There are several options for players to choose from in Starship Troopers: Extermination dealing various degrees of damage to the enemy bugs. While there are primary weapons which are mainly rifles and rocket launchers, players also have access to secondary weapons, grenades, utilities, and perks in their arsenals.

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Each trooper class can use one primary weapon at the start of Starship Troopers: Extermination, and more options can be unlocked at various levels in the game. However, the weapons available are limited because this is the early access edition of the game, which means even more options are still in development.

5 Morita MK1 Carbine


The MK1 Carbine is a small variant of the MK1 assault rifle that has a very high cyclic fire rate. It has a short range, and it is the perfect weapon choice for players who employ close-quarter strategies in their battles. The MK1 Carbine does not stun the bugs but can stagger the Arachnids a little to disrupt the enemy frontline. It is ideal for combating the wave attack of the bugs as they move together, making them easy targets for players to kill with this weapon.

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The assault rifle has a lot of ammo with 10 mags with 10 rounds in each. This makes it the ideal weapon to hold a defensive position, as players do not need to resupply often and it reloads quickly. Although the damage it deals to the Arachnids is low and not very effective, it has high accuracy, which means players can easily hit the enemy bugs close to them. When players use them with the Magazine Bandolier they get an extra mag, which further reduces the amount of time they need to resupply.

4 Morita MK3 Saw

mk3 saw

The MK3 Saw is a machine gun with a very large ammo capacity that can easily spread fire across the frontline. This weapon has very high accuracy, making it easy to hit targets, and can cause the enemy bugs to stagger quite a bit, breaking down their advance. Coupled with that, it also comes with a high firing rate.

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The MK3 Saw can carry a lot of ammo with 2 mags each carrying 150 rounds of ammunition. Players using the hunter class and the operator class can use this weapon since they both can move around on the battlefield and fight in close quarters against the bugs. An extra mag can be acquired when using the Magazine Bandolier perk in battle.

3 Morita MK1

morita mk1

The Morita MK1 is one of the more popular weapons from the Starship Troopers movies. This weapon, like the MK3 Carbine, is built for players who enjoy fighting the Arachnid bugs in close quarters. It's ideal for spraying the bugs with bullets, holding down defensive positions, and disrupting the enemy’s advancing frontline.

This Morita MK1 has a quick reload and a high fire rate, although the damage it deals to the enemy is the least of all the primary weapons in the game. The weapon shells out a lot of bullets to complement the little damage it dishes to the bugs. Players can attach a grenade launcher to it to increase the effective damage it can deal.

2 TW 202-L Morita Hawkeye


The Morita Hawkeye is a semi-automatic scouting and sniper rifle that is suitable for players that prefer fighting from a distance and excel in support roles. As a sniper rifle, it is incredibly accurate and players can zoom in on the Arachnids using the Hawkeye’s Scope. The operator and bastion classes can use it to mop up the battlefield by sniping Arachnids from afar, therefore supporting the assault teams.

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If killing bugs from range and vantage points sounds appealing, then this is the perfect weapon choice. Each shot from the Morita Hawkeye causes serious damage and high staggering. This weapon has a relatively modest firing rate and carries 2 mags with 15 rounds each. Players can gain 50% more ammo if they use this rifle with the Extendable magazine perk which increases the mag size of a weapon.

1 C-32 Chi-Hong Grenade Launcher

rocket launcher

The C-32 Chi-Hong Grenade Launcher is the best of the primary weapons so far. This grenade launcher offers players elite protection as it has a wide attack range that deals a lot of damage to the Arachnids. Players will gain access to this weapon when they reach level 20 in the game. This revolver-style grenade launcher fires highly effective explosives into enemy hordes and wreaks havoc.

It has a moderate firing rate and can instantly stun the bugs, temporarily allowing players and their allies to finish them off. The weapon is ideal for both defensive and offensive missions, as players can target clusters of bugs attacking the defensive perimeters of their bases. They can also effectively strike down hordes attacking the assault team with the long-range capability this grenade launcher comes with.

Starship Troopers: Extermination is currently only available on PC.

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