
  • Steam is the largest digital video game storefront worldwide and a must-have for PC gamers.
  • Final Fantasy games like FF6 and FF7 have high user ratings on Steam and are considered iconic in the RPG genre.
  • Final Fantasy 9 is praised for returning to the series' classic fantasy elements, while FF10 and its sequel are highly regarded for their graphics and gameplay.

Steam is the biggest digital video game storefront in the world, initially used as a software client for Valve games. It expanded to selling third-party games in 2005, and now it is a vital application for anyone interested in PC gaming.

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As a storefront, Steam naturally has a system in place for providing ratings. While the ratings themselves do not have number values, SteamDB does show the ratio of good to bad reviews as a percentage, allowing the games to be ranked by ratings. Here are the best-ranked Final Fantasy games, according to Steam.

10 Final Fantasy 6 (86.30%)

Fighting enemies with Edgar in Final Fantasy 6

Final Fantasy 6 is one of the most highly-regarded games in the series, being the last fully 2D game in the franchise. The game tells the story of Terra, a strange girl with magical powers being controlled by the Magitek Empire of Gestahl as a tool to conquer the world. Rescued from their control by a powerful Esper, Terra joins a group of rebels attempting to fight back against the Empire.

Final Fantasy 6 is an incredible game with the largest playable cast in the series. Each character has their own special ability and can further learn magic by equipping Magicite. This allows all kinds of team compositions to be possible, making Final Fantasy 6 a game with endless possibilities.

9 Final Fantasy 14 Online (87.09%)

Y'shtola in Final Fantasy 14

On its initial release, Final Fantasy 14 was very poorly received. A new team came together to rework the game, and in 2013 a new version of the game was released called A Realm Reborn, bringing a whole host of changes to the MMORPG.

Nowadays, Final Fantasy 14 is one of the biggest MMOs in the world, keeping pace with legendary games like World of Warcraft. With multiple expansion packs adding even more content to the game, Final Fantasy 14 is a great option for those who want an endless supply of Final Fantasy.

8 Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (87.13%)

Ashe and Vaan from Final Fantasy 12

The Ivalice setting is one of the most utilized worlds in the Final Fantasy franchise ever since it debuted in Final Fantasy Tactics. It became the main setting for the Tactics games but had yet to be featured in a mainline game.

That changed with Final Fantasy 12, which allowed fans of the setting to explore the world like never before. The Zodiac Age is an improved version of the first game, featuring new license boards and jobs.

7 Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade (87.43%)

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade Cloud close-up promo

Final Fantasy 7 is one of the most legendary RPGs in video game history, and its remake has been highly anticipated for more than a decade. When the remake was finally released in 2020, fans were overjoyed, and it was one of the most talked about games of the year.

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When the remake was ported to PS5 and PC, it received an enhanced version called Intergrade, which included a short segment featuring Yuffie, another classic FF7 character. Despite only being a part of the original game, it remains highly valued by fans.

6 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion (87.72%)


The original Crisis Core was a prequel to Final Fantasy 7, focusing on Zack Fair, a friend of Cloud and a member of SOLDIER. Reunion is a remake of the original Crisis Core, being an upgrade to the original in the same way Final Fantasy 7 Remake is to its original.

Unlike Final Fantasy 7, Crisis Core is an action RPG, featuring a combat style closer to hack-and-slash games. This game is a necessity for anyone who wants the full Final Fantasy 7 story and a great buy for any fan of action RPGs.

5 Final Fantasy 10/10-2 HD Remaster (88.50%)

final fantasy 10 tidus

Final Fantasy 10 was the first Final Fantasy game to hit the PS2, taking advantage of the stronger system to showcase graphics like never before. The game was incredibly successful, to the point that it was the first game to receive a direct sequel in 10-2.

Final Fantasy 10 and 10-2 were collected in the HD Remaster, allowing fans of the series to get both games in one. The collection is the best way to experience these incredible games, and any fan would be remiss in ignoring it.

4 Final Fantasy 3 (88.97%)

Xande confronting the party in the Crystal Tower in Final Fantasy 3

Final Fantasy 3 is a classic in the long-lived franchise and one of its more influential entries. It introduced the Job System that Final Fantasy would become known for, allowing any character to freely swap and switch around jobs.

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While the original's lack of character personality may be a negative for some, the freedom to create whatever party is necessary for victory is a major draw for the game. Final Fantasy 3 is a landmark of the series that should not be missed.

3 Final Fantasy (90.83%)

Fighting Garland in Final Fantasy 1

The original Final Fantasy is possibly one of the most important JRPGs in video game history. It introduced a lot of concepts that are now common to the franchise and helped to establish the archetype of JRPGs in the late 80s.

Nowadays, there are many different versions of the original Final Fantasy. While it can be confusing to decide which one to play, the game is simple enough that there is no need to worry about which version is best.

2 Final Fantasy 7 (90.88%)

Cloud Strife looking at a large machine in the original version of FF7.

When Final Fantasy 7 was released in 1997, it was a huge shock, especially to fans who had played Final Fantasy 6 a few years back. The graphical level of the franchise had jumped to new heights, and even those who were not fans of RPGs had to marvel at the game's innovation.

While Final Fantasy 7's innovations are no longer as mind-blowing as they were back then, it's clear that its popularity has not faded one bit. Final Fantasy 7 remains a high point of the series, and its fans continue to hold it in incredibly high regard.

1 Final Fantasy 9 (91.60%)

final fantasy 9 characters

While Final Fantasy has always featured some mechanical and sci-fi elements, it has always been a fantasy-based series. That changed with Final Fantasy 7 and 8, which had a more modern and futuristic aesthetic.

A desire to return to tradition began to build, resulting in the creation of Final Fantasy 9, a modern (for the time) Final Fantasy experience sporting the classic fantasy elements that made the series so popular. Final Fantasy 9remains one of the series' biggest games, with many even preferring it to Final Fantasy 7.

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