
  • The most engaging content in Stellar Blade lies within NPC-based side quests, offering unique abilities and memorable experiences.
  • Side quests like "A Treasure With A Name" and "An Offer You Can't Refuse" provide challenging gameplay and touching stories.
  • Completing side quests such as "The King of the Tunnel" and "Looking at You" offer sentimental moments and insights into character relationships.

Stellar Blade locks its side quests away for a good few hours. Once players make it to the last bastion of humanity, Xion, they can talk to NPCs to get side quests. There are even bulletin boards with side quests, too, and players don’t even have to talk to anyone. These are the most basic types of side quests and they rarely result in engaging gameplay or stories.

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Stellar Blade’s best content is hidden within the NPC-based side quests. For example, there is one called Angel of Death which will unlock a double jump ability for Eve in Stellar Blade. It’s great but does it rank up there as the best overall? Let’s find out with spoilers on.

7 A Treasure With A Name

Location: Great Desert

Talking to June in Stellar Blade

A Treasure with a Name is a later side quest that can be tackled in the Great Desert. June is a nervous NPC that resides in Xion and frantically asks Eve to find her treasure. It’s unknown what this could pertain to, but the investigation begins regardless. The quest marker will lead players to a dead end wherein a wall will explode followed by dozens of robots attacking players.

There aren’t many side quests or areas in general that force players to fight as many enemies back to back-in this fashion. That’s one reason why it’s memorable. It’s also touching that the treasure turned into the Memorysticks of June’s fallen comrades, all code-named after months of the year like her.

6 An Offer You Can’t Refuse

Location: Great Desert

Talking to Roxanne in Stellar Blade

An Offer You Can’t Refuse is another side quest that will take players to the Great Desert. Roxanne is the quest giver and Eve has a bad relationship with her from the start. As a back alley store operator, Eve could seemingly smell trouble on Roxanne’s breath.

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This sense turns out to be true wherein players learn she planned to use turret parts for nefarious deeds after the side quest wraps up. It’s an eye-opener moment but not much comes of it. Like most shady characters in life, Roxanne gets to keep operating without penalties. The reward is worth it though as a Body Core can boost Eve’s HP in Stellar Blade.

5 The King Of The Tunnel

Location: Great Desert

Cedric in Stellar Blade

The King of the Tunnel is yet another side quest in the Great Desert but the variety is different than most. Cedric is a fairly generic scrapper in Xion who wants a fusion cell to power up his monitor. The reason comes at the end when the monitor showcases his dead wife and that’s all Cedric has left of her.

That in and of itself makes The King of the Tunnel a great sentimental side quest. The other reason is that players get to surf down a tube as if they were playing an extreme sports game like SSX. The mini-game isn’t that extreme but it is a nice change of pace from the constant combat.

4 Looking at You

Location: Wasteland

Enya in Stellar Blade

Looking at You is the first in a trilogy of side quests that will lead to one of the most tragic and heartwarming stories in the game. In a bar within Xion, a soldier named Su asks Eve to get parts to help repair his friend Enya. Enya is a female cyborg, like most in the world, who is missing a way to talk beyond singing and she has no chest or legs.

Players can get her voice and chest back in working order by the end of Looking at You. The other two side quests will help fix Enya’s disabilities in other ways. What makes this series of side quests great is getting a look at the relationship between Su and Enya which evolves over the game’s adventure.

3 Lost Ark

Location: Xion

Mann in Stellar Blade

One of the main characters of the game is Oracle, who is the elder of Xion. He’s the one who protects the data of humanity and gives Eve and the others the main quest of objectives. Beside him is a soldier named Mann who looks like a samurai from the future.

Lost Ark is a side quest Mann assigns to Eve, which has her look into a strange door within Xion. After acquiring the passcodes, players can head into the secret bunker wherein they will find a horrific scene of secrets and gore. Mann wasn’t expecting good news from this investigation but he also wasn’t expecting this report.

2 Memories In The Doll

Location: Matrix 11

Talking to Jett in Stellar Blade

Memories in the Doll takes place in Matrix 11, another one of the game’s few dungeons. Jett, a citizen of Xion, will ask players to find his sister Jade’s lost teddy bear. Around his house is a litter of stuffer bears, giving Stellar Blade a freaky vibe akin to a Five Nights at Freddy’s game.

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It turns out to be an innocent request though as Jett gets to have closure after Jade’s bear gets retrieved. It’s a weird but sweet conclusion. The best part is the reward though as players will get a costume for Eve in Stellar Blade that will make her look like a teddy bear too.

1 Oblivion

Location: Eidos 7

Talking to a girl in Stellar Blade

Oblivion is one of the few side quests that will open up a completely new area. It will have players return to Eidos 7, the starting area of the game after a nameless girl gives Eve a request in Xion. With the message, players will get a password to drain the toxic water in Eidos 7’s plaza and there is a whole network below.

It will lead to another bunker full of dead victims that someone tried to cover up. Not only will players get a cool but dark story out of this side question, but they will also get tons of cool materials. This will include several cans that players can collect to unlock bonuses for Eve like expanding her inventory.

stellar blade box art
Stellar Blade

April 26, 2024
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