Starfield continues to be one of the most anticipated games of the year. Due to launch in the first half of 2023, Starfield aims to embrace the mechanics of classic RPGs and lets players journey among the stars with as much agency as possible. Its story is meant to pose and answer philosophical questions about humanity's place in space, what's out there, and what's next. With a deep dive event to arrive sometime after the Xbox and Bethesda Developer Direct Livestream on January 25, hopefully, more key elements will be revealed regarding Starfield.

The first new IP for Bethesda in 25 years, Starfield takes players to the Settled Systems in 2330, roughly 50 light-years from Earth, following a Colony War between the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective, which now exists in a Cold War state. The player will start the game by joining Constellation, a group described as the last space explorers. Director and Executive Producer at Bethesda Game Studios, Todd Howard, proudly describes Starfield as its most ambitious project.

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Why More Gameplay Footage Could be Used to Define Expectations For Starfield

Starfield Crashed Ship and Player

First and foremost, it would make the most sense to provide players with more gameplay footage. With comparisons being made to No Man's Sky following the gameplay trailer in June 2022, Starfield needs to show players what distinguishes this game from any other and why fans should play it. Bethesda has done a great job highlighting the concept art and style that's gone into the game's looks, feels, and aesthetic. More gameplay mechanics should be shown in their footage, however, this time highlighting combat and exploration.

Howard has mentioned that there are over 1,000 planets to explore in the game. Still, more information about the type of exploration that can occur should be highlighted. If many are barren and primarily used for resources, it may worry players that there won't be enough diversity regarding planet types and things to do. And while combat has been shown briefly for space and on foot, a more comprehensible dive into the types of weapons, defenses, mods, and technology may help further distinguish Starfield and its unique ideas.

Starfield's Deep Ship and Flight Mechanics Are Mostly Still a Mystery

Starfield Mass Effect 4 Outer Worlds Ships

One element that caused excitement for Starfield was that players could design their spaceships from the ground up, with oversight into every detail from granular to large-scale. Previously, players could see this with readings for Hull, Shield, Cargo, Crew, Jump Range, Mobility, Top Speed, and Mass for what appears to be the front cockpit of the ship, for example. Other parts, such as the engine, fuel tanks, landers, and reactors, are listed with corresponding readings relative to the part, such as fuel and energy. When customizing and building ships in Starfield, each piece can be bought or made with lists of manufacturers and corporations that sell the components and parts.

Bethesda claimed that there previously was a need to fuel the ships and that to capture the sense of realism, players could become stranded in space if they ran out. While removing this mechanic has made for a better gameplay experience, other details that involve what it means to pilot ships should be discussed. For example, players may wonder if they can build fighters, shuttles, haulers, and different variants for unique purposes. Lastly, with limited ship-to-ship combat shown, a deep dive into how space combat, physics, and ship mechanics work and if it would change for different enemy types.

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Bethesda Should Discuss Plans for Multiplayer Modes or Games for Starfield

Starfield Starship Pirate Fight

While Starfield hasn't officially been listed as a single-player RPG, in 2020, Howard stated that despite learning from The Elder Scrolls Online and Fallout 76, Starfield would be single-player. However, no further statements have been made in the last two years, keeping the question relevant albeit smaller. Bethesda's former RPGs have been single-player, but with the scope for Starfield being as wide as it is, with so many planets and space to explore, fans wonder if multiplayer mode or individual game may come.

It would be interesting to see a Starfield PvP mode for racing ships in contests, in-game sporting events, or arenas, to even at different players' outposts and settlements. These elements have been seen in No Man's Sky, where its community often showcases bases built for racing the game's Exocrafts with craftable base parts. Many players use the dead biome planets for their low gravity to enhance the aspects of the race. Horizon Forbidden West integrated the Gauntlet Races, where players could stun, hit, and trip enemies. Numerous games allow these mechanics with such detailed customization options.

The consequences and choices that could follow into multiplayer modes or a future online game could create numerous scenarios for Starfield's choice-driven roleplaying experience. For example, with varying systems of weapons, engines, shields, and drives that can be built, each government, faction, corporation, or outlaw group may have an arsenal range that can't be obtained anywhere else, leading to more diversified ship designs, weapons systems, and customizations. This would lead players to focus on groups that best represent their offensive and defensive methodologies.

Starfield's Release Date and Pre-Order Information

Starfield Man and Girl and Cat

Starfield was initially scheduled for November 2022 before being postponed to the first half of 2023, where it's remained. Starfield and Redfall may set up Xbox for greatness or disappointment in 2023, and it seems that the former will release after the latter. Additional reports have indicated Redfall may target an early May release, but fans will most likely get confirmation of this at the Xbox & Bethesda Developer Direct Livestream on January 25, 2023.

Pre-Order information may become available, including what comes in Standard, Deluxe, and Collectors Editions. Starfield is not only the first new IP for Bethesda in 25 years, but it also promises to be a deep, meaningful experience for players to ponder their story and the story of humanity in the stars – exploring what comes next and what's out there. It's certainly ambitious, and so is Bethesda's pride in the game. So it makes sense to see a Collector's Edition with a hefty collectible as something unique for its fans and supporters.

Starfield releases in H1 2023 for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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