A new study claims to uncover the top 10 US states that are the most obsessed with Epic Games' popular third-person shooter Fortnite. One of the most popular video games of all time, Fortnite is famous for bringing players together from a diverse set of age-ranges and backgrounds. The research analyzed Google Trends data to determine the states that appear the most obsessed with the popular game based on internet searches.

Google Trend data that included searches about Fortnite was analyzed and narrowed down to give each state a score reflecting how often something about the game is searched within the state. These scores were then used to create a "total search score" which ranked each state depending on how often Fortnite is searched within its borders. Fortnite is known to entice players with special events, such as the upcoming Skywalker Week and special weapons. This constant rotation of events, special items, and more drives players to constantly search for information online about the game.

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The state of West Virginia ranked as the most Fortnite obsessed in the nation, netting a total search score of 750. West Virginia searched for "Fortnite item shop" and "Fortnite chapter 3" the most, but tapered off in searches for "Fortnite weapons." Coming in second place was the state of Kansas, with a total search score of 678. Kansas saw peak search activity during a festive period within the game last year.

States Most Obsessed With Fortnite

  1. West Virginia
  2. Kansas
  3. Oklahoma
  4. Kentucky
  5. Mississippi
  6. Nebraska
  7. Indiana
  8. Missouri
  9. Arkansas
  10. Rhode Island

Oklahoma placed third, with a total search score of 665 and Kentucky placed fourth. Rounding out the top five spot was Mississippi with a total search score of 614, and a keen interest in the search "Fortnite redeem." Nebraska, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, and Rhode Island finish off the list of the most Fortnite obsessed states. Fortnite helps bolster its popularity with young people all over the world with creative gameplay features, such as the Lizzo emote, and a variety of pop-culture icons turned in-game characters.

It appears that Fortnite's popularity peaks in southern, or middle American states. The study highlights that during holidays and special events searches surrounding Fortnite seem to boom across the board.

Fortnite is available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: SolitaireBliss