The Steam Deck fits all the fun of PC gaming into a portable device. The advanced gaming capabilities of the Steam Deck have been enough to attract gamers like fireflies to a flame, and the demand shows no signs of dying down. For a long time, it has been quite difficult to get a Deck, but thanks to increased production of the gadget, there are now more handhelds than ever being shipped out.

Currently, gamers don't need to make reservations any longer to acquire a Deck, and within two weeks of placing the order, they should have their handheld. However, this may be a temporary situation, and should the demand exceed supply again, the reservation system may be reinstated. The Deck's healthy sales suggest the handheld has a healthy future ahead, and that Valve may do more in the portable gaming space.

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The Steam Deck Is More Accessible Than Ever

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Valve's Steam Deck was first announced in mid-2021, and it immediately caught the attention of the gaming world. It certainly isn't the first portable pc gaming device, but Valve appeared to have finally gotten the formula. Following the reveal, Valve made the Deck open for pre-order reservation, though this was only available for gamers who had a Steam account older than June 2021. Despite these attempts to fence off scalpers, there was still a lot working against Valve's supply capabilities including the global semiconductor chip shortage affecting the entire tech industry.

Although the Steam Deck was originally slated to begin shipping in December, delays forced Valve to only start shipping out the devices in February 2022. Positive reviews of the device have kept the demand astronomically high, though the company has been desperately attempting to meet demand. At first, gamers were reserving their orders months in advance and only had a window of which quarter of the year they would get their Deck. However, Valve has announced that its production has exceeded expectations, nearly doubling the number of Steam Decks produced weekly, allowing gamers to receive their orders far earlier than expected.

In October, Valve was finally able to fulfill all its reservations, allowing the company to make regular purchases available. This means that gamers who want a Deck should be able to get it within two weeks. This comes at a time when other gaming consoles are also enjoying reduced scarcity, with gamers noticing big retailers like Walmart finally stocking PS5s on the shelf. For gamers who have their eye on the handheld, they should probably take advantage of the period of abundance, as Valve has mentioned that the reservation system could return should supply issues manifest again.

Steam Deck Dominates the Market


The Deck has already managed to sell over a million units, making it a very successful device. Sales show no signs of slowing down, and it's not hard to understand why. The Deck offers PC-style gaming experiences on the go. With more console games making their to Steam, the device is also attractive to console players who may be interested in playing classic PlayStation games like Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn on a portable device.

Valve has struck gold with the Deck, and it has proved that it can thrive in the handheld market. With its powerful hardware, it offers several advantages over other gaming handhelds such as the Nintendo Switch. Though there are currently no plans for a Steam Deck successor, the company has revealed that it has been thinking about the future and the next iterations of the device. An improved Steam Deck would only boost the popularity of what is an already fast-selling device.

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