Fans of cult classic Starship Troopers can finally become a part of the Deep Space Vanguard to defeat the Bug menace that threatens humanity. Arming players with Bug-busting weapons and unique base-building mechanics, Starship Troopers: Extermination is an adrenaline-packed multiplayer experience that properly simulates the intensity of Starship Troopers.

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However, players who want to become Earth’s best defenders must maximize what their Classes offer to defeat the Bugs once and for all in Starship Troopers: Extermination. Taking the form of unique Class Perks, here are some must-have upgrades players should secure for their Class as soon as possible:

9 Hardened Ceramic Plates (Bastion 4)

Hardened Ceramic Plates on a Bastion

Unique to the Bastion in Starship Troopers: Extermination gameplay is the Hardened Ceramic Plates that halve all incoming damage from ranged Bug attacks. This straightforward Perk may be one of the most valuable abilities in a player’s arsenal, especially with how deadly Bugs can get at the onset of a match.

Given how most Bug types can dish out a ranged attack to the players, having some degree of protection against them ensures tanky Bastions in a player’s team can adjust to these attacks accordingly. Now that the Bug’s ranged attack has informed the players that they’re in the effective range of that particular creature, the soldiers can either disengage to find cover or try to eliminate this threat as soon as possible.

8 Pain Boosters (Hunter 4, Operator 12)

Units in combat in Starship Troopers Extermination

While a speed boost seems mediocre for an in-game Perk, Starship Troopers: Extermination gameplay takes a page out of Bangalore in Apex Legends to show how a short burst of movement can save players from impending doom. Taking the form of Pain Boosters, players who have this get a short 1.5x boost to their movement speed upon taking damage. Although simple at first, this buff gives many options for players on the field.

During exploration, the sudden movement boost is an instant alarm for an impending enemy assault and can give players time to reposition or retreat. Likewise, taking damage in combat means enemies are within a player’s range and should give players time to take cover or move back to base.

7 Bloodlust (Hunter 10)

Engaging enemies in combat in Starship Troopers Extermination

Each playable Class in Starship Troopers: Extermination has a Perk that “highlights” their gameplay theme, and Bloodlust does this for the Hunter. When taken, Bloodlust gives back Health to the Hunter whenever they make a successful melee hit. Although this seems like a simple lifesteal mechanic, the horde mentality of Bugs in the Starship Troopers title can make Bloodlust a nifty survival tool.

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Compared to the rest of the Classes, the Hunter is the most aggressive with their setup. While this gives them the most violent (and fun!) gameplay loop, one wrong move like reloading in the open or being caught by surprise can easily overwhelm the Hunter to submission. Thanks to Bloodlust, ordinary melee attacks can greatly boost the Hunter’s overall survivability.

6 Powered-Up Build Tool (Operator 4, Bastion 15)

Activating a building in Starship Troopers Extermination

Base-building is as important as fighting Bugs in Starship Troopers: Extermination. After all, a Bug assault can overwhelm teams that don’t have enough defenses and resources to fall back into. In that regard, quickly building a base as soon as possible becomes a priority in most matches, especially since this ensures a fallback position should players need a slower pace to level up or plan their next move.

For players who want a more cohesive Extermination experience, Powered-Up Build Tool is one of the best Perks to get as soon as possible. The iteration of this tool for both the Operator and Bastion boosts Build and Repair speed, although this is doubled at Bastion 15. Considering the heavy multiplayer focus of Extermination, designated builders should get Powered-Up Build Tool as soon as possible, with sub-builders only getting this Perk for the additional assist.

5 Utility Satchel (Operator 20)

A Utility in Starship Troopers Extermination

Perhaps the crux of an Operator’s kit in Starship Troopers: Extermination is the Utility Satchel, which makes them the best Class regarding flexibility. Compared to their combat-heavy counterparts, the Operator shines in the myriad of support options they provide the team. On top of their game-changing Canister Slot and Medical UAV abilities, their access to an extra round of Utility via Utility Satchel can help boost the team’s overall survivability.

Considering how some Extermination Utilities like the Heal Beacon (heals per set time in an AOE), First Aid Stim, and Medical Station (heals instantly) can change the tide of a losing battle, having extra uses of these Perks can prolong a team’s stay in the field.

4 Magazine Bandolier (Bastion 7, Operator 7)

Aiming in Starship Troopers Extermination

Similar to other FPS titles, players of Starship Troopers: Extermination can only carry a certain number of bullets with their weapons in a match. With Magazine Bandolier, they get more maximum ammunition depending on their weapon types: +2 to Pistol/Rifle Mags, and +1 to Machine Gun and Marksman Rifle Mags.

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Considering the intensity of fights between players and the relentless number of Bugs, the additional Mags can become invaluable to a team’s survival effort. The extra chance of reloading can spell the difference between life and death for soldiers who want to reach for cover or the safety of their base.

3 Extended Magazines (Operator 15, Bastion 20)

Reloading in Starship Troopers Extermination

On top of the total maximum rounds in a set of Mags, increasing Mag size is another priority FPS players should invest in the aggressive gameplay of Starship Troopers: Extermination. Taking the form of Extended Magazines, this gives players more bang for the buck as they get a 50-percent boost to their Magazine size.

Attainable close to the endgame, Extended Magazines seems like an ordinary Extermination weapons upgrade to be positioned this far into the gameplay experience. However, considering the survival game slant of Extermination, being able to grab more bullets can be a godsend for players who just need that extra firepower to kill a Bug or provide cover for teammates who want to rush back to camp.

2 Synthetic Underarmor (Bastion 10, Hunter 16)

An armored Bastion behind cover

In Starship Troopers: Extermination, Synthetic Underarmor is among the most underappreciated Perks available to Classes. At first glance, Synthetic Underarmor and its ability to halve incoming melee attacks from Bugs aren’t always helpful in combat, especially since the enemies don’t always get close to players.

However, this Perk’s role as a contingency makes it a lifesaver. Since the Bugs operate on pack tactics, they rarely act alone in matches. As soon as they’re able to dish out melee damage to players, it’s likely that a group of Bugs is already on its way to attack the player team. By then, players may not have the chance to escape their relentless attacks; however, with Synthetic Underarmor, players may be able to tank some damage while they retreat for cover.

1 Improved Grenade Cooldown (Operator 10, Hunter 12, Bastion 18)

Using a Grenade

FPS fans know that a game like Starship Troopers: Extermination that features many mobs can rely on the good ol’ Grenade for decent AOE burst damage. And with Extermination offering a myriad of Grenade types to fit different gameplay styles, accessing Grenades as a way of busting through many Bugs is a convenience most players can enjoy.

In that regard, Improved Grenade Cooldown is a must-have Perk for players who want to maximize their stay on the battlefield. Being able to whip out a Grenade much faster than the opponent can strike means players can dish out more damage and waste less time on the battlefield. That way, players always have a means of attacking foes even when reloading all their weapons, and basic fire with their go-to Primaries and Secondaries can also quickly recharge their Grenades.

Starship Troopers: Extermination was released in May 2023 for the PC. The game is in early access.

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