As it typically goes in most Zombie games like State of Decay 2, players will need to grab a protected base, some useful survivors, and get the right weapon for the job. After all, nothing is worse than selecting a weapon that uses up all the stamina or just seems to shoot foam bullets that barely do any damage to the bloater that's charging towards the party.

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Luckily, there are a few weapons that will stop the feeling of powerlessness and allow the player and their crew to tear through Juggernauts and other creatures easily and without the worry of losing ammo or stamina. All players have to do is find them.

8 SWAT 416

carrying a SWAT 416
  • Ammo: 5.56 mm

Closely resembling an AR-15, the SWAT 416 is a fantastic assault weapon that can pack a punch against most zombies the player will end up coming across. It's got a fantastic 90% accuracy which is only improved by the 85% control players will have over the weapon. It's the kind of gun that looks as badass as it really is, having the power and accuracy to ensure players never miss, and when they do hit they usually take the smaller zombies down in one or two bursts.

The SWAT 416 can be found by completing the Bounty: Kill 12 Plague Hearts. However, if that's not something the player fancies completing then they can always purchase it at The Bounty Broker Van for 1,275 Influence points.

7 Bastard Of Belleau Wood

Bastard Of Belleau Wood weapon stat

As one of the rarest melee weapons in State of Decay 2, the Bastard of Belleau Wood is a sword of extreme power. It has the capability to one-hit most normal zombies and even if it doesn't do that then it will take the bigger ones out with ease and very little stamina. It's got a great speed, a deadly swing, and the ability to dismember the enemy, something that comes in particularly useful when players want a quick and silent disposal.

Since the weapon is rare, finding it will not be easy. Unfortunately, the player will need to search through the Weapon Crates dotted around the map to find this deadly sword.

6 Echo-X3 Repeating Crossbow

Echo-X3 Repeating Crossbow stats
  • Light Bolts: Capacity 1000

One of the most important aspects of State of Decay 2 is the noise. Nothing is worse than having a powerful weapon that sounds like thunder when it shoots. It'll draw every Zombie within a ten-mile radius to the crew's location and can often prove deadly. This is why weapons like Crossbows are so powerful, especially the Echo-X3 Repeating Crossbow. This bow is silent, deadly, easy to use, and never breaks. It also shoots quickly, meaning players can take down a horde with very little effort and without disturbing more.

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To grab this Crossbow players will either need to find a wandering trader selling Crossbows, or complete the Mysterious Killer mission under the Mysterious Broacasts questline. If players kill the killer then they'll drop the Crossbow.

5 Prepper's 10/22

state of decay 2 Preppers 10 22 stats
  • Ammo: .22 Cal

Prepper's 10/22 is a semi-automatic rifle that comes with some extremely useful attachments and a scope to keep the player's shots hitting the right place. As well as a hunting scope, suppressor, hair-trigger, and drum magazine, this rifle has the capabilities to combine the attachments to create a lower-powered weapon but one that can fire bullets out quickly and quietly while being relatively unlikely to break. It's the reliable but effective style weapon many are looking for in their Zombie hunting adventure.

Players will find the Prepper's 10/22 by completing the mission called My Prepper Aunt's Campsite. It's a community goal and completing this will reward the player with the great Prepper's 10/22 rifle.

4 RTX Stormbringer

state of decay 2 RTX Stormbringer description and stats
  • Ammo: 7.62 mm

Bringing the power, the accuracy, and the control to anyone who chooses to find this fantastic assault rifle, the RTX Stormbringer is a must-have if players can get hold of it. It's available for a bit of customization in the terms of a muzzle which can increase the lack of quietness surrounding this weapon. Despite the noise, the amount of power and damage the player can do with this should take the zombies down before they even have the chance to react to said noise.

To find the RTX Stormbringer, players will need to either search in Military Crates or Containers. Alternatively, they can find a Red Talon Enclave Arms dealer and hope it's specialized in the players' favor.

3 Spec Ops Vector SMG

state of decay 2 Spec Ops Vector SMG stats
  • Ammo: .45 cal

This modern sub-machine-gun-style weapon is perfect for any trigger-happy players who just want to put so many bullets into a Juggernaut while still having faith it will take them down. However, the Spec Ops Vector SMG is so much more than just an automatic bullet machine. It's got the quietness for stealth, the accuracy, and control for getting the right shots, and the fire rate for achieving the right shots over and over again. It's also got enough attachments to keep the player going through the game with this wonderful weapon.

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If the Spec Ops Vector SMG is the choice then players may need to travel a bit to find it. Typically, it can be found being sold by either the Enclave weapons dealers, the Network traders, or the Red Talon Traders.

2 SP101 Tassie Devil

state of decay 2 SP101 Tassie Devil stats
  • Ammo: .357 HP

What the Tassie Devil lacks in power it makes up for in reliability. Often the best weapons in games like State of Decay 2 aren't necessarily the most powerful ones, they're the ones players can rely on to always put out what they need and never break. That's what sets the SP101 Tassie Devil apart from the rest. It never jams or breaks and still has relatively decent firepower for such a small gun.

Find the SP101 Tassie Devil in the hands of Fiona Davis, otherwise known as Aunt Fi. Thankfully she is a playable character so players don't need to get the gun forcefully if they don't want to.

1 M99X1 Timberwolf

state of decay 2 M99X1 Timberwolf stats
  • Ammo: .50 cal

While each weapon in State of Decay 2 brings its own strengths and weaknesses, some are much better than others, which is entirely the case for the M99X1 Timberwolf. It's the kind of weapon that people use to show off while still doing the damage they need and want. It's large, powerful, and undeniably deadly for anyone who chooses to use it. Ultimately, this extraordinary bolt action sniper rifle is ideal for long-range attacks and pretty much sells itself as soon as the player gets hold of it.

Players can find the M99X1 Timberwolf as a reward for completing the Eagle Eye questline. Or players can look inside Military containers and the inventory of some Enclave arms dealers.

State of Decay 2 is available now on: Xbox One and PC.

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