
  • Building a strong community is crucial for survival in State of Decay 2 's zombie apocalypse. A strong leader is needed to turn this community into a force for growth, trade, restoration, or expansion.
  • The Builder leader is excellent for defense against zombies and focuses on fortifying and protecting the home. Completing the game as a Builder provides all communities with free power and water for long-term sustainability.
  • The Trader leader excels at growing a variety of goods to be bought and sold. The Trader's boon provides a large influx of influence and resources at the start of a new community, allowing for a steady defense against the undead.

Building a strong community is the primary objective for survival in the horror that is State of Decay 2's zombie apocalypse. But building this community isn't the end of the road. Perseverance and longevity are the sought-after goals. In order to achieve this, a strong leader is required -- someone who can take this rabble and turn it into a force. A force for either growth, trade, restoration, or expansion.

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With each leader leaving a legacy boon that carries over into further community playthroughs, the decision on who should take up the mantle of responsibility is a tough one. One of trepidation. There are pros and cons for each type of leader in State of Decay 2, but which one is the best?

4 Builder

Survivor battles many zombies.

Bob the Builder comes alive with the Builder leader, a leader who focuses on making sure their home is as fortified and protected as possible. This is achieved through the primary goal of production. Facilities that reduce fuel consumption and produce less noise, such as Generator 3, allow more structures to be created with less worry about impending hordes. More beds can also be created, allowing for more happy members of the group to be produced with the Luxury Barracks 2.

The Builder is also excellent for defense against zombies. Their leader project is the Sniper Tower, which reduces the threat of a horde by neutralizing zombies before they get close. Completing the game as a Builder gives the Amenities boon. This boon provides all communities with Power and Water for free -- perfect for long-term sustainability.

A strong leader for the safer, more defense-focused play style in State of Decay 2. The Builder is an excellent choice for building a large, strong community of smart, useful survivors.

3 Sheriff

A sheriff and their partner face down a Juggernaut

Rick Grimes will not be happy with the placement of this leader on the list, but he'll have to deal with it because it isn't much better than the Builder. Boasting some very good facilities, such as the Lounge 3 (boosts all xp) and Shooting Range 2 (trains Shooting or Wits), the Sheriff is a reliable choice.

The Sheriff is a great leader for larger communities that send a lot of members out on a variety of missions. The Sheriff's leader project, the Field Hospital, heals all infections and injuries, providing a revolving door for patients to go out and scavenge and heal up afterward.

The Charity legacy boon of the Sheriff is one of the best in the game. Starter Package provides a new community with a randomized pack of supplies, ranging from an AR-15 to the iconic Remington Model 870. The Boon also provides daily deliveries to the community, furthering that heavy supply of weaponry and items to survive the apocalypse.

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2 Trader

A trader eyes the horizon for new trade routes.

A leader that would make the greatest Capitalists bow down to them, the Trader is an excellent leader for growing a large assortment of goods to be bought and sold. Producing food like an expert farmer with Farm 3 and creating expensive items to sell with Still 2 makes the Trader a choice worthy of picking.

The Trader's boon is Favors. A way to gain many items and resources at the start of a new community. A large influx of influence will be gained, and a survivor will visit for trading purposes. Creating a large supply of stock before even setting foot into the undead world of State of Decay 2.

Becoming chums with the traders of the world of State of Decay 2 through the leader project, Trader Depot (which allows the summoning of traders), is great for building a sustainable community. As stocks will be full and allies will be plenty, allowing for a steady defense against the hordes of undead. This further cements the Trader as a viable leader option.

1 Warlord

A warlord and their group encounter a zombie.

The obvious best choice presents itself. The Warlord. A leader to be feared and respected, with an arsenal larger than some armies, where the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Possessing the leader project: Armory, the Warlord can produce any form of ammunition. Perfect for disposing of Zombies and troublesome survivors alike. The way a real post-apocalypse leader gets the job done.

Mobilize the men and wreak havoc on unsuspecting groups and zombies alike with the Mobilization boon that the Warlord gains. This boon allows a new community to receive a shipment of guns, ammo, and grenades directly to the community lockers. Perfect for instilling the will of the Warlord among the lands.

Leading like a great Roman general or Spartan King, the Warlord produces facilities for the players' soldiers through practicality instead of comfort. Spartan Barracks 2 provides 8 beds but reduces morale; though, who cares when food and supplies are produced through theft? Fighting Gym 2 helps train the group in fighting or cardio, the two best traits for combat. The Warlord rules through one rule: Peace through strength. Build an arsenal and destroy all outside threats.

State of Decay 2 is available now on PC and Xbox One.

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