eve's newly unlocked skills and abilities. Although players may just want to skip the practice and continue wiping out the Naytiba population, it's best not to be ignored as the simple training will allow players to get to grips with the combat tool and learn the prompts and timings ready to execute them successfully in the fast-paced combat setting. Practice does make perfect, so be sure to make the most of it.

Deflect And Return

Stellar Blade locked enemy block

There may be some truth to the "the best defense is a good offense" approach to combat, but for those looking to master Stellar Blade's combat system, that statement couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, the best approach in many of Eve's combat situations is to damage and defend, ready to unleash the defensive counter.

Stellar Blade: How to Dodge & Parry

Stellar Blade focuses on parrying and dodging incoming attacks to prepare Eve for a counterattack; here's how to do it properly.

Very early on in the game, players will be given the ability to perfect dodge, parry, and blink, each move allowing the option for Eve to follow up these well-timed defensive moves with some devastating attacks. Some enemies will be better parried than dodged, and vice versa, but that all comes from knowing Eve's enemy (more on that later). Blink allows Eve to dodge incoming attacks and reposition behind the attacking Naytiba ready to strike, landing crucial damage, which can be very effective against the shielded enemy variants.

It's best to learn the incoming attacks and be ready to time the parries to perfection as it will stagger enemies, giving an opening to dish out some damaging combos, whilst certain dodge follow-ups can allow Eve to close the gaps upon charging enemies that she previously avoided.

4 Color Coordination

Know The Rainbow

Eve Stellar Blade color dodge Block

Not just there for pretty visuals, the color indicated on an enemy, Naytiba's attack indicates what sort of strike is coming Eve's way, and as a result, warns the player which action is needed to combat the incoming move. So it's probably no surprise that mastering the combat includes understanding the colored attacks and what action is best used to circumnavigate the damage.

There are four colors of attacks that enemies will unleash on Eve, the first being when an enemy flashes red, which indicates a flurry of attacks will hit Eve, so blocking/parrying will be the best bet to avoid damage here. Yellow attacks mean that an attack will be unblockable, so players will need to attempt to dodge this attack. A perfect dodge is also possible here. If an attack is marked blue, then Eve will be able to use blink and reposition herself whilst avoiding the incoming strike.

Likewise, with purple prompts, Eve can use repulse and knock back the enemy, whilst also circumnavigating the attack. Being able to differentiate and counter each colored strike is going to be key in making the most of Eve's defensive toolkit, but also avoiding some hefty damaging blows. Remember the colors, and remember how to deal with them.

3 Timing Is Everything

Every Second Counts

EVE fighting a Brute in one of Stellar Blade's dungeons

As a game with such fluid combat, Stellar Blade's combat system relies heavily on timing. Whether that be to perform longer combos, execute perfect parries, or simply know when to pull out of combos to avoid an incoming attack, timing is everything.

The color prompts will be key for players to understand what action is needed, and the actual timing will be necessary to execute the actions. Perfect timing can turn fatal blows into big damage reversals, or a chance for Eve to reposition for a few crucial seconds to pop a health potion or shoot off her ranged attack. Take the time to get to know the attack timings and striking times.

Knowing blade strikes and defensive opportunities allows players to assess each combat encounter and means they'll know to make split-second decisions, such as knowing if a combo will be finished before an enemy strikes you, or if Eve will need to cancel her attack and parry away the attack before it strikes. It's an essential part of surviving, but it's also the best way to ensure Eve is as ruthless as she can be.

2 Know The Naytiba

Understanding The Enemy

stellar blade difficulty modes 2

Stellar Blade has several different enemies for Eve to fight with throughout the game's 12–16 hour main story runtime. Spanning across multiple environments, each variation of Naytiba will have its strengths and weaknesses, information that players should look to learn and adapt to their combat approach if they hope to make it through this great sci-fi game.

Stellar Blade's Naytiba Antagonists Explained

Stellar Blade is shaping up to be one of the PS5's most unique upcoming releases for 2024, and its Naytiba enemies are a big part of that.

With so many enemy types, there's never going to be one combat-style-fits-all approach. This, on the one hand, is a plus as it keeps the combat exciting and the enemies challenging. On the other hand, it means learning a variety of enemy attack patterns and openings/weaknesses.

After taking some time to understand the patterns and vulnerabilities of each enemy, be sure to expose and punish those moments. Knowledge is power, and there's no better way to make Eve the certified Naytiba slayer she was made to be.

1 Know When To Quit And Run

Live To Fight Another Day

Stellar Blade All Screenshots Eve Fighting Machines With Chainsaw Blades

Some may class it as the coward's way out, but knowing the combat limits is key to survival in any combat encounter. Eve is a certified badass, there's no question about that, but that doesn't mean players need to ride that thought into their graves.

Sometimes the odds can be overwhelming, or Eve's remaining health/utility may just be running a little too low to make the survival odds too narrow to see out. In those instances, don't be afraid to cut and run. Some combat encounters can be circumnavigated with a good run or clever paths, but sometimes, players will need to retreat, refuel, and go again. There's no need to accept defeat, take the setback, rest, upgrade, and restock, and then head back to the fight, prepared and ready to slay.

stellar blade box art
Stellar Blade

April 26, 2024
Shift Up
Action RPG