Utilities are an important component of a trooper’s arsenal in Starship Troopers: Extermination. It can be the difference between succeeding in a mission and dying on the battlefield. Many players have said they regret not picking any utilities when going to battle and others have complained about picking the wrong utility for a mission.

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There are many utilities players can pick from in this early access edition on Steam and there are more utilities under development that will be added to the game in the near future. Some utilities in the game are all-rounders suitable for all trooper classes and all missions whereas some fit specific trooper classes and missions.

8 Scan Beacon

scan beacon

The Scan Beacon makes it easier for players to easily take down hordes of Arachnid warriors. The beacon scans and highlights bugs that trigger the proximity sensors by encroaching into the scan radius of the beacon. Also, any bug scanned and highlighted takes additional damage when players shoot at them.

This utility item helps players identify enemy bugs lurking outside their direct view and peripheral vision. It reduces the chance of players getting swamped by undetected enemies thereby increasing the survival chances of these gallant troopers. It is best used in defense missions where players have to protect valuables such as refineries or their bases.

7 Shock Beacon

shock beacon

The Shock Beacon stuns bugs that instantly stun enemy bugs, it is also a very good utility that troopers can use for defense missions in the game. It is an electric barrier that creates a defensive electric barrier with other Shock Beacons located near it.

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Players can form an electric barrier around their base or refineries by placing the beacons within 10 meters of each other. Although these beacons can instantly stun these bugs, this effect is only temporary the bugs will get through eventually. However, this provides the troopers ample time to kill off the enemies while they are stunned.

6 Heal Beacon

heal beacon

The Heal Beacon is a support beacon that gradually heals every trooper that is within the beacon’s range of effect. This beacon has a 15-meter range and heals its allies every 10 seconds. This provides players with an edge that allows them to keep fighting after sustaining injuries from enemy attacks.

Players can set the beacons on the battlefield for hunter-class assault teams to recover while dishing out attacks on their enemies. It is an ideal utility for defensive battles and can also be placed near bastions, so they don’t need to go far from their stations to recover.

5 First Aid Stim

first aid stim

The First Aid Stim is an instant potent mix of painkillers and blood clotters which allows injured players to continue in their fights and complete their missions. This utility has a stack size of 3 and provides 30 Health to players when they use it on themselves or other members of their team.

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To use the First Aid Stim players can left-click to heal themselves and right-click to heal injured troopers or instantly revive them. This utility is handy for hunter-class operatives as they can easily heal themselves and their allies while in the thick of the action.

4 Thermo Charge

thermo charge

The thermo charge is a set of powerful explosives players can manually trigger by using a remote control. It has an explosion blast size of 6 meters and each stack of thermos charge has 4 explosives in it. Players can trigger this explosive by looking at the charge and clicking the Alt button.

Players can use this utility item to defend their bases and kill scores of enemy bugs. By placing the Thermo Charge along the defensive perimeter of the base, players can instantly kill the bugs attacking that area of the base.

3 Medical Station

medical station

This utility is a portable medical device that looks like an Ammo Fabricator and can heal troopers fighting in the field. It has six heal packs that provide 90 Health for each use. Players can use the heal packs by interacting with the Medical Station.

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This support utility increases the survival rate of players and tilts the scale of the battle in the vanguard’s favor. It would be best to place the Medical Station behind defensive lines to allow injured players to fall back and recover. It also reduces the chances of Arachnids destroying this utility.

2 Proximity Bug Mine

proximity bug mine

The Proximity Bug Mine is a powerful explosive that automatically triggers when an enemy bug enters its explosion radius. It has an explosion size of 8 meters and its arming time requires only two seconds before detonating. These mines can be placed around the base or on the battlefield to kill enemy bugs.​​​​​​

Although it is best used as defensive support, players can use it as part of a preemptive attack strategy. It is an especially useful utility as unsuspecting bugs are destroyed before they can get close enough to attack players or defensive bases.

1 Ammo Fabricators

ammo fabricator

The Ammo fabricator is a portable device that resupplies players with ammunition in the field. This utility is only capable of rearming players with weapons, it does not rearm troopers with grenades, utilities, or perks. Players can place this utility in the field or close to the Bastions to allow them to rearm quickly without leaving their stations.

Also, it provides extra protection for players when they face off against enemy bugs especially against Gunners while they restock. Several players claim that it is the foremost utility that is required by all vanguard classes in Starship Troopers: Extermination.

Starship Troopers: Extermination is currently only available on PC.

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