
  • Sell common resources, materials, and food items to lighten your inventory and earn credits in Starfield . They don't offer much value and take up space.
  • Hunt alien creatures for organic resources and sell them to Noel for a profit in Starfield . It's a lucrative venture across the galaxy.
  • Selling ships, whether stolen or found, can be a great way to earn credits in Starfield. Use the money to maintain and upgrade your own ship or sell it as mission rewards.

The galaxy is filled with all manners of junk and treasures for players to find in Starfield. The best thing to do with these items is to load them onboard a spaceship, and head to the nearest vendor in Starfield to get a bundle of credits. There are some items players should always sell, just to clean out the inventory and get paid for doing so. It’s a good idea, and can see players earn some great Credits to spend on better items.

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To save the player’s inventory from a mess of clutter, it’s best to keep note of what items to sell in Starfield. Each vendor can take pride in knowing they have helped lighten the load of the Starfield player, and given them some Credits to be on their way for passing some valuables, and useless trash without using console commands.

6 Common Resources

water resource

Inside many habitats, caves, and areas populated by humanity, players will find all manners of junk lying around. One of these less popular items is Common Resources. They can be found in a variety of different areas, all with their own unique and detailed models. However, despite the impressive work of their design, they are not worth keeping.

Some Common Resources take up far too much space in the inventory to warrant keeping and considering they do not offer much other than common crafting resources for the worst mods in Starfield for weapons and spacesuits, it’s best to unload these at the nearest vendor. Players can even hold more of these items if they bring a companion or spouse as a pack mule.

5 Common Materials

iron material

Much like common resources, common materials can truly be found anywhere in the galaxy. As players drop by a new planet or moon, they will be able to scan the area and use their cutter tool on any metals and materials that they find. Some common material that players will likely stumble across is iron, which doesn’t serve much use.

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Hoarding plenty of materials is not a good idea, as it will slow players down and make their carry capacity reach its maximum. It’s a good idea to find a use for these materials outside crafting and to instead sell them off for a decent price for the hard work of mining, reminiscent of the player's first job from the very first Starfield mission.

4 Organic Resources

noel at the lodge

When players make their way to Constellation, which can be found in New Atlantis at the Lodge, they can interact with Noel, a character who wants to purchase organic resources for her research. Organic resources are a common item in Starfield, and even better, players can find many organic resources when fighting alien creatures, hostile or passive. Many planets are filled with alien creatures that players can destroy for their resources.

After killing enough of them, and holding onto enough tissue and bile, players can head back to Noel and find themselves netting a pretty profit from the fact that they went across the galaxy killing giant space beasts with the intention of getting paid.

3 Food

chunks cheesesteak packaged

Aid is important in Starfield, and players will want to stock up on plenty of Affliction cures and Med Packs so that they won’t be killed and left in the dark abyss of space. However, a common aid item that players will find is food. The food models are extremely impressive and detailed, including the skin of an onion. However, as nice as it is to marvel at these graphics, it’s not worth keeping them.

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Food heals for far less than a Med Pack would, and they can take up some pretty big spots in the inventory of the player. It’s a good idea to sell food that players pick up. That is if they haven’t devoured it all first to try and heal themselves in battle.

2 Antique Earth Items

old earth baseball

By the time Starfield comes to the hands of the players, it’s year 2300. Humanity had to abandon Earth many years ago, as it became uninhabitable. Therefore, many of Earth’s items are actually antiques, and players can find antique Earth items that will provide them with a grand item to give to vendors. They’re lightweight, worth a lot of Credits, and fairly simple to find.

Players should definitely scavenge for antique Earth items, whether they are hockey sticks, baseballs, or other items that will be stuffed into the pockets of the player as they haul this cargo off to a vendor in order to sell them.

1 Inferior Ships

wendigo class ship stats

Perhaps the best way to get Credits in Starfield involves ships. These are the lifeline of space travel, and exploring the galaxy isn’t possible without them. Luckily for the player, they are given the Frontier as their first ship, but any other ship that they find, or steal, can be sold for a great deal of money.

Maintaining and upgrading a ship can be expensive, and selling it can net the player a good profit. For the pirates out there, dock and board ships to steal it and sell it off. For the players that like their morally good side, they can board Crimson Fleet ships instead, or just sell ships they find as mission rewards.

Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: Starfield: Things to Do First