Like the original game, State of Decay 2 is all about surviving in an post-apocalyptic world full of zombies. Players have a number of weapons at their disposal that they can use to thin out the undead horde, including a variety of melee weapons and firearms. However, weapons in State of Decay 2 will deteriorate as they're used to kill zombies (and hostile survivors), so it's important players understand how to repair weapons in the game.

Before players can repair weapons in the Xbox Game Pass game State of Decay 2, they will first need to build a Workshop at their base. Building a workshop only requires three building materials and one survivor to build, so it should be one of the first structures players construct in the game. Players can find building materials in rucksacks that can be delivered back to base or by claiming outposts that have building materials as a potential resource.

After building the workshop, the next step is to find enough salvage parts to repair the weapon. Like building materials, salvage parts are primarily found when out scavenging. Players should loot as many areas as possible, and then deliver any salvage parts back to the supply locker at base.


Once players have enough salvage parts, they simply need to interact with the workshop and choose to fix whatever weapon needs fixing. Weapons can be completely broken or barely damaged, and the amount of salvage parts needed to fix the weapon will depend on how damaged it is, so keep that in mind.

While fixing weapons will keep players from having to find new weapons out in the game world, we recommend players actually just scavenge for new weapons instead. Unless players find a weapon that they're particularly fond of, it may be better to just dump that weapon in the supply locker and look for something else to replace it while out and about. In the meantime, they can continue collecting salvage parts and then repair a bunch of weapons at once so they are never without quality weaponry.

Knowing how to repair weapons will make surviving in State Decay 2 much easier, and will ensure every survivor at camp can be properly prepared to face the zombie apocalypse.

State of Decay 2 is out now for PC and Xbox One.