Every series within the Stargate franchise had a cast of entertaining characters, including alien warriors, wisecracking colonels, and overworked experts. These characters were the front line of intergalactic exploration, whether they were based on Earth or a distant part of the universe. They engaged in missions that were often deadly, meaning that they had to rely on one another to succeed or even just survive.

These pioneering missions led to the formation of deep friendships, bonds that endured through separation, time, and occasionally death. There were precious few people who understood the rigors of classified space travel, making those who utilized the Stargate dependent on each other for emotional support. Some relationships lasted for decades, and others had the potential to last well beyond that. The Stargates facilitated travel to other planets, but more importantly, it helped build the best friendships.

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General Jack O’Neill & Dr. Daniel Jackson

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The most iconic duo of the entire Stargate canon is Jack O’Neill and Daniel Jackson, who made their debut in the original Stargate feature film. Their first meeting was contentious, the clash of the archetypal military man and excitable academic. In Stargate SG-1 and its following series, the pair developed a sincere brotherhood, with Daniel becoming the closest thing Jack has to a best friend – in his own words. Their arguments on ethics, strategy and sanity are infamous, and they have acted as grounding forces for each other in times of crisis. Stargate truly wouldn’t be the same without the frequent back-and-forth, or the loyalty between the characters that launched the Stargate program.

Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay & Lt. Col. John Sheppard

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Some best friendships are just one endless argument, which is what McKay and Sheppard’s relationship seemed to be in Stargate Atlantis. McKay was a scientist whose only intellectual superior was Samantha Carter, and he had an arrogant personality to match his credentials. Where he was high-strung, Sheppard was consistently laid-back, only activated in times of genuine disaster. The pair of them spent five seasons sniping at one another, their banter providing a great deal of levity for the show. Yet when things turned dire, they were the first up to bat for each other, showing that their bond ran deeper than that of most mere co-workers.

Lt. Matthew Scott & Eli Wallace

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While trapped aboard the Destiny, the pre-programmed Ancient ship central to Stargate Universe, Scott and Eli developed a heart-warming bond. Scott was an officer ordered to guide Eli and his fellow civilians around Icarus Base before the flight of the Destiny, and after their first meeting, they created a natural rapport. Scott acted in a big brother role for Eli, particularly after they got lost in space along with the rest of the Destiny’s crew. Eli relied on Scott’s confidence, while Scott went to Eli first if he needed help solving a problem. Even through a messy love triangle with Chloe Armstrong, their brotherly bond stayed strong.

Col. Cameron Mitchell & Vala Mal Doran

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After the departure of General O’Neill from the SG-1 team, it fell to Mitchell to reunite the original squad – and bring in some new faces, if need be. Vala was a scheming pirate who was definitely not on Mitchell’s list of ideal additions to his team, but her connection to the Ori and her street smarts made her necessary. Over the final seasons and sequel movies, Mitchell and Vala bonded as the two newbies to an established friend group. Mitchell brought her to his high school reunion, and chased Vala down after she lost her memory. The cast members are known for portraying lovers on the show Farscape, but in Stargate SG-1, they used that chemistry to create a powerful friendship.

Col. Samantha Carter & Maj. Janet Fraiser

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As two of the only women in the early days of the Stargate program, Carter and Fraiser became very close. Carter was SG-1’s expert in astrophysics and engineering, while Fraiser was the Chief Medical Officer of the Stargate Command base. Their areas of expertise often overlapped, as SG-1’s missions led to injured or sick teammates, alien infections, and team members' altered physiology. Their bond became stronger after Fraiser adopted Cassandra, a young girl from a foreign planet who survived the extinction of her people. Carter acted in the role of an aunt to Cassandra, and took on the responsibility of caring for her after Fraiser’s untimely death in season 7 of the show.

Teal’c & Bra’tac

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Teal’c spent most of his childhood being trained by Bra’tac, who taught him not only the ways of a Jaffa warrior, but also how to trust his own mind above the will of the gods. Both Bra’tac and Teal’c grew up in the shadow of Apophis and the other System Lords, Goa’uld who enslaved the Jaffa people. It was through Bra’tac’s instruction that Teal’c found the courage to rebel against Apophis, and to help form a Jaffa revolution against his rule. Bra’tac aided Teal’c and his team countless times throughout Stargate SG-1, and sheltered Teal’c’s son Rya’c while he was away on missions. They were bonded as best friends and brothers, as well as father and son.

In every series, the characters fall into teams that create profoundly strong relationships through their work. Jack O’Neill had the unquestioning loyalty of Carter and Teal’c, Carter had a wonderful rapport with Mitchell, Sheppard and Ronon spent every spare moment together, and Hammond, Landry, and Weir had great affection for the people under their command. Those bonds and many more were the main reason the shows and movies brought audiences back again and again.

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