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The amount of unique materials, resources, industrial supplies, credits, and above all...time that players will need to find in order to fully immerse themselves in Starfield's various crafting systems is pretty daunting. There have to be over 200+ different items players can pick up or interact with in almost every room (or at least it feels that way), from Markers to Uranium.

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But resources, in particular, refer to minerals, compounds, and other 'scientific' items that players will use in Starfield for a variety of different purposes. These purposes include research projects, Outpost buildings, and crafting certain Mods of all different types. Biosuppresants, in particular, can be hard for players to find reliably, so let's go over exactly where this resource is obtained.

Where To Find Biosuppresants

Starfield - Buying Biosuppresants

While all the 'ironclad' methods of obtaining each and every resource in Starfield haven't been fully unearthed yet by the player base, some general methods have absolutely been discovered. These methods are:



Buying From City Vendors

Basically landing on a populated planet's city, finding the right NPC Merchant, and buying Biosuppresants from them.

Trading With Other Spaceships

While in Orbit of a planet, use the 'Hail' function to contact other nearby ships to see if they're carrying Biosuppresants to buy.

Looting Around Randomly

Happening to find Biosuppresants while looting around any given area.

Of course, each of these methods has pros and cons for using them, though the method of 'Buying from City Vendors' is the most reliable on average.

Vendors In Different Cities

Starfield - Interacting With Multiple NPCs That Sell Biosuppresants

While the gear that certain Vendors offer, especially when they refresh their stock (every 24-48 UT hours) can vary from person to person, there are a couple that seem to carry Biosuppresants pretty often. Not only that, but these Vendors that are spread across Starfield's many beautiful cities also usually carry a pretty wide variety of different resources of all different rarities, so they're worth checking out in general. In any case, these Vendors are:

Store Name

NPC Name

Planet Name

City Name

Jemison Mercantile

Amoli Bava


New Atlantis

UC Distribution

Wen Tseng


New Atlantis (Commercial District)

UC Exchange

Denis Averin



Again, it's not a 100 percent guarantee that these Vendors will be carrying Biosuppresants, but there's a very high chance. And, once players buy it all out, they can simply go sleep in their ship for a day or two and come check back again to see if that Vendor has any more in their new stock.

Trading With Other Spaceships

Starfield - Buying Biosuppressants From a Trading Ship

Players often forget that they can talk to, get information from, raid, and trade with all the different ships warping in and out (or just hanging around) a planet's orbit. However, this is also actually a fantastic way to gather a lot of different resources, Biosuppresants included. Atlas Trading Ships seem to be the best bet overall, but players can try talking to every category of spaceship (except GalBank ships) to see if they're carrying any Biosuppresants.

While this method is a bit more of a dice roll, ships seem to carry items in the resources or miscellaneous categories much more often than any other category, so the chances of Biosuppresants popping up are actually relatively high. Also, when ships have this item in stock, they tend to have a good chunk more of it than any city-side Vendor has, on average.

Random Lootable Containers

Starfield - Looting From A Random Dead Alien

Lastly, and most obviously, players can find Biosuppresant while exploring out in the starfields of, well, Starfield. While resources like Biosuppressants or Amino Acids seem to pop up a lot less in random cabinets or crates that players can loot, that doesn't mean they won't ever show up. Additionally, players can try to look for mining operations or research labs in particular on each planet's surface, as those locations seem to offer more minerals and compounds respectively, though this hasn't been 100 percent confirmed.

Where Biosuppresants Are Even Used

Starfield - Looking At The Pack Mods at The Spacesuit Workbench

Sadly, in comparison to a lot of other minerals and compounds that are overused in Starfield (such as Tungsten and Adhesive), Biosuppresants aren't used in all that many Research Projects or other Workbench facilities. So far, players have only found this item as part of the recipes for:



Pre-Requisite Skill or Research

Hazard Protection

Pack Mod

Pack Mods 3

Pack Mods 3

Research Project

Spacesuit Design 3

All that said, the Pack Mods 3 Research being completed makes a huge difference for the more Science-based player builds and the Hazard Protection Pack Mod does a lot for making the more extreme planets a bit more bearable to explore.

Starfield is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S

MORE: Starfield: All Player Homes